Dear My Younger Self

Oh, dear, younger self,
do not fill your days with worry
and your time with Bad Boys’ boozy promises; they lead to broken illusions.

Oh, dear, slightly older self,
enjoy all that you’ve been given instead of seeing that which you lack.

Oh, dear, how did I get to be X years old self,
smile. Laugh. Forget the pain and remember the curiosity, the fun, you new lease on life. Life begins at X.

Oh, dear, older self,
learn to be proud of sagacity. Wrinkles are jokes shared. You’ve just done a whole lot of chuckling.
Find another younger lover to remind you that your tummy is a perfect pillow and not fat at all.
Share your wisdom with those versions of blonde=haired, scared girls who are mimicking your mistakes.
Thank your friends and family and start new habits.
Know that all is going to turn out just fine and fretting never helps.

Oh, dear, dear me. Thanks for always being there.

The win…

The line was drawn
People have won

Now is the time
When one moved on..

It was difficult to go through
Still life goes on..

To win is not the victory
Sometimes loosing does the trick..

The Uncomplicated Fellow

The sinewy, exceptional sportsman, a rowdy monarch burst with pleasure, “Squeeze! Fascinate!”

His ecstatic, eccentric repartee seductive, brilliant, acknowledged and cherished.

Be forgotten that unconventional expedition! And perceive additional luxury.

7 pm Poem

Happy thoughts have flooded my mind
I think that I’m becoming blind
To the good in anyone but you.
At this I’m still kind of new
I’m not used to being so alive
All I’ve ever done is survive.

double jeopardy

children taste the sweetest
the way I lure them in
with just the very idea of appeal
they prefer their own ideas
swimming in pink imaginations
I do not ask them questions
I give them answers
and they learn how to ask
midnights are double jeopardy
hanging shoes off of telephone wires
last week I became life without a curfew
I am shaped like tally marks
and stain like wine in infomercials

i go beneath the clothes
and carpet
i am worn,
and walked on
despite the alternating surfaces
i sizzle
and ask the fire alarms
if they are happy
to see me




(This is also part of the Addictions series. this one is from the perception of the addiction – the drug/food/alcohol whatever it may be)

mental games

some people don’t play mental games. they play tetris, maybe walk the dog at the same time on the hour of every single day that they wake up and they’re breathing and they’re okay. some people play chess. because they want something to change but they know that no one can ever do anything about it they can try and they can train and they can watch every single move and match it all up just right and never know what it feels like to lose. but then they stand 3 inches from someone on the bus and they lose control of the equations. Some people use emotion. They use it to take out the trash, park the car, drive to the mall or laundry mat, nearest 711and they hope that they won’t ever have to feel the uneven road or the murky-water draining down the gutter. they know what it is they don’t want to feel and they make sure to never have to.

New Rules- and Old

Wiccan lore is simple:

‘And harm ye none, do as ye will.’

Think of the reams of legal paper that would be saved,

If everyone just did that.

It would also engender common sense-

Something that is currently lost to carrot and stick mentality.