Dear Leeloo

Dear Leeloo,

I know you’re happy at The Rainbow Bridge.
Did you greet Galahad, when he he got there?
I’m sure he was looking for you,
You know how he is, always so scared.

I miss you more than I can say.
Your sweet laughing face, always ready to play.
I know you have made other friends there, as well.
Buli and Walker, both as sweet as you are,
They’ll be waiting with you,
For the rest of us to get there.

Don’t worry about me, I’m not alone.
I have Lara with me, to keep me at home.
Before you know it, we’ll be together once more
And there will be walks and treats,
And cuddles galore.

Be good, sweety…
I know you always are.
And we’ll be together again,
And never again apart.


© 2014 D. Edward Croy

#7, Sin City

The pavement is rough under my knees, scrapping them into a bloody pulp. But I don’t feel it. I only feel the rush.

I feel my heart pounding in my chest like a runaway train. Fingers knotted in my hair and pulling, it must be painful, but right now it’s making the blood roar in my ears.

It is rough and quick. Pounding. Pushing. Panting and growling like fucking dogs. Later we will lick our wounds clean. There is nothing pretty about tonight. I am consumed by pain and pleasure. Into the night we hide ourselves away, but not enough. Flashlights illuminate bare skin, steal our pleasure, replace it with a different rush. Run! Don’t get caught!

Laughing into the night our hearts sing.

waterfall that day

she doesn’t give the plants
carbon dioxide
she gives them art
and an apology
she’s incredibly useful,
but never doing the
supposed-to-do of things
she’s the kind to ask people to
bring ponchos to parties
instead of potato chips,
in case she’s a waterfall that day
she would shrug it off to her
or her ex-boyfriends
drawing incomplete circles
instead of their bodies
because it was
all the same thing, to her
she ties ribbons onto
a tree trunk
so it doesn’t forget
she climbed it
and clipped a few branches
and made pencils
out of them
she pulled the lead
out of a lover,
she wasn’t a waterfall that day
but maybe still
things could drown because of her.



Walk Alone

Hour 7 – 12:00 PM


I’m a walking legend.

Ive been apprehensive to let you in.

I’m troubleshooting the universe to let us win.

Without a vision there is no tomorrow.

We can’t sustain if were forced to swim.

Let alone walk, were already trolls.

A mind altering nation is in control.

– J.C.  ©

A Letter to Jane

Dear Jane,

How are you doing cousin?

You’re often on my mind.

Love for us turned out awesome.

We both have the greatest guys.

I’m not sure if I ever told you

But you’re more than a cousin to me;

You’re a sister and a special friend.

A gift from God in my life’s history.

I know we aren’t blood-related

But I want to make this clear;

You’re my cousin, my sister and friend

My heart forever holds you dear.



Dear Beauty

Dear Beauty, why must you behave so immodestly?

I heard last week another tale and honestly

You are lavishly sumptuous and unashamed

Of being ridiculously untamed

You and I, Beauty, are not so same

Yet I write another letter, as you live in fame

You will not last forever, all material shall end

And you will be left with no friend

Now now, fear not though young one

For I shall add, you are always young and won

Beauty, you are more than material, more than visible

I write these letters to tell you of your invisible

Dear beauty, you may just justify your immodesty

Say you may be accused falsely

Say I have had grudges of my own

But for all I have known

You are loved yet you are not forever, not everything ‘

It is another matter, your praises that they sing




let him wait

i let him wait

through early morning

and the softly fallen dew

through the afternoon and

the lazy day too

i let him want

through the evening

and then morning again

let him wait

let him wait

let him wait

not have a slice

or sample or piece.

let him wait

grow full of liquid love

blossom blue

burn and stagger for skin

sound the secret shower

running like summer wind.

Cat Poem 5

Cat is holding my book

My poems in his grasp

My attention sought

He won’t just ask


His paws reach far

Claws in or out?

My work doesn’t matter

He won’t care if I pout


Literary kitty

Sleeps on pen and books

Slaps at my words

Gives me a smirk


Wonder if he dreams

Of putting paper to pen

But he just sleeps on my book

In his world of Cat Zen


As he slashes my hand

Sleeps on my verse

I won’t take his comments

As something perverse


A cat’s poem is his life

Its his job to ignore

His mission is to play

His demeanor to be bored


My toughest critic

Will never be won

He will get in my way

And add to the fun