No Dearth of Death

Birds diving
catch my eye.
towards my window
from the sky.

What pulls them
like a magnet there?
To their demise
Is it fear?

I try to watch,
but look aside
can’t help but care.

I wonder at the
news today
bombings, killings
lives are sheared

And why it happens
who’s to gain?
While birds slam
into reflections.


Set fire on my soul

I wish you’d look at me and sway.

Shiver from the very core of your spine.

Feeble heart, trembling with

the very thought

of loosing you.

Dearest Heart

Dear my heart
All this worldly fanfare is not for me
I am all alone in this festivity
I don not want to stay
where I feel restless

No one understands my pain
Every one is obsessed with self interest
There is no point sharing my grief
in an unknown place

My sad heart, listen to me
I dont want to stay
where I feel restless..

Truly yours ..


Seema Sahoo – ©

Consequences Poem 6



I have held my heart

Up and out of my body

For the whole world to see

I have tried to give it

Easily, Coyly

At a distance

I have given it gladly

Had it stolen away

I seem to grow another

Too easily perhaps

My hearts span the globe

carried by people who didn’t want them

Abused them, used them

Didn’t care about them but took them anyway

Taken by people with kind smiles

Hiding bitter souls

Neglecting their promises

Seems my hearts were never given

To the deserving

Or the righteous

They were given to the the ones

Who stabbed my back

And pierced my dignity

My hearts are scattered

Dashed, betrayed

Sacked, pillaged

Taken away

Guess They

Must have needed them

For something

This ones with me..

The dark night
Full of light

The moon shines
Too much bright

Maybe he is smiling wide
As I reach to all new heights

My face feels a cool breeze
It tells me I wont freeze

Though its dark
But light is with me

I will reach my destination
As the fight is with me


While strategically placing my lipstick, I caught a glance of the clock. Its 2:29. Damn that brings me back to the times…..

Remember how you would hold my face in your hands when we kissed? Do you remember how I would sing to you or play fight you when I was pissed? I cant believe how much of our dysfunction I miss…..

Or wait, what about the times you would talk in your sleep?  We would laugh forever! When did forever, become never? Were we really that weak?

I know you really remember how you stopped returning my calls. We barely would see one another, you made me feel so small……..

2:30. So glad that minute has passed. While the pain is still real, the healing is vast. A couple swipes of mascara, just enough to define. Grabbing my purse I step out the door, turn and look behind….”To hell with the time 2:29″

3 PM

The pen in my hand

the clock on the wall.

Can the pen write fast enough

before time passes?

Ideas swarm in my head

words reach out.

Some land on the page

others fly on by.

When the right ones get together

a poem may be born.

Dear You Never Were To Me

And yet
I languish in a land of unforget
That will insist I set aside
More than a passing blink of clock
Or swell of tide
In sentimental debt
When I hear your name,
And raise a private glass
To the carrion of regret.

Dear Cousin:

When we were young,
we were so close.
Societal conventions,
keeping us… from
crossing that line.

I always felt
safe around you.
The big brother,
I never had
Protecting me from harm.

Now; your quirks,
Having become a fanaticism,
I do not understand.
You follow me online,
Attacking my character.

I try to ignore.
Sometimes I succeed.
Sometimes I don’t.
My heart hurt,
I can’t help but wonder:

What happened to my hero?


For Kurt

I wait

I wait for you to


But instead you say


Come as you are as you were

Can you feel my love buzz

I wait.

I wait for you

But you scream stay away

Come as you are as you were

I’m waiting
