Drifting in Dark water



Lost on a Black River

The water is so dark and erry

Feel the vampire bites of the river mosquitoes

on your hands and feet

Death seems to be in the air, as the trees sway in the breeze

The moon lits the river banks

As the boat drifts slowly along

Shadows cast a spooky feel

Nothing to do but wait until day breaks

If no one comes to rescue you

Then the final thought is doom


Look ahead its the crocodiles lair

Oh!! what will be next

Hearing the sounds of the night creatures

Sends chills up your spine

Oh!! its so clear now

A final night stranded on the Black River

As death lurks in the dark waters.

The Raging and Consuming War of The Poetics

Part VI

It’s never over,
conflict –
the war fought between mind
and action;
a bird flutters helplessly
near a puddle,
should he drink before he tries to fly,
or die?
should he release his spirit to the open sky?

he dips his beak into the puddle,
the little pond of water,
a saucer of water –
a cat now lurks near his sanctuary,
suddenly his weakness becomes his final battle;
the feline approaches – crouched – slowly stepping
towards the bird;
the consuming and raging war of the poetics,

– Michellia D. Wilson 8/23/14 1:00 PM

Poem Four

Dear friend
You may be struggling
And I’m here for you
Just take my hand
And tell me everything
Cuz you might be saving my life
By telling me you trust me

for maya (dedication to maya angelou)

you were not afraid to share your dreams

to show us how to be born from the dirt

and grow tall, stretching always towards the light.

you were the sister who told her truth

leaned on oaks and let the wind carry you.

i have reveled through your words

always holding them as gospel truths

and you have never swayed me in the wrong direction.

i am wiser because of you and through you-

i learned how to let the caged bird sing.



truisms and cliché:

brother of sleep,
our common fate,
(be not proud);
no one here gets out alive.

Death 1 PM

the end

that’s it

gone forever

remembered maybe?

By whom

and why?

Did I do something great

or even good?

What does it take

to be remembered?

Is it how I laughed

or my crooked smile

Or my stubborness

about never giving up.


I got a letter today.


it was simply a short text

(because you know that times have changed).

It said,

“How are you?”

I smiled.

“I’m fine (now). How about you?”

Turning pages..

Today while turning through the pages
I met myself in all those stages

There were times when I had fights
Just to find out what was right

They were the times when I was fearless
my mom always said that I became careless

The times have changed
As I fear and stay quiet

But now I can’t sleep at night…