5. tanka 2

tomatoes redgold

the bite of licorice basil

garlic warmed in oil

this the food of summer

evanescent as cool air

How To Laugh- Poem #4 by Ingrid for Half Marathon

How To Laugh- Poem #4- Poetry Half Marathon by Ingrid Exner


It starts with a little grin

And slight movement of one’s chin.

Lips curl up and mouth goes down,

It’s the opposite, of a frown.


Now you have the basics here…

Oops…more instructions to be clear.

Breathing is a must you know

In and out and there you go.


Now, for the most important part,

You MUST express this with great heart.

All the joy, humour and love

Inside, out and, all above.


Painful Query

You haunt my future and sear my soul, with ominous unpleasant doings.

I don’t want to acknowledge you

But I fail to Ignore you

Do I dig in and stay for the revolution?

Or do I close my eyes and simply salt my wounds?

The page opens to snow on a field: boot holed month, black hour/ the bottle in your coat half vodka half winter light./ To what and to whom does one say yes?

Excerpt from Elegy – Carolyn Forche

Poem one

His eyes are ice
His souls is dark
He never sees me
Yet I still try
I look in to his eyes
Try finding his soul
Hoping that I will change him
But he never will


Your love unpublished

With promise

No grace

Your face

I don’t look anymore

The tapping of the piano cords

A voice I could not hear

The haunting touch

A cold kiss

The dark a shadow of U….




Love is here. I feel so happy and blissed out. Is this really my life?

Nobody is GIVING me love. No platters are being handed out with that delicious entree. It resides fully within me. And I radiate it out. Can you feel it?

I am love. Loving. Lovely.


I play under

beech trees

as if boots

kicking me

are not real.

Your laughter

jars me more

than boots.

Leprechauns peek out

from the ferns.

I can’t decipher their words,

which drop to the ground

like bark from the beech.




The hum of the refrigerator

The scratch of the dog’s claw’s on the door

Bird songs in the distance

It’s very quiet, but

There is no such thing as silence