Dream Journals

When I first started dreaming that you
never left
you still believed you hadn’t
that partial inclusion entitled you to exist entirely
and somehow the thought of you made it to the top of the stack,
every time
The dreams were warm despite
taking place in an imaginary January
because I was running from your abandonment while carrying you
the additional one hundred and twenty seven pounds of dead weight and
you pretending not to blame me, anymore
I get it
once I became the monster under your bed, and the shadow that a
nightlight makes against the hallway walls
I could never not be just that
even if I slept beside you and we painted happy adjectives on my body
Even in my faintest whimper
you still heard me roar
in the back of your head,
you knew there was no cure for rabies.

The dreams stopped being wonderlands
(although it played in the background
in low resolution)
and began to mimic bus terminals
Our sunrises began to shape themselves into yellow tinted lamps
that collect flies and mosquitoes outside of train stations and twenty
four hour convenience stores
they flicker and die every few months
I swear I’ll replace them
but I’m outgrowing the experience and all of your gifted sweaters
yarn cocoons
I wrapped myself in their knitting and you,
thinking I would come out
still yours
like that was the thing that made me beautiful
in my new dreams
we hold hands at the bus stop
you ask me what song I’m listening to,
but I wipe you off my shoes in the grass



Cat Comfort

White cats, in a cage

Brothers, quite rare.

Abandoned by their people.


Paw reaches out,

Taps me, “meow”

Take me, take me


I fall in love.


One was intended.

Two came home.

Three lives were saved.


Happily, ever after.


1,2,3,4,5: The Last Time I Saw You Alive.

  1. You’re counting the numbers on hopscotch squares:
    One two three jump, five six seven jump,
    You could never be patient enough to wait your next turn.
  2. You’re counting the minutes until we are free:
    Ten minutes, nine minutes, eight minutes, seven,
    You could never race out of that room fast enough.
  3. You’re counting the candles dripping wax on your cake,
    fourteen years, fifteen years, sixteen years old,
    You could never wait to add on another.
  4. You’re counting the miles as they spread out behind you:
    100, 200, 300 miles gone,
    You could never wait to break free of this town.
  5. I’m counting the days since they gave us the news,
    10 days, 11 days, 12 days dead,
    I wonder if you counted or if you just jumped,
    You could never work out when you ought to slow down.



i breath you

you caress me

hold me

hot or cold

every minute is you

your quality dictates mine

you send my voice far

or rip my words from my throat


i meet you

you greet me

as I pierce your skin

you negotiate my cells

plumping me make me more than dust

so we drink each other


i tread you

you uphold me

you are the grit of my teeth

as I ingest you

in all your mineral glory

you will one day eat me in my entirety


i worship you

you warm me

or beat me into blisters with you flames

without you I am form without function

slower slower until I still

mind stops all movement cease

you are my passion and I am wild with you

I am statuary without you


i acknowledge you

you laugh at my knowledge

like a toddler who realizes her cognizance

in the floating of a feather

and that memory courses through all thought

even in the null of the void

it is just me laughing at my own realizements

thats all it’s been all along


Near Dreams

Hour 2 – 7:00 AM 


A stirring of emotions

felt in the thick of my throat.

Where beneath your fear is a choice to make things clear.

When the option is left to you and your years are numbered.

You’ve got to make a choice on how you steer.

Remembering advice that was once so dear.

Let that propel you to your dreams, that are oh so near.

– J.C.  ©


What a privilege to be in the august company of poets. We paint with words! I can’t find my favorite pen but I will press on. Excited to see what poetic gems the day will produce for us all. Happy writing!

The Ballad of Meowleen the Airship Pirate, pt. 1

Up above the clouds, the say
From sunset until early day
One pirate had found quite the niche
In her airship shaped just like a fish
Captain Meowleen and her nasty gang
With longest claw and sharpest fang
(And just in case that wouldn’t do
They had bombs and rayguns, too.)
They’d sneak into the Mouselandian labs at night
The mice couldn’t put up a fight
They’d steal their new machinery
And cause a huge cacophony
Cuz hey, it’s bloody fun
They’d kill some mice and run
So you see, she wasn’t loved by all
This is the tale of her eventual fall