HOUR TWENTY-FOUR ~ And The Truth Simply Rests



honesty doesn’t have to cut

“tough love” is a bully with a smile

there is space for a kinder truth

the curiosity to ask your anger

which raw unseen vulnerable face

he thrashes so fiercely to protect


so really query yourself in the heat

whether the flames are worth the ashes

and what can be lost forever to the cruelty

of misplaced rage disguised as love

or you’ll never know the tender touch of honesty

Burn it to the ground

We’ve gone around so many times now

& though we’ve gotten accustomed to it,

it’s hard not to think about what the fiery blaze

might portent for our future.


Would it bring about a shining tomorrow

filled with golden opportunities & endless pathways

to success? Or is it just another false prophecy designed

to provide us with an unreliable sense of security?


Looking through history, it didn’t work out well for those

who came before but they may have employed the wrong

strategies in their quest for the elusive tabula rasa.


In any case, there’s only one way to uncover the mystery behind

it all. So at some point, you either need to light up a match or accept

what existence has become and roll with the tide.

Done at last. I’ve struggled for the past few hours, but got it done. Will post the rest later today after some much needed rest. I slept in 45 minute intervals during the last couple of hours but now need real sleep. My cat has been with me all night. He would not sleep without me.

Prompt 24 (image)

A Poets Soliloquy
To sleep per chance to dream
Of words and rhymes
And schemes and chimes
Of twenty-four hours
In ivory towers
On creations not yet fit for print
Although wasted and wrought
Suicide we consider not
As foretold in that Shakespearian plot
But to slumber deep
Then awake from sleep
Ready to edit, rejig and tweak



My Mother’s Garden

My mother still plants flowers
In her garden every year

There are tomatoes and cucumbers
Pumpkins and squash
Figs and pears bend the branches of her trees
Herbs live outside the kitchen window

And every year there are flowers

Roses climb the fence
Daffodils and columbines in the front yard
An angel trumpet calls to heaven
And a Confederate Rose is at the bottom of the drive

My mother’s garden is nothing without flowers

24 One More Time

24     One More Time


How many turns around the marathon block

Are left for me and others and you

Challenged and tired but yet grateful

For the time and mind to show up again


A community of word lovers who share

Across invisible space and boundaries

Truly a miracle of enduring humanity

Lest we forget where our goodness resides


What a joy to know you!
What a joy to smell a flower!
What a joy to have mountains!
And sea as well! Sheer joy!

The Muse ii (Hour 24)

In that blurry kingdom of inspiration,
muses are trapped in coloured bottles
where grain alcohol transports them onto blank pages.

These muses dance on the slippery pages,
making efforts to stick, to be counted, and be read.

Sometimes, the birthed words fly into the eyes of the drinker
who then shakes off catapulted confusion by seeking the bottle once more.

Paper balls, cracked pen stems, and white spaces adorn.
In a sane minute or two, a sensible chord is struck
in that cloud of dust where clarity is ephemeral.

It might be great art to gamble with muses resident in a bottle;
perhaps not the thought that they live anywhere at all, muses!