Too bad

You got passed over for a promotion;

your trip itinerary didn’t go as planned;

she wants to be with someone else;

they gave the role to someone far less qualified.

well, guess what?

too bad.


Life’s not fair

& the sooner you realize that,

the better off you’ll be.


Sun is up and I am not soon to be up with it
as much as I welcome its arrival, indeed, herald it.
I look out the window, amazed at my amazement.

Between two and five, the danger hours, naps offered
an illusory sense of rest; getting off the sofa
to turn off my alarm only intensified my sense of isolation.

Ron having gone to bed hours ago, is already up. I laughed
to myself to hear his rustling, and smiled to see his face.
Creature of habit, he’s never used any alarm but his own body.

I had already filled the coffeemaker’s vessel and while Ron
washes his face, I scoop coffee into the basket; ironic I won’t
be staying up long enough to share a, well, more than a half-cup.

Ron’s making me breakfast, which he’ll place in the microwave for later.
I smell the coffee, still listening to Dylan, and look forward
to visiting our windowless bedroom where forbidden is the sun.

Red Umbrella

I can always find you
By your red umbrella
That you like to carry
On very grim days
Because you say
It makes things a little brighter
And in the midst of a downpour
You make me smile

Final poem

If you’re not eating super fudge brownie ice cream at 7:30 in the morning on a Sunday..are you even living life? Seriously though I feel so free after being able to complete something so difficult. Isn’t that what life’s really about? Doing what you love. I could be sleeping sound..but here I am.. looking for a poem in everything.



Is what

My body

And my mind need

Tomorrow has come

Yesterday I was up

Just before the sun

The Marathon

Had yet to



Sand Bar Image

Take me down a sandbar

Let me drive on the side

of this deserted road

No one I can see anywhere

I am out here all alone

In this flooded out picture

Just the trees and me

in a red pick up truck

Now It does not want to go.

Oh no

Second Breakfast

I went to work
They had delayed work
They said the roads were icy
The ones I had just driven on
Two hours before
We were supposed to be open
I was already there

I compromised
I locked the door and got second breakfast


What a pity that my town
does not entirely reflect its people!
What a shame to have roads with holes!
However, I hope to have an improved place!

City on Lockdown

The city went quiet
Everyone shut themselves away
Fearing the virus
That could possibly kill us

For three weeks I didn’t budge
Sitting in my chair
Working from home
Doing all the my employers asked

Finally, I had to get out
If for no other reason than to feel the breeze
I drove my car onto the streets
And put my windows down

It felt like an alien world
So many places closed
Hardly anyone on once busy streets
My radio was the loudest thing

But I felt better
The city, while sleeping, did still exist
Her citizens locked away for now
Would return when the time was right