Hour 16 – OR 16

Scalpel in steady hand
from shoulder to rib you scribe
skin and muscle exposed
to save the young girl's life

Ribs, you must pry apart
steady hands open them wide
exposed will be the heart
its defects you will heed

Repair the hole
tie off the vessel
reverse the order
and bandage her gentle

Chaos Form – Hour 22

I am shadow in the darkness, In its emptiness reborn.

I am absence of all actuality,

Of everything living, I am scorn.

I am the obtainable nothing,

Reality shakes, becomes forlorn.

I am the first born. Embrace my emptiness,

Rejoice in all, be forewarned.

You Know Me (prompt 21)

running towards something feels better than running away from
but my heart still does not know the difference
much like how anxiety and excitement
cause the same effect

I thought I was running toward you
when I was running from my grief
I’m sorry
that you were caught in the crossfire
you still don’t know that you deserve better

Palm Springs was a place that I ran to
when my life grew too chaotic
it felt better than throwing myself at
an unsuspecting target

when I was younger I ran here too
still in Los Angeles but fighting tooth and nail
to close the chapter and start over again
throw this painting away like all the others

I’m running out of places to hide from myself
tired of hiding from people that seek to see me
believe me I would’ve stopped this if I had seen it coming
you know me love, I’ve always been good at running

Prompt Twenty-one – Captain Haddock Dunning

Hour Twenty-one – Text Prompt

Write a poem that starts and ends with the word running.


Captain Haddock Dunning


Running a tight ship like he was wont to do,

Barking command till he was blusterly blue.

Poor old Captain Haddock Dunning

The men were lazy bastards all,

They never heeded his shout or call.

Ship stayed moored as Cappy did the running.


Prompt for Hour Twenty-Two

Text Prompt

A few years back I prompted everyone to write a cheese poem because of this quote, “Poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese.” ― G.K. Chesterton. The same could be said of pizza, so that’s your prompt this year. Pizza.

Image Prompt












Photo by: Scott Umstattd

6 AM – 10 Words

I parked under the carport,

pressed my head against the steering wheel.

Clammy and reeling,

the tremor in my hands causes my elbow to bump the glass window,

and my jacket softens the blow.


The bayou in front of my headlights,

illuminated with one lightbulb.

reflection of the elk drinking from the water– their own personal bucket.


I long for you next to me, in this quiet.

Your embrace and the aroma of cinnamon and vanilla.

I wish you were here, but it’s just me,

the earth, and the smell of beet root instead.




Some of the greatest works of art were written or painted or sculpted by someone who was depressed or haunted by unhappiness in one way or another. When you have someone on your back spreading word to not comment on this or not commenting on that it shows. What is the interest of people making choices for someone behind their back. I’ve read poems that were words of someone who is not very happily or at some point was not very happy.

Controlling someone’s destiny in such a way that you ruin a person’s livelihood is not power it’s insanity on the part of the controller. I say let folks live. Let them write. Let them draw. Let them paint. Let them sculpt. Let them perform their artistic-ness ( if there’s such a word) in their way. If it’s ugly, or hideous that’s okay. Freedom of expression is real.

God gave me free will to express myself in writing. He gave us all free will but he expected that we’d do the right things. Yes, I believe the Lord already knows what’s going to transpire but I believe He can be surprised as well. Leave people alone if you are not trying to help that person or those people.

Beneath the surface (Hour 21)

Has it ever crossed your mind,
how we are defined,
what makes us who we are,
what tells us who we are,
or dictates us who we are,
in this hustle called life,
how do we survive,
do we keep up with the grind,
or we dare to just swim,
away from this world,
where we are not free,
to another one,
where everyone agrees,
we are made up of stardust,
there is magic in me,
each one is unique.

Our minds our different,
we are separate beings,
still something binds us,
its not our flesh,
nor the skin on it,
not the language we speak,
its the home we share,
not the boundaries we made,
have you ever revealed,
discovered beneath,
the surface of earth,
the surface of heart,
a voice trying to reach,
tells who you truly are.