The Poetry Marathon

I shared this poem yesterday afternoon in preparation for this global event on poetry marathon.



The Poetry Marathon

Login to the virtual realm in enclosed time in a given space
Addressing prompts in poetical expression at an hour
across the global landscape clearly not a dreamscape
lodging in whatever the muse calling its eerie hour

matching much all emotions and all tools of trade
launching in August Calendar of year
making a stir in the launching crusade
clearly humanity making its meaning poet’s tear

interlocking prompts response of poetical avant garde
understanding the key and embracing fully a poet
hallmarking each endeavor in humanity’s bard
emulating in each expression of true epithet

Achieving in all circumstance across time and space kindling
Reaching the universe of humanity enriching much spindling

© Roy Mark Azanza Corrales 5:00 PM PST  04082017

10. Vertigo

10.  Vertigo

How can love be an emotion so low

when it has scaled the heights of vertigo.

It is an emotion so ecstatic

an emotion so raw and realistic.


This love for you! Oh My!

At it’s pinnacle, so high!

Never to fall from grace or die,

Until my end of days, will soar and fly.


You are my love, my sweetheart!

Never, ever let go

of this love, this vertigo!

Barbaric Vast and Wild

To prepare for the marathon I went to the Poetry Library on the South Bank. While browsing, choosing books randomly, a title caught my eye – Barbaric Vast and Wild: A Gathering of Outside and Subterranean Poetry from Origins to Present – and it fell open on a page that featured Library of Unwritten Books, a past art project of mine to collect possible but unrealised ideas for books. I had completely forgotten our inclusion by the editors and actually not seen the anthology due to it being an American title. After the shock of this chance encounter, came a realisation that this is exactly where I want to be, where I continue to draw inspiration from.

Barbaric Vast and Wild will be my companion on the half-marathon with its wonders and eccentricities such as The Kommunist Manifesto, written in West Riding of Yorkshire Dialect and Ode to the Pubic Hair by Gwerful Mechain, a 15th century Welsh poet.

Other preparations include cutting my fringe and cleaning my keyboard. I am wearing mostly white – not so practical for mudlarking, which may intersperse the writing.

Thanks to Jerome Rothenberg and John Bloomberg-Rissman for the inclusion and the inspiration.

9. Cyber Bullying

9. Cyber Bullying

I see the boy, in the corner, sitting

alone with his teeth chattering.

In fear, shivering,

a victim of cyber bullying.


On social media

he was a regular.

Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Snapchat

until his cyber friends called him ugly and fat.


His comments, now became a source of ridicule

amongst other name calling , he was now a fool.

His pictures, once liked

were disfigured since his accounts were hacked.


His life was being threatened and in danger.

His integrity and self esteem at its lowest, did plunder.

Once he was popular,

Now he is a blunder.


Protect our children from into these vices, from falling.

Stop this Cyber Bullying.


Anwar Suleman.

8. Vacation at Sun City

8. Vacation at Sun City

A place in South Africa called Sun City

fun and entertainment, the place to be.

In March,we did go there for vacation

and enjoyed with heart’s satisfaction.


A beautiful,spectacular man made beach,

by walking down the scenic trails we did, the Sands reach.

The wave machine , churning the clear water.

My son,attracting the gazes of the girls sitting near.


Lost antiquities of Humankind

as you traips through the Lost City, you will find.

My daughter went crazy

in the arcade of games of fantasy.


In horror,we climbed the suspended swinging bridge

as you reach the amazing maze on the ridge.

We got lost and then found and then lost again

when the trail was wet with rain.


The ten pin bowling was a hit and a pleasure,

the night life is what we enjoyed and will remember. Cannot wait to once again see,

Fun tastic Sun City.


Anwar Suleman

Damn rain

You feed the flowers
Nourish the soil
But your falling drops

Only bring me toil

Thunder roll
Do your best
While go back
To sleep and rest


Sawubona – Introduction

“Hello” in one of our Country’s 11 official languages 🙂
My name is Monique, living in glorious Cape Town, South Africa.
This is my first poetry marathon and I am hugely… well… excited!!!!
I have been writing since before I could walk, speak or think. I churn poems out on a daily basis and am rather curious to see how I fare in this challenge.
I am a nocturnal writer, and am inclined to be assaulted by a single line, usually 01h00. I then immediately have to get up, begin writing, enter fugue stage and half an hour later have produced a poem I don’t recall birthing! I am trusting this phenomenon will be true to form today and will carry me through 🙂
Namaste and good luck to everyone!!
Monz xxx

7. The Sleep of Lovers

7. The Sleep of Lovers

I lie besides you

listening to your even breathing,

as you sleep

the lampshade illuminates one

half of your beautiful face

leaving the other half in silhouette.


My heart constricts

out of sheer intense love I feel for you.

My breath catches in my throat.

I cannot take my eyes of you.

After all these years

you still have this effect on me.


I want to reach over and caress you,

kiss those slightly parted lips,

embrace you in my arms.

I hesitate…for fear of waking you.

Subconsciously, you feel my intense gaze.

Your sleepy expressive eyes open

ever so slightly and focus on me.

You smile and my heart lurches again

in total love and adoration for you.


I switch the lampshade off

and we sleep in embrace,

the blissful sleep of lovers in a cocoon of love.

Anwar Suleman

6. Corruption

6.  Corruption

In every facet of government

from the top to the bottom,

you will find corruption.


Is this what we voted for?

Is this why we put you in power,

so that you can rape this innocent beautiful country?


Stealing from the state coffers,

to enrich your own pockets.

Shame on you! You corrupted Politicians!


You walk with contemptuous arrogance into Parliament.

As if it is your own Kingdom n Fiefdom.

Yet on the streets the public is in abject poverty.


Wake up Populus!

Stop voting for these incorrigible Politicians.

Rise up against Corruption!

Free yourself from being enslaved by their lies.


Anwar Suleman