It’s Magic

It’s Magic

The Gathering


Of people

Strategically in fantasy

Creating Armies

Angels, Demons, Fae and more


It’s Magic

Choose your colors


How are you with sorcery? 😈

Killer enchantments? Yes please!


It’s Magic

It’s ruthless 💀

Where Mana rules

And zero means death


Why is it i write

Mitch Brown

Hr 3


Why is it I write?
Clearing my head

Why is it I write?
Cleansing my spirit

Why is it I write
Opening my soul

It is because I write
That I am

Coffee & Change

Somewhere off the highway

In those darkest hours

Before the dawn

To the Diner’s light

She was drawn


Her heart tattered

Her body weary

Her soul torn


“Just a coffee, please”

‘You want cream and sugar hun?’ Called the waitress, whose soles were worn.

“Yes ma’am, extra if you would please”  she said. Pulling a notebook from her pack.


She sat for hours, pen in her hand

Coffee rings on her paper

Change, in the air



Coffee and Change

Mitch Brown 

Hr 2

Coffee and change

Coffee is a simple drink, it’s bitter and hot and dark
It helps in waking up my brain, makes the day less stark
It’s brewed from beans
And while this seems
To be a simple function
The changes there make me aware
That change is a compunction

A triple non fat
With honey in that
And mocha and spices and foam
And make sure the cup
Is completely full up
And stays hot until I get it home

What’s happened to the brew
My forefathers knew
That came from the fire unaided
When I order a drink
Without foam , without toffee
I’m looked at as something quite strange
I still order straight coffee
And sneer at the toffee
While humming Home, home on the range



Comes quick

Could it be

A chrysalis


Wondering when

We get to



So this is how it ends

Mitch Brown


The signs were all there, but no one saw
Feelings hurt, emotions raw
The timing perfect, the gaping maw
The planning perfect, with just one flaw

So into the darkened future I head
Full of promise, yet full of dread
Thoughts of revenge run through my head
Thoughts that someone ends up dead

But in the end, cold reason prevails
Though things were tough on my poor nails
I see what was, and where led the trails
Start always again, when one thing fails

So the end of all good things
The end of promises and rings
The completion of a life that sings
We’ll just see what tomorrow brings

2021 greetings

Awaiting her rainbow baby

A nanny, I’m soon to be

May she come before

I need to write poetry.

Final Gift

The gift of


In this, poetic


With no impunity

Just courage and empathy


My beautiful tribe

My fellow scribes


Raise your pens

(Or your fingers)

And be grateful

We’re done!



Imaginary Lover

Imaginary lovers
Never turn you down

my private pleasure
Midnight fantasy

my Wildest dreams

Imaginary lover

Imaginary lovers, oh yeah

ordinary lovers
lose their thrill

Imagination’s unreal

Imaginary lover,
imaginary lover

mine anytime

satisfaction guaranteed

Imaginary lover,
imaginary lover

mine all the time

imaginary lover
You’re mine


*lyrical blackout poem

“Imaginary Lover” by Atlanta Rythm

Majestic Caves

In a land far away,

Dreamlike fantasies play

Looking out of, the

majestic castle cave

Mountainous waters,

Flow, rushing over

Creating mystic sounds

As the light breaks

Her hallowed ground

Inside nestled stone,  lies cold




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