A Close Call?

I left New York City on March 5 to fly home to Washington State. I’d spent 3 weeks with my new granddaughter and her parents.The COVID-19 pandemic was a known entity, but the US was still counting on its exceptionalism and other stupid beliefs to discount the threat’s reality. I’d stayed in my usual midtown hotel. Although it was far from fancy, it still was popular and had a crossroads-of-the-world feeling. I’d hoped to treat myself to a ticket to Carnegie Hall on my last night, to see an all-star trio play Beethoven. My husband asked me not to go. Cautious by nature, he is a retired physician living with cancer and was highly-attuned to the news and possibilities of the virus. Since I was pretty exhausted, I capitulated without any disagreement.

What if I’d gone? Who knows? When I arrived at the deserted JFK Airport, I realized the denial phase was ending for New York. I read a piece in the New Yorker recently which mentioned an Icelander who’d been in NYC at the same time as I had. Just before he left, he attended a party with finger foods. He got sick soon after he got back home.

The trio (Yo-yo Ma! Emanuel Ax! Kavakos!) played, no doubt beautifully, packed up their instruments, and hunkered down at home. The virus continues its travels and depredations. People demonstrate their range of horrific and soul-stirring behaviors. Beloved things, like her mother’s face, disappear and reappear in our granddaughter’s world, to her enormous delight. Peek-a-boo!

Aqua Poem 6



The birds,

Scary beings,

a lost soul is found hidden under so much pain,

her mind decays

burning inside,

a fire within.

But outside is beautiful,

will be,

somewhere else,





PMC Aqua 6/26/20

Hour 6 Prompt 6. Faith Chepchumba.


To the blasting music I wake
For a busy weekday I wake

An old paperback I get reading
While the pot hot brewing

A cup of coffee in my hand
I stare at class assignments at hand

Today researching and answering
Class texts I am questioning

At lunch, meals cooked at home
My family chatting away, wholesome

Every afternoon a poem I write
Always hoping I get it right

As the sun goes down
To it’s rays I am drawn

Dinner time gets me excited
For with my folks, food and drinks served

And with the night lights on
I read my bedtime series on and on.

Poem #6

the perfect day

Saturday morning
i wake up early
it’s storming outside
you still asleep
i watch your chest rise and fall
rise and fall
i ease my feet out from under the sheet
place them on the floor
i stand at the window
watch the lightening flash
across the half-lit sky
hear the raindrops beat against the roof
something stirs inside me
i turn slowly from the window
walk back to the bottom of the bed
you are still lying fast asleep
i watch your chest rise and fall
rise and fall
i look at your muscles detailing your arms
admire your strong leg that is out
from under cover
stare at the fullness of your bottom lip and
something inside me stirs again
now i lay beside you
run my hand across your chest
softly say good morning underneath my breath
and know exactly what this is about to be
the perfect start to the perfect day

Picture Perfect (Prompt 6)

I see it inside a frame,

picture perfect,

fine ripples occasionally stir

a plate glass lake, placid swans

linger among the reedy edges,

a squirrel flitting past the pine

needle carcasses, cushioned sleep

for the children who lie, prone,

snubbing the sinking sun,

cheeks to crossed palms,

top of the hand pillow dreaming

atop the soft detritus, a forest mezzanine

among the sussuration of chirp and buzz.

A cloudless sky of indigo dusk

tinges the mountains to the north

hibiscus, glory of an ebbing daylight.

A blanketed trust in quietude,

sweeps my eyes closed to smell

the thick, verdant branches towering

above a summer evening, the

fullness of dawn’s sleepy arising,

like a promise sealed.


A Perfect Day

Soft cool pillow contrasts
With the warm sunlight cascading through the window
A long languorous stretch, satisfying snap as muscles come back to life
A soft stumble to the door, following
The sizzle and smack of frying bacon

The slight chill of the brisk sea wind
The crash of waves and the sharp scent of seaweed
The harsh cry of sea birds
Wheeling and soaring above me

Even Later
The tickle of fresh crisp grass on my back
The merry glugging of a cold drink being poured
The warm glow in my belly
After one pint too many
As like the bacon, I softly sizzle in the sun…

Headache, burning skin
Too much beer and sun,
Knew that I would suffer, but I knew then and now
It was definitely worth it
A perfect day…

A Cold Snap

A walk through the leaves
bundled up tight
The little one laughing at the crunch
The pup is trying to keep up
My sweetheart collects kindling
for the fire where
We will melt marshmallows
After eating stew from the pot
A nightcap and a book sends me to sleep
Without a worry in the world
A heavy blanket cocoon

I have fifty minutes to bring up a nice poem but it seems my head is getting a bit of an ache

I believe in everything you do strive for perfection, it’s not just about writing a piece but a masterpiece that’ll be celebrated even when you’re long gone

People see poetry as mumbo jumbo of words
that we just write they fail to understand is more than just passion it’s the truth that the world is afraid to see

I write my feelings, my emotions, the truth about the world sometimes it might seem i am loosing my mind but i am having a conversation with the world

Even when there is no one to pass on my feelings to it seems the words i have produced on the blank sheet with the ink is happy with me

It’s as if he’s delighted i brought him into this world and how one day can be called a masterpiece and be kept in a showroom for the world to glance at him and appreciate the beauty of the words

The world should understand not just the beauty of the words but what it’s communicating to each and every one of us because every line differ though relates and affects us in a way which we do not know

Poetry makes my silent words become spoken it gives the weak and fragile a chance to navigate his way in the toughest of all situations and bring out the best in them

I am short of words but i still find a way to communicate with the inner me as it produces thoughts, expression and voices which will bring this poem to an end

In every piece is life but not just life it’s us, it’s our desire, what we are passing through or a memory it just depends on what we call it for we see what others don’t see and say what the people that see are to scared to say

so you much call us the prophets of our time or whatever it may be but we won’t stop writing until the revolution takes place

Perfect Day

Coarse hair against hair against hair

Fingers drum down my scalp

Sleepy eyes open the clock is early

The shower blanket drains over fleshy me

Burnt into the brain black marks sing out

From curved wooden bodies and black hilo strings.


Sweet…… Salty……. Umami……

Smooth liquid strokes the inside of me

Hot in report

Comforting skin and stomach


The sun presses into our cheeks

As our rough hands explore skin investigating

Your powerful arms release me

A moment of weightless existence

Brings a smoothing

Of metal or wood for the delivery of stripey socks


Sweet…. Salty…. Umami

Smooth liquid strokes the inside of me

Hot in report

Comforting skin and stomach


Peaty breath with samphire tones

Waves break over me

Sending me

Away to my deep bed


Hour 6  (a haiku)



Nothing scheduled

Endless possibilities

Or peace doing zilch