Hour 3 – This Pandemic Just Ain’t No Fun

This Pandemic Just Ain’t No Fun

at first I thought,
with all the extra time,
I’d work on projects
clean this mess
do all those things I’ve been saving
for when there’s time

this pandemic just ain’t no fun

but school didn’t cease or pause
got shifted into my private space
bringing with it stress – unease – disquiet
as I, in compliance, hunkered down
with my pals The Black Dog and The Yellow Cat
quarantining with my own worst critic
the loneliness a greater enemy than the germ
that sent us all into our private holes

this pandemic just ain’t no fun

tablet games have eaten all my time
as I wander, room to room, and back
quick video calls replace the contact that I lack
brief smiles between periods of gloom
and yet the virus refuses to die back
how long, how long will my isolation last?

this pandemic just ain’t no fun

The Way of Children

Baby comes on storkish wing,

Tiny, helpless, lovely thing.

Every day, he grows a bit;

Last week’s clothes no longer fit.

Before you know, he’s pulling up,

And drinking milk now from a cup.


Little children grow so fast.

Childhood isn’t meant to last.

Before you blink, the future’s past.


Then one day he’s walking, talking –

Suddenly has a lot to say.

Before you notice, he’s in school,

Thinking he’s grown up and cool.

Then middle school, and high school, too.

Has ideas of what he’d like to do.

One day you wake and he’s a grad,

And you’re barely used to being a dad.


Little children grow so fast.

Childhood isn’t meant to last.

Before you blink, the future’s past.


There’s not a way to stop them growing,

It’s supposed to be that way, I’m knowing.

So take the time when they are young,

Before all the childish songs are sung.

Children are quickly growing things.

First, give them roots. Then give them wings.


Little children grow so fast.

Childhood isn’t meant to last.

Before you blink, the future’s past.


It may be wrong to love ones food

to the point of needing new pants

And I’m not alone in my indulgence as one

can see in the various sizes of jeans

Going out for a meal and weighing the cons

wondering what will this do to my buns

But I look longingly at the nights offerings

with more than a little grudge

Remember the top button

So I go about my business, ignoring the pleas

the calling out of sweets and good cheese

Turning my head from stocked shelves

of donuts and creams, and fresh baked bread.

Avoiding the streets with amazing windows

of chocolates and cookies with marshmallows

Remember the top button

As it turns out I’m not safe from windows

nor signs, nor smells, nor posters

That promise satisfaction with every bite

each flavor an utter delight

They captivated me and lure me

to places both familiar and new

So I must stay out of view

with pockets empty too

Remember the top button

Dreamy Eyed

The Dream,

A bright light shook me up,

I wasn’t awake yet,

or wasn’t awake yet,

Oh! the dreams of mine,

Doesn’t let me choose a path.


The Dreams,

Not just one,

Many of them.

I wanna ride high,

I wanna dive deep,

Too many shapes,

Too many lanes,

Which one to choose,

Where to leave.


The one dream,

Found it at last,

The one that doesn’t just passes by,

Not just a flicker of thought,

This one makes me shine,

The reason I woke up again today..

Ilumination, Hour 3

Watch the night sky start to illuminate
Illuminate darkness of collective misunderstanding
Illuminate the truth obscured by darkness of confusion
Insight dispelling delusions of a false conception
Hope giving rise to a new concept of freedom
Freedom from the defilement of understanding

Enlighten everything

So much information and so little wisdom
Appeal to emotions instead of rationality
Pander to base instincts, knee jerk reactions
Polarized perceptions and preconceived notions
Shedding thin-skinned superficial rhetoric
Pathetic attempts to shift blame away from the real causes
Attacking the symptoms instead the system
Radicalize, grasp the problem at its roots

Enlighten everything

Recognize the solution is a grudging acceptance
It is what it is, not what we wish it could be
To live in our illusions is blissful, sweet comfort,
Ignorance and holding on to a defiled mindset
So no regrets, open mind to terrible beauty of the infinite
Adapt to the ever-changing flow of energy

Enlighten everything

Where the Music

By Sandy Lender


Someone had prayed for peace on Earth, God bless them,

But prayed without specificity

Thus we awoke in July to silence outdoors

Spotify stopped, the airwaves dropped, Pandora closed her box

With Hope locked trembling inside

As if waiting for a measure of sanity to release her


We looked for the answer in three, four time

While timpani drums throbbed to a different beat


Our children wept in fear at the solitude, the absence

Song, melody, harmony, tonal blending gone

We’d crushed beauty fully

Muffled it with our hateful shouting

Overpowered the hum of the bees, the thrum of Mother Earth

With incessant complaint and discord

Recognizing our imbalance after a cleansing plague

Left us with only obscene screams


We looked for the answer in three, four time

While timpani drums throbbed to a different beat


We took our sons and daughters home

To teach them sense and love again

No matter the personal definition

No matter the political affiliation

We sought the sweet sound of songbirds

To offer sustenance for our souls


We looked for the answer in three, four time

While timpani drums throbbed to a different beat


russian doll woman

born free, man builds his own traps
forges armor, steel, war: made to save us
from the evils they manifest into
but our aches are innate, built-in
trying to escape cages
that we inherited

and so on to the next place for us…

the illusion of escape
venturing, still enclosed by calls
lured in with the promises
beauty, power, love?
our eyes bat and yawn at these neon signs
and at the door, there’s an entry fee.
why do we have to pay a penance
for what they claim to offer?

and so on to the next place for us…

oh our kaleidoscope eyes
reflecting bright colors of world
into romanticized ornamentations
that we already know
are just a couple of old, used
crystals–scraps from their fortresses

and so on to the next place for us…

Grandmas Lessons

  1. Her voice is remembered like a gospel song
    Or a book of proverbs and psalms
    Wise words to be a balm against hard times and hearts hardened
    Teaching how to love neighbors and give pardons to others that have been condemned
    To light fires to lights once dimmed by dark days
    To rejoice with gratitude even if the current situation seems bleak
    To master mercy for the outkast and the weak
    To in all things love and wisdom seek
    And to always get a full understanding
    Her voice was quite demanding that we acted as our brothers keeper
    Keepers of faith so that fear would hold no space in our hearts
    Because doubt is the devil and the devil is a lie
    And she demanded that we live in truth
    Her truth was feeding the hungry and housing the youth
    As a child she taught me to treat everyone as an angel even if they behaved like demons
    That anyone can be converted to love once you put the seed in
    I am her blood, so her philosophy bleeds out of all of my pores
    So I continue her example of being a champion for the oppressed and poor
    Continuing the fight as a soldier of God in this eternal holy war.

Hour 3 Prompt 3 Faith Chepchumba.

Happy Wreck Bop.

Plain village is breaking
Schools, markets and hospitals alike
Piece by piece
Like crisps trampled, cracking
As it’s chief continue battling
In their little plain home

The schools closing down
With parents camping in protest
And displaying banners
Of the draining student grades.
Hospitals fully occupied
Outbreak after outbreak
Disaster seems looming
In their little plain home

Plain village has to wake
Against every wreck
Holding hands together
For one people they are
In their little plain home


I promised to love you, forever

You promised to love me, forever

I promised you my heart and soul

You promised me your heart and soul

I promised you an unending worship with my body

You promised me an unending worship with yours

I promised you faithfulness, forever

You promised me faithfulness, forever

I promised you would be my forever Muse

You promised you would be my forever muse

Forever , we promised

Till death do us part.