Aloha, 2020 Marathoners!

Looking forward to the 2020 marathon, due to begin in about 7 hours. Trying to refresh my memory here on how to post. One year ago I missed the marathon because of a serious illness–I was laid out flat in bed here on the north shore of Maui as my wife, Cindy Albers, labored away cranking out 24 worthy poems. I was crushed having to be sidelined from the burst of global creativity and connectivity, but this year I am ready.

This will be my fourth marathon, my third full marathon. I don’t write very often, so, as I’ve stated in the past, the marathon is just the kick in the pants I need to shake out some new work. Good luck to us all!

Big Group Hug,

waldomaui (sometimes known as Bear)


Pam Gerber here. This is my second or third marathon, maybe one was a half, not sure, maybe this is my fourth, but I am thrilled and anxious about arising a short 7 or so hours from now to begin. It was challenging but creatively exhilarating before.

I live in Huntington Beach, California, and teach writing at the local community college, teach yoga, and write for legal publishers and various sites. I have been on lock down with my housemates, my husband, two adult daughters, 86 year old father, Husky pup and Japanese Bobtail kitty. It’s been an adventure. Since my father is at-risk, we stay home.

Lock down has prepared me for this marathon. I sit around and write all day anyhow, punctuated by zoom meetings and classes. I’ve grown to love the slower pace and domesticity. Not sure how I’ll do on the sleeplessness, but raising children and surviving menopause has prepared me for sleepless nights too 🙂

I look forward to reading all the lovely poems in store for us!




Quiet yourself and grow smaller
One pill makes you larger
The pill you tell men that you cannot take
Protection comes in so many forms
Like a wallflower trying not to be seen
To be plucked pulled cut at the root

I don’t dye my hair blue anymore because people will stare
I want to be seen in a bedroom
I want to be seen in a home
Doors shut tightly locked double locked
Check the locks again to be sure 

Being cut off – I hate it
Let me finish let me complete a
Nevermind I didn’t have anything to say
I am decoration I am a brass hanging lamp unlit
You talk too much fill your mouth with something
I drink too much please don’t notice
Point out jutting clavicles and silence

I wanted to be an angel; a muse
Don’t you see they took the shiny parts
Took the lightning and thunder
Like a sorry excuse for LA rainstorms
I used to make windows rattle but at least
Now I’m a safer drive 

I belong in a gutter, no that’s my mother talking
Listen to Radiohead and leave this body
This cage this trap this neon sign
If there was a green pill I’d name it control
Make it mine
Take it every day like Paxil
Will this make it easier
Will this make me ok

I can’t shake the sore throat the fever dreams
Wake up silent scream drenched in sweat
4 missed calls from heaven but hell is in my bed
Throat chakra
Thyroid test
Get some rest
Like I could ever stop moving
Stillness is an enemy
Silence is a ghost

I grow big and small
My namesake accurate when clouds are thick
Keep getting sick
People worry
Guilt hangs heavy I still fight to stand
Can’t demand change with a
Missing voice box
If you find it can you wind it up
Went from center stage
To choir mouse need to blend
Can’t defend my absence
When they come they turn the tv off
It’s too bright a 27 year old shouldn’t sleep with the lights on
But it’s not my place, is it
The space you visit
Mausoleum of baggy clothes

I chose this but I’m scared of what
People think
Family thinks
Two more drinks and maybe your friends will like me
Too young to wear leather
Overnight became too old
Days of bold displays
Left right when hope did
Shame leaves me painted into the decor
Pining first nothing more
Than to go to IKEA
Embrace the idea that I’m worth more
Than furniture 

One day I’ll feel at home
One day chocolate sunflowers will bloom me in their center
I will surrender behind this steel wall
Stay here where it feels automatic
The traumatic thoughts aren’t real
Another projection
Broken kill switch
And I know she took it with her
Don’t bother
It’s a fight you cannot win
Bleeding knuckles
I wish I was less Fight Club
More Dirty Dancing
They like me best in a corner

Wallflower, growing up home
that didn’t feel mine
Time costs more than moods swing
Pendulum girl koi fish
Swimming circles in Perrier and Cabernet
Top down top off
Drop a house on me
Tell me I’m not bad 

Hello world!

My name is Joanna! This is my first poetry marathon and I’m super excited. It usually takes me forever to write a poem. I’ve stocked up some prompts and inspiration and I’m ready to churn out some of the stuff I’ve been brewing in my head for ages.

I’m also looking forward to seeing everyone’s poems! There is nothing more inspiring than seeing other people’s imaginations come to life.

Good luck to everyone!

A Cat – Poem #5

A cat
Who neighbors knew
Long before I knew him
To name him would be to claim him
Obviously they weren’t
Real cat people
Fur sure

(Eintou format)

Hello from Tysen

Hello All-

I am Tysen from the Seattle area. This will be my sixth half marathon, the first as a poet. My advance apologies for what I am going to write  ;). See you all bright and early tomorrow!

Winding up!!

What’s up everyone? I am here getting ready for the marathon; even though it doesn’t officially start for at least another…. 8 hours. I can’t wait. I have so many things I want to write about, and so much I want to get out there, that 24 hours just doesn’t seem to be enough!! I can NOT wait to read other peoples stuff and comment on it. and I hope people comment on mine. My hope is that I will get comments on AT LEAST 5 poems. If I don’t, oh well..


So to start it off:

Does anyone have any music that they are going to listen to get in the mood? I want some music suggestions. I have plenty of music; but sometimes, you need a new song to get the creativity running!


Can’t wait for the start!! GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!!!

Amy (AutumnsOnlyone)

Almost there!

Just over 8 hours before cramped fingers, rubbing of head and pulling hair, if you have any, and the challenge begins. So looking forward to it! Good luck everyone!