Words speak for themselves.

Hello! First of all, it is an honor and privilege to meet everyone. Congratulations on expressing your beautiful gift to the world. It takes a certain amount of courage to write. It takes even more so to reveal it to the entire planet.

A little about myself. I have been writing  since I was a young boy. That was many gray hairs ago! I have published 10 novels and two collections of poetry.  My books are about relationships, philosophical reflections and the ongoing evolution of the human spirit.

I have won several awards, but my most rewarding experience is being a father to my teenage son! He is my greatest creation and wonderful gift any person could ever receive.  I’m truly blessed to be is Dad.

Goodluck in the competition! May you always receive miracles and blessings.

The Night Before…

Aloha Poets,

Well, I am winding down for the evening in preparation for an early bedtime. We here in Hawai’i begin the marathon at 3am tomorrow. I am so excited for this year… there is so much write about!

and, I think I am ready! I have sparkling waters in the fridgie, darkest chocolate chunks in the freezer, nuts and seeds and fruits ready, and protein drinks close at hand, pens, pencils, paper, this old gray laptop, books… and a list of topics and people and events handy when I need direction. I think I am ready. Hahaha! Who am I kidding aside from myself. Are we ever ready…? I don’t know… we’ll see!


What I do know is that at 2:30 tomorrow, I will wash my face, pour the first of uncountable cups of coffee, log in, and wait for the buzzer. I  know I will show up. and that’s the most important part.


I can hardly wait! I look forward to seeing all of you, and reading your poems.


We are marathoners!!!


Isn’t it a marvel…

Good luck, All!


Hello everyone!

Hello everyone! I’m so excited to be on here with you guys especially because this is my first time participating in this poetry marathon or anything like this online. On top of that, the day that the marathon starts which is June the 27th will also be my birthday! I been writing poetry since the age of 10 years old and I believe GOD has answered my prayers and opened up a door for me to share it with the world.

My 4th year

Once again I come before you, now 23 and happier than you can see
Despite improvements time has not been kind, my laptop does wish for repair
and my sleep schedule has been horrid until now. Even so, I’m here,
I’m ready, and I wait with bated breath for tomorrow.
Coming at you from Mountain View, the first time it’s been sequentially the same as previously,
Your humble servant,

Hey All!

This is my first time doing this…ever in my life. I’m excited to see what comes of it and to challenge myself. I’m looking forward to the results. Let’s get started!! 🙂

My plan for the marathon

Hello everyone! I am going to be attempting to complete this marathon for the first time this year! I will be starting off by myself and am going to head over to a friend’s house in the afternoon so that we can finish together and make sure that we do not fall asleep. Best of luck to everyone else participating, you got this!

First time participating

This is going to be my first time participating so I’m not really sure what to expect. My sleep schedule has been wonky lately; maybe it’ll be an advantage!  I’m doing the full marathon. Hopefully, my brain will cooperate {fingers crossed}

I love poetry and have written for years. Some of my favorite poets are Robert Frost, Sylvia Plath, Anne Sexton, Kaveh Akbar, and Emma Bolden. I bought a new notebook for the event and have a stack of poetry books handy for inspiration!


Hello there

Hi, how is everybody? I’m starting to believe that I speak to silence, this is my first time here, I’m gonna make a half marathon, and I’m a bit nervous because I’m bilingual and I’m going to write entirely in English… well, with some Spanish, but I’m not sure how much because I want my head goes around by being free.

I hope this doesn’t became a spit on the road or something. I’ll wait ’til tomorrow, see you then


I’m so excited!



My name is Joaquin Capehart but my friends call me Jae or JaeCee. I’ve been writing poetry now for 20 years. The most poems I’ve ever written in a day is somewhere between 2-3 … 24 is going to be a task but I’m looking forward to it! Okay, I’m going to sleep now. It’s nearly midnight in New York.

Good luck everyone!