Hi Dear Poets

Pleased to meet you…

I began writing poetry in 2018. I wrote occasionally on Google Plus, mostly just for the fun of it. I’m currently looking to start something serious, to grow professionally as a poet and creative writer and I hope this marathon gives me the kick I need.

First time / Half Marathon

I feel like I’ll be stumbling about a bit figuring this out as well as trying to write poetry. This is my first time participating. A bit excited. A bit apprehensive.
I’m old in Indiana, on Day 109 of #stayinghome. I write, stitch things, make masks, wonder what the world will be like after we leave this portal we’re in.

Gold Dust Dreams

Dearest Poets,

Surreal times for our present poetic adventure. Standing in the backyard, my lungs ached as I swallowed gulps of Saharan desert air, lingering in the dusky gold Texas sky. “Stay Home,” read the public safety alert blaring from my cell phone. “COVID-19 threat is elevated to LEVEL 1(RED)…The virus is spreading rapidly across the county.”

Excellent time to stay in and write poetry! This will be my 5th poetic journey with the motley 24-hour Poetry Marathon crew. Oh how I have missed it! I skipped last year during my escape from California to Texas and it left a hole in my soul. Thankful to be back amidst the chaos of 2020. Looking forward to meeting all the brave and beautiful people joining in the madness this year. It’s always a wild ride. Feel free to reach out if you need someone to keep you going in the wee hours. 3:52 AM can be a dangerous time. It’s when the gold dust dreams whisper and cackle.

– Bia

Intro- better late??

Well if posting this introduction a bit last minute isnt a bit of an introduction… my name is Lily and I am going to be doing the half marathon with my sister. We will be completing the 12 hour marathon, but at our own pace starting at 9am and going till 9pm PST because we are both in Oregon. While we are super excited to participate we also cant be asked to get up earlier than 7am and both require coffee and breakfast to be human. We did this last year and it worked really well (though the humanity started running thin around the 9th hour). We are both excited to be returning a second year and cannot wait to read all the beautiful things. Looking forward to sharing this experience with all of you wonderous beings.

Hi All!

Good Evening, morning, wherever you are. Looking forward to completing the half marathon this year. Wishing everyone “good words and a clear mind”. Have fun and enjoy!

Carolyn (@lovepoet18)

New and Excited!

Hey there!!! Long time writer, first time marathoner!!! I go big or go home and am also a glutton for punishment, so 24 hours it is ^_^ Looking forward to the experience!


Hi everyone. My name is Felicia Clemmons. I’m a physical therapy student at Washington University in STL. I’m also a poet. I seld-published my first book last year entitled “I love my people and other Black thoughts.” I’ve been writing poetry throughout my life and I’m looking forward to this challenge.

2020 Introduction for Me

Hello! My name is Deanna. I am previously from South Alabama, but I have lived near Calgary, Alberta Canada for almost 5 years now. I have two grown children, two granddaughters, a dog, and two cats. I work at a preschool/kindergarten for children with special needs. Today (Friday) was actually our last day of school. It was very bittersweet since we were not able to be with the kiddos in person and have spent the last few months only in contact with them by Zoom.

This will be my 3rd Marathon! I am SO excited about it and have been preparing for it ever since I found out the date. I look forward to seeing familiar faces and meeting new ones. I have my fruit tray, trail mix, summer sausage, cheese, and various snacky candies ready for in the morning! Oh, and also my coffee.

I hope everyone is able to get some rest because we will certainly need it! We got this!

Year Four!

Still nervous like the first day of school is in the morning <3 Off to get some zzzzzzzzzzz. See everyone in the AM