Writing on the road

I am a graphic designer who also writes, and this is my first Poetry Marathon. I haven’t written poetry in over a year, so this will be a good way to throw myself into it / dive in head first. Looking forward to the experience! I have lots of tea, coffee, and snacks.

2020 intro

Hello there!

I’m Sandra Johnson and this will be my second marathon. I’m doing a whole 24 hours this year. I’ve been writing poetry for 20 years now and I was a staff reporter for a small NJ newspaper for 6 years. I’ve published more than 30 poems in my local college literary magazine, L’Esprit. Last year, my poem “Never Lost” was published in the Poetry Marathon’s 2019 anthology. I’m really looking forward to sharing tomorrow’s adventures and poems. Good luck and happy writing everyone!

Writing Through the Pandemic

My new book, I’ve Got the Blues: Looking for Justice in a Red State, came out in early March. It’s a collection of my essays and poems published in The Oklahoma Observer. Almost as soon as the book arrived, I started cancelling plans to speak and sign. I also started rescheduling the poets invited to the monthly poetry reading I host.

A writer should be able to self-isolate, right? I have a nice husband and a loyal dog, but I’ve missed the gathering of poets and the art students who come to my husband’s studio.

Action has kept be going through the pandemic–a garden, canning, walking–but I’ve had trouble quieting my mind and even more trouble sitting to write. I’ve met deadlines, but I’ve written little poetry. I need this marathon to get back to my daily writing practice.


If you were wondering, the painting on the cover is my husband’s work. Not only is he a nice guy, but he’s talented, as well.

Introduction 2020

Looking forward to another creative purge! This will be by 3rd full marathon. I have been in a slump with my writing despite all the great material occurring throughout the nation and world lately. I feel my voice should be stronger during times of great change, but I have honestly been overwhelmed I think, sad, afraid, voiceless.  I am hoping by committing to a full 24 hours of nothing but my need to create poetry, and by sharing in this event with fellow writers from all over the world, I might find the inspiration to compose what I want to say; to make sense of what I am feeling.

Good luck, everyone!

A Highlight of My Year!

This is my second half-marathon, but last year I did 9 PM to 9 AM, so that I could attend a graduation for my grandson. Took me a week to get over it! But, oh, what fun it was! I was amazed where the mind can go when a prompt leads it. I am so looking forward to creating with all of you tomorrow! Let’s see: coffee, check. chocolate, check. Diet Dr. Pepper, check. Red Bull for emergencies, check. cookies, check. protein bars, check. And ice — lots of ice — check! Oh, yes. Paper, pens, computer, check! Sock to put on the doorknob so I won’t be disturbed ;), check. Looks like all I need is a good night’s sleep. Pillow and blankie, check! See you guys on the morrow!

Year Two

Hello, fellow writers! Are you as excited as I am to be joining poets from all over the globe tomorrow for this marathon?

This is my second time participating. I only do the twelve-hour portion because my ol’ body can’t handle staying up for twenty-four.

Since last completing, I have published my first two novels! They are cozy stories about two characters named George and Mabel, loosely based upon my husband and me. The biggest difference is that George and Mabel made…um, not quite better choices but certainly ones that had Steve and I made would most likely have had a dramatic effect on our lives. If you’d like to read about them, you can find them on Amazon.com. Here are the links: The Adventures of George and Mabel: Based on an Almost (Kind of? Sort of? Could Be?) True Story and The Adventures of George and Mabel: Based on More Almost (Kind of? Sort of? Could be!) True Stories.

Tomorrow is going to be great! I look forward to reading your stories and learning more about you. Get some good sleep and Lord willing, I shall be with you in the morning!





Getting Ready to Rhyme or Just write

Looking back, it feels like we just finished the last one, and then like it is the first time. I still get butterflies thinking about putting my words out there. Such a need for feedback and camaraderie still amazes me after all these years. Twelve hours feels like such a hurdle, I don’t know how you full-marathoners do it! Maybe this year I’ll submit to the anthology instead of hiding. Wishing you all poetic dreams and inspiration! See you in the morning!

Kat (Kathleen Kidder)

Rose Mars, second marathon!

Hello!  I participated in the marathon last year and it was the highlight of my year.  I got a lot of great material out of it, and valued the the concentrated time for reflection.  I am looking forward to the marathon and to reading others’ work.

Introduction to J. V. Stanley

So…I suppose I should say a bit about myself. I’m a quirky, socially awkward, introvert with random spasms of hyperactivity and singing. I will sing your ear off and have a tendency of embarrassing my friends because of it. If you’re ever in Walmart during the holidays, and you hear someone belting out “Silent Night” chances are it’s me.

I love the outdoors. Hiking, fishing, hunting, nature, and identifying various plants. I’m actually studying to become a Certified Herbalist. Fun fact-I actually became a Certified Pearl Specialist for the sake of research for a current WIP.

I’m a nationally ranked pistol competitor and a poet so whaddaya know? I’m a warrior poet. I also have a penchant for walking on waterfalls. It’s one of my favorite past times.

I have two mini me’s, my dog, Poet (Great Dane/English Mastiff/Shepherd mix), and my cats-Gizmo and Muse. I am single with a book boyfriend by the name of Baldassare (Created by Tracy Ball for the anthology “Siren’s Lullaby”) who is so swoon worthy, I wish I could rip him out of the page and make him mine.

I’ve been writing nearly all my life–I live and breathe the written word. I love to learn and when I do, I dive right in. That’s another reason I love being a writer.  My works include my standalone novel “Faces In Still Waters” my two poetry books “Chasing The Red” and “Fire and Water”, and the anthologies I was honored to be a part of “Steamed”, “Forest of The Dark”, “Beyond Atlantis”, “Beyond Wonderland”, “Campfire Tales”, “Do Not Pet The Humans”, “Infamy”, “Devious Ingenues”, “Grave Importance”, “The Light Shines Through”, “Gr8 Greeks”, & “Siren’s Lullaby”. I’m also working on my “Orange Bliss Romance Series” in the “Ice Cream Shop Series” &“Candy Shop Series”. The first novella, “Love Notes & Zanzibar” was published July 2019.

Newbie marathoner

Hey all you fellow poets! I live in Florida and just heard about this challenge at a Writer’s Conference. It sounded like so much fun I had to do it! Good luck to everyone!!