A Little While After Before

It has been decided, we will create Earth. 

“How shall we proceed?”

Start with a good sized Star, not too big.

Bright and nourishing.

“Yes, sir.”

The process was swift, a sprinkling of stardust.

Pressed in the hands of the keepers of the Cosmo’s.

The Sun was born.

Creative liberty was taken as the process went along.

Neighboring planets were crafted to keep Earth humble, pique their curiosity.

“Sir, it’s time.”

The final step had to be performed by me and me alone.

Water, for nourishment, land for living.

A good distance from the Sun.

And the last step, it’s inhabitants.

Hand me the box.

I lightly dust the planet with chaos.

And now we wait.

20. Watercolor Girl with the Red Hair

Why have your dyed your long locks a color not your own?


Soul Sister…

Moon Maiden…

Flower Child…


Why do you look away?

From the world?

Into the phone?


You are surrounded by beauty.

Can you see it?

You are in a purple haze that surrounding you.


A multitude of kaleidoscopic hues engulf your being.

An aura of the highest indigo chakra is vibrating around you.

Walk out of the screen and join reality…


All rights reserved copyright (c) 2019 Natasha Vanover

Her Beauty is Ethereal

Her beauty is ethereal

gossamer smiles softly serene, yet teasing

Her eyes are moons eclipsed and dark

magical in appearance

Her hair shines softly in the light

and glows and scents the evening scenes

Words cannot describe in justice the kindness and compassion she freely gives

to all creatures, indeed all beings, her charity is celestial bound

soft are the caresses of her lips on your ear, gentle is her speech

a bright and timely manner is always evident

She never falters in her grace

her countenance is stable anyone would love to love

this girl if they are able


Dear Future Michael,

Dear Future Michael,

Starla is trying

Please don’t begrudge her the long hours,
or the overflowing emotions. Those
are why you fell for her in the first place.
A “colorful” girl with a crazy perspective,
no truer partner could she have found,
than you.

She knows you’re tired. She’s tired too.
The pair of you built a life together
pulled straight from the ashes of
your social lives and your time to sleep.
Keep working together. There’s nothing
you do better.

She loves you. As much as the day you met.
Much more, in fact, because
that love grows each day. Every time you
hold her, kiss her, cheer her up
after a bad day,
she remembers what it felt like
to be seventeen and head over heels for
you and only you.

You are an amazing man. You have made her
a happy woman, something she thought
she would never be.
You are loved.
You are SO appreciated.
You are the man of her dreams.

Thank you Mike.

Prompt 23/Hr 19-Re:Journey

Murder City

Aptly named

Never pretty

Never tamed

Kill the guards

Kill the men

Hi risk hi rewards

Just avoid the children

Once a refuge, now it’s not,

Once a safehouse, now you’re shot

Murder City

Aptly Named

Returning Safely

Never the Same

Key to Happiness

There were days as a child,

My mind would fill with wonder

At blue sky, green trees, rainfall

And heavy summer light that

Wrapped you tight and kept you.

But now? Y

Too much clutter, not enough

Of dancing alone and shower singing.

Fear of personal thought, judgement

And loss, but I’m learning.


I’m just a fool learning to live again.

Prompt 22: Letters To An Andalucian Friend

Dear Guillermo,

Hola to my kind Andalusian friend.

I write to you from the shores of Utah Lake.

The mountains hear are snow-capped yet.

How is the climate there?

I miss the beauty of the old Moorish palaces in Granada.

I miss the lively graceful beauty of the Flamenco dancers and

the prancing of your glorious horses on parade.


Do you still take lessons from the gypsies who taught you how to play the oud?

I miss the smells the music and rhythm of southern Spain.

I miss your delicious food too.

I hope you will reconsider visiting me.

Spring has sprung and Utah is all in bloom.

Best wishes to you and yours,

Your amigo,

William Jackson

Johnny D The Man For Me




J  Joking, and joyful a Jedi at heart

O Ornary by nature

H Honest old fart.

N Never nasty or negative

N Nice to a tee

Y Youthfully yummy

D Damn lucky me!


Firefly Lights

Even the fireflies have gone to bed

They left me alone with words in my head

Strands of ideas to be turned into thread

Or picked apart and tossed instead

I’ll stare out the window into the night

Hoping to see a small flash of light

Inspiration to be pulled from the dark

Both of us watching for one more spark