FIFTEEN (3 stanzas of quatrains)

A learner’s license is the goal

Of any typical fifteen year-old.

Though I had a car the year before,

I could only drive to the corner store.


Thank heavens for a small rural town

Where the price of a misdemeanor was just a frown.

Everyone knows who you are

And whether or not you can drive that car.


Sadly, I miss that kind of life

Where mere existence was not filled with strife.

I’d turn the clock back if I could

To show my daughter when the world was good.

Life in a hot air balloon

What does it take to hold
hot air, to carry the weight
of people and perhaps one dog?
Could I stitch together
silken scarves (hundreds!) by hand
and still float away like
dandelion seed, round and
pregnant question?
There is a shortage of helium,
you see, and these things must
be learned. Would dental floss
be a stronger thread; it’s strong
enough for teeth if pulled
correctly. I would pull it
correctly. I would try.
I would fill bags with sand
to weight, heavy as nursing breasts,
cold as the bottle of Sprite
that burst in the freezer forgotten.
Make of it what you will— there is
work to be done.

Dismembered (H14)

“The land knows you, even when you are lost.”

Lost in my tracks
I track back to where
I last remember
Being from where
I started thinking
Down this road
ahead of my feet
leaving my feet behind

The earth called up to
my mind, whispered
‘wait up’ and I thought it said
“wake up” and so i did
stop in my tracks and after
my feet reached mind
or perhaps my mind reached back
to my feet
and once again we stood together
on the spot of land that knows
where i am
and who i am
and where i’m headed


We call this meeting to order, the council of the stars.

Leave your galaxies behind, we have a serious matter to discuss.

A proposal, a new planet, Earth. 

“What will they give us, what’ll be its purpose?”

A warning. 

There will be war, famine, global warming.

Smaller injustices, rape, pillaging, genocide, murder, robbery.

They will be our test.

“A test for what?”

To see how long they last before they eventually become their own undoing.

“But sir, isn’t that cruel? What did they do to us?”

They’ve done nothing, they’re not real. I want to send a message for the rest of the universe, that in order to survive, one must not be like them.

“I see.”

“How long will this test run?”

7.79 billion years, unless they prove me wrong.

If they somehow work together, admit their wrongdoings, they can stay.

“Is it likely?”


15 Apocalyptic Cryptic

“Let there be light” and it was so…

And with a flash, it will all go

Back to darkness on the face of the deep,

And those that slumber, those that sleep,

Shall rise through the clouds, to heavenly morn,

Where only light will crown the dawn,

And darkness no more shall reign or shall shadow

And light, alone, will cover all matter.

Leaving darkness below, and lightness above.

One filled with fear; one filled with love.

Clay Maker

As a child you played in the dirt

making mud pies for your daddy,

teasin’ momma with the wigglin’ worms

you were a mighty dinosaur, eating trees made of broccoli

growing like a weed

in the dirt

Helping your grandma pick the berries,

one for the bucket and one for your sugar stained tongue

even the sweet peas and tomatoes tasted better, fresh from the garden,

the dirt rubbed off on your jeans


You happily roamed through the labyrinth rows

pretending to be the lost princess of The Great Beyond

no goblins, no bears to catch you unawares

because your dog patrolled this patch of land

he marked it as his which in turn made it yours

the sunshine warmed ground was the best place in town

for a nap with your best friend

suddenly you found a tougher go -round

and “dirt nap” took on a different meaning

but you were tough and you didn’t cry

when they put grandpa to sleep

his watch, yours now, forever to keep

Daddy got lost, he and momma split up

your world whorled wholly out of your control

you left your farm home, decided to roam and find more meanings in life

you found the grass wasn’t grass, but a hoe was still a hoe

and it raked at your soul, you found the dirt

you dug in and smiled ’cause after a while you just couldn’t stay clean

sleeping in laundry rooms, eating the trash

selling your body

’cause you needed the cash

you dug deeper for dragons and fairies in green

purposely dulling your senses ’cause the streets were too mean

Then one day you saw her, or maybe not

looked like your momma, through your head full of snot

the body was older, the figure was lean

but the eyes when they lighted on you, what a gleam!

she knew it was you from the very first glance

she grabbed at your hand and she pulled you away

said you’re coming home, you’re coming to stay

grandma was gone, daddy’d died too

so much had happened while you weren’t you

away from your friends, mostly guilt dragged you through

but as the days wore on she got through to you

This land she said, this land is our land

yours and mine too 

we’ll work it together just like before

but this place is our homeland, it deserves your respect

you love it, protect it or get out the door

I been here now twenty years, maybe more

This land is my home, I’ve opened it to you

The dirt’s a lot cleaner than cities or towns

you’ll understand the magic if we’ve children around

for no matter where,

how far, or how long

the lands filled with sirens

forever singing their song






Oh, Crazycracy!

We’ve had one of those for decades,

A feeble attempt by feeble minds

Seeking greatness over duty,

As the wealth trickles down

Into their accounts, not ours.

And we, such fools, sit idly by

A lighted box and learn to fight

For what they say is right.

School for the gullible these days.

Has it ever been otherwise?

Not in my lifetime.

This life in a kakistocracy.

Pass the Jar

You won’t find it behind any downtown bar

It only comes in a clean mason mason jar

Cool and clear and deceptively strong

Toss the lid to the side, you can’t go wrong

Take a swig and pass it around

Especially if somebody has sorrows to drown

That jar will pass from hand to hand

Tilted back until nobody can stand

That sweet elixir will conjure the best stories

From only the most lewd and off color categories

When the jar is emptied just put it aside

Open a new one and swallow your pride

A jar of good times is never in short supply

It’s the only safe way for a Southern man to get high

When you open your eyes in the morning after going all in

You’ll feel just good enough to get started again


Mind Palace

The boat is rocking in a lullaby motion,
The wind the only ruffle on the still small lake.
Above, the night sky is freckled with stars,
Each a distant thought to be discovered.

Down in the depths of the lake murkier things fonder,
Subconscious morass of mud and algae,
Emotions deeper than waking knowledge.

I sleep to the gentle rocking of my craft upon the waters.

I was There, I saw it All -Hour 15

I was there

I saw it all

The way the sun mashed about the sky

Liquid all around me

Nothing quite formed yet

Moments of clarity followed by glubbing about with the other cells

We tried to match up, create something

But we were not organized enough yet

Not enough purpose in our DNA

But I was there, I remember it well

Swimming about in chemical concoctions

Waiting for form to form


I was there

At the end

The way the sun marched across the sky

The explosions, one after the other

Until everything was wiped out, everything but thought

We had tried to stop it, but we weren’t organized enough

We just whined about what was happening on social media

We cried at the end, we did

We glubbed around trying to stay informed

We watched as the chemical fried us and our bodies disintegrated

I was there, I saw it all

Watching all form destroyed