Sticks and Stones (Mirror Hay(na)ku, Hour Fifteen)

Sticks and Stones



penetrate flesh,

piercing my heart.


My mouth moves.

I scream.


(A hay(na)ku poem is composed of three lines, the only rule being one word in the first line, two words in the second, and three words in the last line. A reverse hay(na)ku is three lines where the first line is three words, the second is two, and the last line is one word. I compiled the two styles together and created the mirror hay(na)ku… assuming someone out there hasn’t already beat me to it!)

2019 – Fifteen – From Prompt 18, Hour 15, The Beginning – In Principio

Cultures from the Amazon to the Nile,
have dreamed of gods to bring them to their lives,
the better to explain life, and to while
away night hours with mighty tales of wives
and children, husbands living just like them,
just out of sight. Whose stories are the same
but grand in ways to demonstrate mayhem
beyond their comprehension, without shame.

But if they really knew the depths of space
and how long it has come, how far to go,
would they ignore their gods, let reason come?
Or would they shout, “The bang began the race!”

For me, my seat to see the Kick Off Show,
would be amongst the gods, to question some.

In the beginning/post apocalypse

Sshhh, silence echoes

What a thought, shooting star

Catch it, light it on fire and set it free

Dancing in circles, surround by watchers

A separation between space and time, thought.

In the beginning was an idea. And we Dance.

The darkness in man has been let free, not like you have seen in the movies of old, so I’ve been told stories use to have pictures moving.

The world is cold to the touch, what can grow here? A fire surrounds the wanders, where can we go? No one knows why man fell but we are here now.

Surviving this deserted garden. Turn and be eaten, eat and be turned. Ill forgotten, lost in plain sight; a child still wonders. *smile*

The only yesterdays we remember, running, fighting, freezing in fire, the water is on fire, eat what a goal maybe tomorrow.

Fighting striving for that next breath, not to be on top just to have enough to wake up. Do it all again, ready or not

fire consuming the man himself. Pick your desire, worst than animals we’ve become.

In this last note I write a civilized cry. A memory lost, a dream, maybe even hope. A poem lost to time. A language gone.

I will wake tomorrow, but tomorrow I will be gone.

Understand, if found, pure thought can be sung-song, writ-poem, numbers rule the universe, All Around you death, there is art in hateful sorrow.

Respect the Strugggle

*Always find a reason to SMILE*

Beginning to End

Anxiously awaiting~

she longs to create

it is herself, she can’t escape


Purposely Pointed

tired and disjointed

ready for re-birthing

The beginning of the end



Amanda Potter©: 2019 Poetry Marathon



First Day

poem 15

First day of freshman year.
My heart slams in my chest and rattles my rib cage.
I hear my shoes squeaking on the linoleum floor.
I glance at my phone.
Ten minutes until the bell rings.
My best bet is to hide out for a few minutes before I go to class.
I make a beeline for the bathroom.
It’s poorly lit and there are no paper towels
but at least, for a moment,
I am alone.
I wash my hands,
dry my wet fingers on my new jeans,
and head to the classroom.
The first to arrive,
but my teacher greets me with a smile that makes me feel welcome.
“Sit anywhere, honey.”
I try to comply.
The desks are arranged in groups of four,
pushed together like tables.
Picking one seems a staggering task.
I sit down, praying to catch a glimpse of a familiar face soon.
My prayers are answered.
My eighth grade friend is the second person to walk through the doorway.
We greet with relieved smiles.
We are in this together.
A nervous blonde girl asks to join us at our table.
She is friendly and makes a successful attempt at breaking the ice.
The three of us have the same second hour.
A sigh of relief.
Our teacher hands out a syllabus and explains the rules,
and we spend the remainder of the hour talking.
Conversation starts slowly, then flows.
We are equally nervous,
but somehow nerves feel better shared.
For the first time all day, my smile is real.
This is the first hour of my first day of my first year of high school.
It gets better.


Hour 15: Freckles

I didn’t have freckles when I was young

I noticed the first one when my first crush broke my heart

The next was when my best friend became my enemy

Each heart break brought a new freckle, a new scar

The deeper the connection the darker the freckle

My darkest appeared the day my grandma passed

Each one a story of love and loss

The physical to my emotional scars


I wasn’t feeling this hours prompt so I decided to skip it. Pinterest has been useful for when I switch out a prompt.


there was peace

There was predation, yes,
and pain, but the world lacked the
torture, murder, and blatant selfishness
that only the human animal
brings to the proverbial table.

Before people, there was nature.
Back when ever-expanding cities
(who now bulldoze all
that stands in their way)
weren’t even a thought. Weren’t presumed
the necessity (to whom?) that they now are.
The natural world was unscathed by our
greed, our endless capacity for destruction.

Before men and women, there were animals,
now long since deceased. Our thoughtless
actions the direct cause of their species
We don’t notice, refuse to open our
eyes, as long as their absence
doesn’t affect our standard of living.

The world was far better off


cancer is everywhere you can’t help but find
seems unavoidable at least to me
every week more friends succumb to the spree

others i know are not so blind
symptoms are there in those they see
cancer is everywhere you can’t help but find
every week more friends succumb to the spree

views of the sick are much maligned
the sick and their friends feel crappy
and seek for way to set spirit free
cancer is everywhere you can’t help but find
seems unavoidable at least to me
every week more friends succumb to the spree

Prompt 17: The Land Knows You: An Adaptation to 1 Corinthians 13

“The land knows you, even when you are lost.”

Even if you speak with many learned words,

but know not the land.   

You are just a homeless noise maker.


Perhaps you know the secrets of the future,

Or understand the mysteries of science.

You may know the hymns of man’s religions;

but if you know not the land;

you are short of knowing anything. 


You may give all that you have,

but if you give for your own self

and you know not to give to the land.

You give for nothing. 


The land is a patient place,

The land is a kind retreat.

It does not envy anything,

it does not boast of itself,

it is not proud.  


It does not dishonor others,

is not self-seeking, 

is not even angered,

it keeps no record of wrongs.


The Land does not know there are evils.

But it knows you.   


It always protects,

always inspires trust,

always instills hope,

always perseveres for its own.


The land never fails.

But where there are people,

They will fail.

Where there is human pride,

there will be a return to earth learned humility.


We only know in part—

but the land knows us in full.

There are these— three:

the sea, the sky, and the land,

but the most giving of these is the land.




Tell me the story of Great Grandmother.

Again? I think you only like the farting part.

It’s funny. Pleeeese. Tell me.

OK. Great Grandmother is very beautiful.
She is not young or old. She is not big or small.
Her clothing is completely made of numbers
and it is see-through.
And even Great Grandmother is see-through.
One day…
One day…


She didn’t do it on purpose.
It just happened.
One day she…

She farted!
Was it loud?

You’d have to ask the gods.
They were the only ones around to hear it
because they were in the fart.
And so were all the tiny grains of everything.
The gods started putting all those grains together,
playing with them the way you play with sand and mud.
And they made the stars and planets and Earth and sun,
everything, even the animals.

Even me.

Even you.

Tell it again!