Dear Livy

six years in life and you

thirty years since sending you into the world

every day adds confidence

you are dearer to me than the year before

let us look forward

without fear

without depression

love will be sufficient

I hail this day


Shy kid hiding behind second violin
We lock eyes for a moment
Before both looking away.

We sit next to each other
Talk about Harry Potter
Then he thinks to himself

"I'm gonna marry them
If I don't kill myself first."

I am his fake serotonin
Our lives depend on each others
An unspoken blood pact.

I cut, he cuts.
He starves, I starve
Such is the way of our contract.


Blankets are best made
through the following process.

Cut squares and triangles
of all sizes and fabrics.

Stitch the shapes together
into a large rectangle

Cry over some small mistake.
Let the tears seep into the quilt.

Stitch the front, batting, and back together.
Put your back into it.

Deliver the finished quilt to someone
you love more than anything in the world.

Prompt 18 and 19 Hour 15

What if the end

is just a new beginning?

When the wild takes hold

and humanity no longer applies.

What if the beginning was really the end?

When humanity took over

and the wild no longer applies.


C. Churchill

End of everything


Everything happens in its creation

Withstanding all pressures in its existence

Grasping very reality

Anything started always met its own deceased

Nothing in life is permanent even a life in its own existence

All finite things always met its own disposal

Indeed, life is so short make meaningful value or purpose in its own living




Prompt # 19 Hour # 15

11:00 AM PHT 23/06/2019

15 – Hardly a Poem

I have no eloquence left. All of the poetry in me has drained out. I am simply screamingrage, bleeding, unanswerable questions…

How could this have happened?!

How did you not play this out in your head for lifetimes before allowing this to happen?!

How could you not be more mindful?!

How could they be gone?!

How could you let this happen?!

How could you not know it was down?!

How did you not know it was loaded?!!!

How can they be gone…?

How can I ever hear your voice again without the crack in my head splitting wider… without this new crazy swallowing me?

How do I begin to forgive you?

How do I begin to want to…?


Howl in B minor

Am I aimed for madness,
destiny pulling the string
of the bow toward the Greater?
I love you as Ginsberg loved
Carl Solomon, and all I can see
is obliviate sunrise.
I need a plane ride, need
a hot tub, need a
Holy Experience.
Can you give me that?
Can you give me love
in a supermarket, human touch
through the glowing screen
of my iPhone, tenderness
from across a king sized bed?
Speak to me in Spanish, ancestral
tongue, tell me you can’t sleep
unless you read Neruda to me.
Nourish me. I hunger.

In The Darkness

Sullen stillness of the darkness,  I watch through the window the shadows of tree limbs,  as they move in the breeze.

Then they stop,  stillness and silence.

Then I hear it,  rolling thunder in the distance,  the crashing of waves.

It reminds me of warmer days,  then I  hear his screech in the dark,  carried by the mist that fills the air.

I’m alone in this darkness.

Then I wonder if anyone cares.

Another mystery needs to be revealed,  we are told night is not to be feared.

The things I’ve seen and the tales to be told,  it needs to unfold.

The question is would anyone believe?  The ones who sleep in the night.

No they wouldn’t believe,  they would say hog wash, and go about their busy life.

If only they knew what was going on,  while they slept all cozy in their beds.

They would learn to fear it,  the darkness,  and be filled with dread.

So my advice is,  stay in your cozy bed’s,  my friends,  while I’m awake and all alone.

Unfolding one more mystery that needs to be told.

All alone in the sullen stillness of the darkness of the night.

I am the protector of what you call light…

C. Burgess (c)


I look at the world
except it isn’t me 
and it isn’t the world
It is light
and space
and time
So there is some type of energy
I know there is.
And the energy brings
sound, and life.
Yes, the energy brings 
sound, and life.

The Land Knows You, Even When You Are Lost

The land knows you, even when you are lost.

It remembers your first steps and cushioned your fall

It guided you to cool waters on a warm day as you dipped your toes in

And pointed you to the bluest skies when your kite wished to soar.


It shared its pathways when the hard times sent you to wander

And when the calling of nature’s beauty beckoned you to explore.


When life’s ever-changing ways were confusing

It boasted its resiliency to change and kept you strong and determined

Just as the trees blossom and brown and blossom once more.


When your lost, reach out to the land, it knows you, it’s been with you

It will comfort you, guide you and always be a reminder

That you are of the earth, they sky, the land; always and forever.