Magical Nights

I saw people I haven’t seen
In years now
Living in the same city
But absorbed in our own lives
We come together in happiness
We come together in joy
Scattered throughout my life
We hug
And whisper proclamations
Of love and adoration

I saw doppelgangers
Of people I dearly miss
So completely similar
I nearly called out their names
They are wishes
Desires to embrace those
That I haven’t seen in years
I want to hold them close
Tell them they never left my heart
And they never will

Magical nights like these
Are my favorite nights of all





Everything has its own beginning

The originator of all things prevailing

Withstanding all circumstance there is an order

Forthcoming progression always rooted back

To the source of everything

Believing and embracing the Higher Ground

Higher Being in everything one has an Order

Order in every possibility in universe changing

Potentials are learned and conduit in its origin

Then an origin behind an originator of all things




Prompt # 18 Hour # 15

11:00 AM PHT 23/06/2019


The Land – Hour 14

The land knows you
Even though you are lost.
And whatever you do
The land brings you back at any cost

Your path may be dark
You may feel alone
But the land gives you spark
And a brand-new phone

You may be lost
You may be scared
But the land won’t bring you a frown
But a friend red-haired

You may feel left behind
Like there is nothing left for you
But the land will change your mind
And make sure that you knew

The land knows you
Even though you are lost.
And whatever you do
The land brings you back at any cost.

Lame Ducks

Lame Ducks
Virginia Carraway Stark

It isn’t asking very much
context is everything
and yet…
it sounds like a lot of fun to me
learning is fun and so playing
but I guess
it’s a bit of goatish thing
to be a kid
and have things as you please
loving to read
and not having things
be necessarily be
the science of ‘self discovery’
oh well,
I suppose
that’s the way
the world goes
when everyone wins a trophy
in every little thing
you’ve got to work to achieve
and not get a slam dunk
for being a lame duck
just a little bit of effort
if you please!

Dream Love

She writes an ode to her lover
In the form of a book.
He is there,
Her hero and yet
Not quite a hero,
But he is hers.

She sends out her love
As a whisper to the trees,
And it carries it to him,
On the wind.
Sealed with the kiss,
Given to the moon
For him.

He lives each day,
Not knowing of her longing,
But feeling her love
Surrounding him.
He sends a prayer,
To his lover,
To the universe.
Praying stardust will
Bless her.

He longs for her in a way,
He does not know,
But he feels it deep in his soul.
One day he will find her,
He hopes,
And she prays when he does,
They will dance to nature’s music
Of their Eternal Love.

Prompt 14: Dear, teacher: Ramona at 36, desperate…near quitting

Dear, teacher: Ramona at 36, desperate…near quitting


I see you sitting in the rocking chair with that baby-near-toddler in your lap

watching Def Jam poetry

listening to Taylor Mali’s poem about what teachers make –

falling apart because you know you are buckling under the weight of the job…

knowing you can’t do anything else because you know you are doing right

walking in a good way

with these kids.

They get you and you get them.


I see you standing in office hallway outside the Vice Principal’s office –

next year’s teacher assignments on the wall for all other teachers to see.

I see your face when you hear her –

that old bitch…you know…the career counselor…say:

“Don’t give her Creative Writing! She can’t handle it. She gives everyone 100%.  She is 100% Elke.”


I see your face in meetings where other teachers shit talk kids you know fight to survive

so you fight for them, too,

so you can survive the system made to crush you all.


You need to know what you do is right!

You are right about Spirit

and bringing soul to the youth who drown in the bile of their hatred

for classes, curricula, and creeping self-loathing borne out of failure.

You see them! They need that.


I am here – 15 years later –

your professor in your Masters program honour you then

for what you do now as you walk,

head down,

into the storm

for the ones left behind

or running ahead.


Keep walking, sister!

You are needed.  You matter.

Ask the kids who shout out to you in grad ceremonies,

the parents who weep at parent-teacher night,

the non-believers blinded by the love they see from you for kids who lived loveless

’til you.


It’s good, sister.

It’s good!

I’ve seen where you are going.

When you look around now, you are alone not cuz you are behind…

you are just way too far ahead.

(c) r. l. elke

Even when you’re lost

Even when you’re lost


the dirt knows you. Dust to dust, swirling

in the springtime breeze, whispering sweet

melodies as it touches the trees and blows

past the birds and bees. The worms and beetles

call as they crawl under rocks and mud, waiting

for the shake of footsteps to cease. You never

lose your way through the trunks covered

with vines, always guided by the stars

above, a God who walks beside.

From A Fairytale Narrator

Magic creeps in where it shouldn’t be.
That’s what it delights in –
The unexpected turn, the misspoken word,
The mischief to be made and gift to be given.
Magic will turn the world upside down, if you let it.

Sometimes that’s what the world needs –
A good shaking up so it can crash down.
Some windows deserve to be broken.
Some peasants are better as king.

And sometimes that’s what makes the world hurt –
Not all good things need to be destroyed.
Some old ladies deserve soft places to land.
Some heroes should never be heard of again.

Still, that’s life, or what we make of it.
You want a different story – tell it yourself!

Prompt 18 and 19, Hour 15

Prompt 18: The Beginning

Write a poem set before the world as we know it came to be. It can be set in the blackness of space, it can involve the big bang or genesis, or anything you imagine.

Prompt 19: The End

Write a poem set after or during the apocalypse.



Found a way in the desert
No physical markings or a guide
Walked a thousands miles
Left a hundred times
Always trying
Walked a valley in the summer
Hiked a canyon in the spring
Fall in the forest
Then winter snow it brings
Mountains tops of impasse
Rushing rapids flow
The raging water moves me
currents soothe me
and rays grow
This natural being found
In sisemic elements formed
The breeze brisk, sun kissed
Earth sifted
Creature adorned
Is never lost on this planet
Never forgotten in the sky
Or the galaxy for all the components of matter created