Hour 14: “The Land knows you, even when you are lost”

“The Land knows you, even when you are lost”

Does my homeland know me?

Child of the Gael

In my tattered, fading cloak, fatigued

Without the language the land gave us

Does the grass recognize me

as one of its own?


A child uprooted

From the sycamore and the chestnut

From the willow and the linden

From the long, deep alleys of  winters

From the brick, the slate, and the chimney


The land of my home knows me

A child of the Gael

In my tattered, fading cloak, fatigued

Without the language the land gave us

The grass recognizes me

as one of its own

Venturing (Hour 14)

The land knows you, even when you are lost.
It speaks for you when you have no voice.
It tastes you in each stride you take upon her,
The sweat of your body returns
to the elements of her realm.

A manifestation, an appendage,
an abomination bore from her most secret recesses.
You are a plague she created for herself,
she knows what path your greed will take, and yet speaks
to your heart to strengthen it, in hopes that it will be what you follow.

Though you may have wandered far from where you intended to tread,
Your coordinates unrecognized by the best of your instruments
The land knows you can never venture farther than where you belong.
For every part of you has come from what is all around you.




my aching behind

causing a big distraction

a poet’s nightmare



TobeTT  # 16

Hour 14

It approaches my own witching hour, 3:33

My lover grows tired.


Bell, book, and candle now take up

Then raise your cup

Renounce your lord

You’ll be adored

Raven, rat, and blackest cat

On shoulders sat

Sing your virtues

And take your dues

The coven maketh you their own

In stitches sewn

Bound by blood

Now don thy hood


I found the rabbit
Followed him to the tree
Alas, the hole is too small for me
Can’t keep going
Tried calling the rabbit out
He hasn’t changed much
Still wears the watch
We are friends now
He is showing me another way

He always says
Never worry if you can’t fit in
There are always doors
Made just for you..

You and I (Diamante, Hour Fourteen)

You and I



angry, bitter

hurting, screaming, fighting

man, warrior……woman, nurturer

crying, loving, writing

compassionate, tender




(A diamante consists of seven lines: line one (A) and seven (G) must be nouns and opposites. Line two is two adjectives that clearly describe Noun A; line six is two adjectives describing Noun G. Line three is composed of three -ing verbs that describe Noun A, and line five is made up of three -ing verbs that describe Noun G. Line four, the middle line, ties the poem together by featuring two concrete nouns about Noun A …. followed by two concrete nouns about Noun G.)

Think It Through

It was a good idea at the time

But I didn’t think it through


Quick decisions without high precision

Now I’m in it

With a choice to quit

To give up

Forever before me

Now that I’m thinking it through

What will I do?


Copyright © 2019 by Angelica Stevenson

All Rights Reserved


On My Way

I’ve packed my bags.
I’m taking off.
Don’t say goodbye
or try to stop me.

You had your chance
to treat me well.
You blew that chance.
Now go to hell.

I’m off to find
a brighter day.

I can see it from here.
I’m on my way.

Hour 11

Brain Wrote to Heart:


Hey idiot, you do us no favors

when you long for him

pine for him,

obsess over him, how tedious!

Do I make myself clear?


You think he is a ladder to a higher plane.


But he is a stone. He is a stone

that we must carry, so you can

stand on it and dream

and if you could let us put it down

Just Put It Down

We could all rise up.

14. The Messenger XIV

8 Centers on 4 continents

And counting

Our brand is leading in its field

Really? Who cares?

How many lives changed?

That’s the real measure of Success

When we fly high

We can fall from high

No, it’s not the height that matters

It is

How to pilot, how to fly,

It becomes natural, and like the condor,

We glide and we can, then,

Raise very very high

Smoke on the Water

All my love for you

Is in all the clouds

Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow