Hour Seven – song prompt…

Blissfull fireflies
Dance in the rain
Watching you go
No longer in pain
A moment in time
Like a butterfly
Emerging from its cocoon
Seasons change, and end
Only to begin again
Your soul forever near
Appearing unexpectedly
As a rainbow in the rain


Age is only a number until the wrong number age

‘Sixty is the new forty!’

 – Doctors office fashion magazine headline, 2019

I just turned sixty.
Years of age
not degrees on a sextant
though in my rudderless state

charting a one-eighty
through late middle-age
trying to find a job
befitting my experience
multiple talents
ability to move, mold, lead
others to successful

Sixty is the new forty what?
Forty winks?
Forty lashes?
Forty days and forty nights?

Dubious are those that
would employ me
that my thinking, attitudes
skill-sets would have me
out-of-synch with

Though I am appreciative to
those that simply
ask the question
I am equally as perturbed at
those who vacillate

implying Paleozoic values
intoning as perverse mantra
millennials and youthful as
though a bottle of
five-buck-chuck offers
similar value to differentiation
by vintage, what it goes
best with

There is no dust on
this bottle
but there will be in my wake
as I head for the door with
an I’ll-stop-you-right-there
‘thanks, but no thanks.’


– Mark L. Lucker
© 2019


I want to be a dandelion—
bright, resilient, blooming.
I want to scatter,
to wait for the wind
that will continue my cycle.
I want to die. To live.

7. The Messenger VII

Found a place

Found part of the funding

Found the architect

Found the geobiologist

Everything is going so ( too? )


Be careful what you ask for

They said

You might just get it

“You better be ready”

They said

For what you ask

What has been a magickal

Is how easy it has been to

Attract all the right people

Needed to achieve that project

It was as easy as a small talk here

And a small talk there

I use to hate small talk

Now I am seamlessly turning them into massive ones

Your Dream, Beyond

Unknown Song

If I listen to your song

Will you listen to mine?

If I expose myself to your kind

Will you do the same?


If a picture is worth those thousand words

And the picture on this cover is it

Dare I write that I am not interested

In things that look…weird?  


I shall listen to your song

And keep an open mind

And when it’s over?

Maybe I’ll respond again!


It starts slowly and then builds and builds.

Pick it apart slowly, really, really, listen.

Let it lull you into a state of pure peace.

Forget the skyscrapers, the mountains, the monuments.

Forget it all because, in this blissful moment, it is just you.

There is nothing bigger than you, nothing smaller.

Everything is one, striding along melodiously.

With each change in notes, feel you, yes you, change.

You roll down a hill, the sun dipping low on the horizon.

Your giggles can’t be tamed, the dry grass in your hair frames your face.

No worries.

In this moment, everything is okay.

Tears fill your eyes, and sobs spill from your lips.

Holding yourself tight, a crescendo of emotion.

And the song starts again.

Demons (Prompt 6)

I entertained a demon

that appeared by my bedside

lurking over me

I let it run its nails down my spine

My fascination remained

something I believe I was born with

My stories of Love questioned its existence

months later he returned

with his bagged promises

only to tear them open

shredding “us” for certain




is like being trapped

in a cardboard box

if I were small enough to fit

in the boxes from amazon

that arrive full of cat food cans 

taped shut

no ventilation 

the darkness

playing tricks on me

strange shapes dancing along

my eyelids

when I scratch at the sides

and tiny rays of light

manage to creep through

they are blinding

causing my skin to glow

in a tiny constellation of stars

the box proves

to be impermanent

and I scratch harder


There’s a demon inside me, always on the prowl

And on The night before payday you can hear him start to howl
He shares a cell inside my chest with my  heart
And when he wants to escape, that’s when the beating starts.
The two of them beat in rhythm against my rib cage
And flutter and shake with ever growing rage
When they finally get the strength to break free
That’s when everybody needs to look out for me
I’ll swing from the rafters chasing down a good time
Even the sun coming up won’t mark my bedtime
When I finally do run my demon out of steam
And he limps back to his cell to dream
I wear the scars of a good time with pride
And take the hangover that comes in stride

Nappytime (Hour Six)


The pitter-pat of little feet

Echoes off the hardwood floor

Her big brown eyes look up at me

From just outside the office door


“It’s nappytime!” she seems to say

Although she utters not a word

She climbs my legs onto my lap

Ensuring ev’ry grunt gets heard


She beckons, “Mommy, time for bed!”

With her tiny yet full-bodied sigh

Too tired to sit, she’s had enough

And rests her head on Mommy’s thigh


“Okay, you win, time for a nap!”

I smile and softly stroke her head

Picking the dog up off my lap,

My muse and I crawl into bed.


Honeybun, aka My Muse