Prompt 9, Hour 7

Tears rolled down my cheeks,

My car backed out of the drive.

A deep breathe as I waved good-bye.

My first house as an adult,

Leaving it behind.

All I knew was behind me as I shifted into drive.

My car full of boxes, things I forgot for the movers to take.

My tears flowed for quite a while, fearing a mistake.



On her majesty’s secret service

Everything has brought us to this point. You were lost for so many years

and I was too blind to see it. We ran in circles for eternity trying to deny ourselves the pleasure we deemed ourselves unworthy of, our thoughts being our biggest adversary in the unruly war against normality.

We couldn’t tell anyone what it meant because we weren’t even sure ourselves but, once everything coalesced, I knew it was time to begin. There is no obstacle that can stop me, no risk I will not take to rectify who we once were. As the entire universe is my witness, I will never experience an oneiric adventure ever again until we get back to where we once belonged. Lennon would be so proud.

prompt 6: animkiig



standing on the lake shore. black sky arches in a perfect “c,” cupping the lake as if to hold it in its palm. the lightning comes toward me.  in front of me.

behind me a group of people, concerned for their safety, cry for protection from the storm.  i tell them they are safe with me.  on the horizon

with the flash of lightning

the animkiig come.  i turn to the people

“they are here for me.  go now!”

beating wings whip wind around me

sharp feathers slice me.

i see them come

claws reaching down,

digging deep into the flesh of my shoulder,

left shoulder

to perch

or carry me off with them.

i knew they came for me to stand in the place of the others…

as i stood in this storm on this slate grey shore on this ink black lake.

(c) r.l. elke

The Car, a Key – Hour 5

A shy girl
Who looks up to their teacher
They get in a talk
And laugh quite a lot

However it happened
Together they sit
In the teacher’s car
And drive somewhere

The teacher still talks
And turns away from the wheel
The shy girl is happy
There is no shy no more

It so happens
That the highway grows smaller
And the car – not being controlled
Crashes over the boundary, drives over some grass and back on the highway

At first it seems alright
They continue to drive
But then the car gets slower
And stops on a drawn-on-the-street rotary traffic

Both get out and look at it
No bad damage they see
So, they calmly wait for help
While they chat and tell stories

I wish I knew

I wish I knew
Virginia Carraway Stark

I wish I knew
A million years ago
what I know today
with the world
spinning faster
thousands of years go by every day
how many millions of years ago was it
that I sat in the forest and listened to
the crow say hello, hello, how are you?
how many thousands of years ago was it
that I lost my mother?
my child?
my brother?
was it a hundred years ago or a thousand or more that I was hit by a car?
all time and space have lost their place
in the immensity of the global events
but I recall when the I touched the tree bark
and saw the mushrooms sprout with joy
I know that that was millions of years ago
and in a dimension far far away

Poetry will save me

As I’ve grown, I’ve become more reckless.

As a child, I set my bedtime
at 7:30, arguing that I was growing and required more
sleep. My mother laughed and still tells the story.

As a preteen, I mapped out my life— college
would get me out of my small town (it did); college
would crack open the world like a pecan.
I placed pins in the world map that hung
like a prayer in my closet— never go back to Summerville.
But college is expensive, and I come
from Poverty. What to do?

Babysit neighborhood children and young cousins.
Sell artwork to classmates for their lockers
(Blastoise was my best seller).
Create jewelry and sell it door-to-door.
Craft animals from pipe cleaners (fingers
are easily torn by wire ends— a cautionary tale) and sell
them widely— teachers placed custom orders
for the holidays.

As a teen, my savings grew. I was accepted to Duke
(out of state!). I wrote that I wouldn’t marry
until I was 30, after I bought my house
with the red door and owned a Mustang.

Love is cloudy and makes the mind brackish.

As a teenager, I birthed my child to laughter. 16.
Savings (paltry) drained.

As a mother, days were precise. Feeding at 10am.
15 minutes for snuggling and burping. 45 minutes
for play. 30 minutes to read together.
Nap at noon. Scheduled. Written.
Posted on the white refrigerator.

Kindergarten— four baby carrots, eight cubes
of Muenster cheese, ziplock bag of Goldfish,
box of apple juice. 30 minutes for homework.
Play until 6pm. Dinner. 45 minutes
to read together. Quality time (TM).

Now I speak of running to the edge of the Cliffs
of Moher to see the waves eat at the cliff face
300 feet down, of riding a yellow Kawasaki Ninja
until I landed on my head, of no fear, of no
dinner because I forgot, of “What day is it?,”
of poetry.

Poetry has made me reckless.

Breaking Down

I was born old

like my father before me

but it was always in my mind

Now I feel old

in my body, and in my mind


I am always so tired

And I just can’t be the way I was before.

My joints crack, my head aches, my muscles are soft

and struggle to do the things that came easily to them

I feel old

Is it my schedule, my diet, my outlook on life?

Has the world beaten me back or have I defeated myself.

They say its all downhill after 25,

and right now that certainly feels true.

But you know what is the worst part?

I can’t sit down and eat like I used to.

16 year old me, you have no idea how lucky you were.

You were strong, you were fast, and my god you could eat whatever you wanted and a lot of it.

Like, a lot.

Goodbye, fair princess of yesteryear.

I am breaking down, little by little…

I need to run more.

Crawling in and out (H6)

I used to search for signs.
Then I realized even if there were some,
I wouldn’t be able to see them in the dark.

Then I thought I could feel my way out.
I hadn’t considered how sticky I’d left the walls
behind me as I ran my hands along.

Then I thought I’d call for help.
But my voice cracked and I couldn’t seem to put it back together.

Finally I decided I was exactly where I wanted to be.
Well, that was easy!


Seven years old and second grade

With a wonderful teacher six feet tall.

My love for reading and writing did not fade,

I added new subjects and loved them all.


I rode the bus home an hour each day,

Even then I was a latchkey kid.

I picked up my sister from my aunt’s house where she would stay

I cooked and I cleaned and my feelings, I kept hid.

I wanted someone to look after me,

And let me be a child.

To show me things I couldn’t see

And be unworried for a while.


Seven years old is too young to know

Your parents can’t pay their bills and have nowhere to go.




What are all these emotions I’m feeling
Am I falling to deep in my feelings
Am I moving to fast do I need to shut these feelings down

Am what I feeling is real
Or is it his sweet words that have me all in my feelings
Are his words truly genuine or is it a card game that he dealing

Am I falling for the nice guy this time
Or is it boogie man in disguise
Waiting to build my hopes up then tear it all down at a drop of a dime

Am I letting my past interfere with my future
Or is this a sign I should keep my guard up
I’m so afraid of all these feelings
I feel like running and just leaving

Am I running from a good man who can truly love me
Or is this fate thats warning me that this right here not ment to be

Could he be what I truly need
Or is it me that is wounded and want this to be
Be what I always wanted and all these emotions i feel inside
Is it me making it something that’s really is nothing

But what if he’s the one that can change my whole world
What if his feelings are genuine for me
Am I going to run from these feelings because I’m scare to see if this man could be what I need

I need a sign to show me where this so call relationship we have going on is a path I need to take or should I run away because it just a fantasy I don’t want to escape
My heart can’t take anymore heartache
So I need a sign to give me a peace of mind