Bad Music

There is nothing worse
Than having to listen
To bad music
When there is
An entire world
Of music out there
To choose from


red may be too bright &

yellow too glorious

some days are meant to be

muted &

delivered in generous blue

and soft spoken green.

The Tribulation of a Closed Heart

My heart crawled and circled, banging against the caged walls of your heart. It did this for years, not knowing why, beyond some “should” of commitment. Then it was time to release your heart and fall away. In the lull, I turned inward, digested myself, hanged myself from a tall oak. I spun my heart away, locked myself in a shiny chrysalis and as an amorphous mass of imaginal cells, I was over. Until I wasn’t, until I grew wings, a new body, a new everything defined no longer by you, but by sunlight and self, power and love. I emerged anew, whole and complete, reborn into sky.


My heart cries

a quiet song

in the dark

of the night

where no one

can hear

but my soul

and my


Eve Remillard


6. Bumblebee

They said, “Don’t worry, it’s a short drive.”

When you’re crammed into the “back seat”
Of a yellow 77 Volkswagon Beetle
Along with 2 boxes of random stuff, a few bags of odd smelling food
And a particularly friendly chihuahua named Gnash
A mile may have been a hundred, for all the comfort it allowed.

The seats smelled of vomit and old lady
Turns out the car was once owned by my “friends” abuela
Some 20 years before
It had sat dormant for the better part of a decade.

Try as I might, comfort was moot
As was the lack of drool and a sense of impending doom I felt
Every time I heard a rattle or felt the jar of deathtrap over tracks
The only solace being the tiny window I opted to peer out of as we journeyed

The view was quite pleasant; even soothing.
Especially that time an attractive woman looked at me while stopped at a red light
And she smiled at me, eyes peering over mirrored shades
I smiled back


The clouds huddle
While lightning strikes the ocean
With jagged fingertips
And sharp crackles.

The cliff crumbling,
threatening to dash you
upon the rocks beneath

Light a spark
Clasped within your hands
Singeing your palms
and scorching your fingers.

Be the first
To cast your flame
Into the ocean

Hour 6

I wait outside the door

I listen to the sobs inside

The door is locked, I cannot come in

Let me in, baby girl

Let me say it will be alright

Hour 7: Post 7: Unleashed

Look at you, coward over,

Searching for a way to make this about me

You foolish soul

Can you feel my resentment building

my anger toward your very breath

Can you not see what you have created?

The monster in me is eager to feed off your lies

All of your insecurities

All of your pain

You have unleashed the part of me that

I tried so hard to bury away

Yet you took your shovel

And dug me up just like the last bullshit you

Tried to feed me

Do not underestimate my power

Or my worth

I will demolish everything you ever Hoped and prayed for just so I can sit back and bask in all of my new found glory

while I watch you struggle and beg

Just like I have for you

Prompt 9, Hour 7

The infamous song prompt! I get so nervous every year when I post this one. The idea is to listen to this song while writing or before writing, whichever works best with your process.


Torrential rain
Disquieted artistic endeavors
Prompted scrambling and disarray
Forceful winds blew in impatience
Impatience painted in grey
Grey shadowed a landscape
The landscape covered complained
The complaint reached the caretaker
The caretaker could only say
Thank you
Omnipresent for the artist
Is the creator of it all
Omniscient to matters of great magnitude and miniscule
The great and the small
Gifted and guided tenderly
Handled with loving care
Even in calamity and seeming impossibility
Be aware
The key locked deep inside
In torrential rain fall
Can be opened remotely


