I Write

I write because

If I did not

I would cease to exist

I could not breathe

Writing is life to me

Words, beautiful words

Terrible words

Wise words

Foolish words

Words can change the world

Use with responsibility.

There’s Maybe a Light

I pluck a wilderness
To match the warm darkness.
I snuggle into a ball,
Feeling the cold begin to touch my head.
I squint,
There’s maybe a light,
Maybe a light.
Make me a light.

Tiny Alice

For a moment I could be Alice in Wonderland,

but I am a little afraid of falling in the rabbit hole

and of shrinking moments after only to remain

stuck in the smallest room in the world!


But mushrooms are so good that I would taste one

even if the result was turning into Peter Pan!

But what child doesn’t dream once of becoming

the eternal Peter or Clara from the Nutcracker?


So I will remain stuck for a few hours

if the result is gaining knowledge!

I like exploring and discovering new things,

that’s why I’m eager to have tea and meet the bad queen!

The secret

I vaulted your secret

I carried your pain

I held onto it

I wore its shame

I hugged the one who hurt you

My love for you both the same

Your secret is our secret

until its not one day.



Silence the Silence

Screaming sirens silence the silence

salient surveyors

survivors spinning still

but stillness isn’t comfort

when it’s the center of the vortex

one of

natures erasers of the permanence of man


Hold her close and  R U N !

You waited a bit too long Honey, best get in here quick!

no need for the crying. We know

you’re the new girl here

It was a hard decision, the babe was only two, in months and not a minute more.

Oklahoma, home-a the tilt-a-whirl flying circus death defying deity dependent

Bible-school and bible-belt

spare the rod spoil the bastard

alone in the storm with a baby in your arms


skirt ripped off

the trailer

and no one to trust at all.


you can make it. Don’t drop the baby. Don’t squish the baby. Don’t lose the baby.

Baby. Baby! Babeeee  mine.

Eight by eight and six foot under, a bare bulb burning holes in the too dark darkness as it swings with the surges of the wind throwing shadows on the faces of the mass of huddled mass. Bulk of strangers.  Come on down. You’re out of time. Hand the baby over.

The wind is screaming, the baby shrieking. You’re out of time. Sweaty hands around you, a ragdoll in their arms.

The door slams shut above you, the lock is slid in place.

Time passes without measure.

You cannot see a face.







Hour 6: Snake and Mouse

Snake and Mouse

Eyelid slide, shutter click

Bristle of fur, whisker twitch

A furious beat, a tiny heart

A drum, a time piece, with no escapement.


All the while, scales of gold

Moving, articulated, slow

A calculation, a maneuver

Black-eyed, dead-eyed, taught.


Inevitable darkness falls,

A being’s true nature calls

contraction, constriction,

A gentle slide to oblivion.

Hour 5

A red brick facade, a stately double door

Curios adorning the walls, crystal chandeliers shining down

The warm glow from the fireplace with armchairs completing the look

The open, inviting kitchen where meals are cooked with love

The cozy library in the corner with a hundred books lining the wall

The laughter of kids emanating from the playroom above

My hand caresses the furniture I set out in loving detail

I promise myself this will be my home someday

Be Careful

Poem 6

Be Careful

By: Ashley L Powers


Be careful what you pray for

Prayed to God to feel loved by a man like you

He placed you in my life

And what did you do?

You destroyed me

So God replaced you

In return gave me a miniature version that carries the same name as you


God that was a petty move


I guess next time I’ll be a little more thorough when I talk to you

The Yellow Fleck

Hour 2

I made the wish

I said the prayer

“Find a way to spare her”

I knew the path

I saw the future

“There won’t be a way”

I saw one miracle

I needed one more

“Be prepared to lose her”

But when I saw your yellow fleck

in my daughter’s eyes:
