A Night With Old Tree Before the City Cut It Down

The tree is leaning over, it is ancient and it is ill
and its face is that of a man or something greater
I sit and stare and take in its fragrance
and I’m glad
at the end of its life
it spared a blip of a moment for me


The tree knows I’m there,
though I may be no more than a pinprick
or a faint draft
everything talks
everything listens
and the old spirit speaks to me or the night


It wonders aloud about what a strange thing this life is
It muses about the fate of its seeds
It moans over its aching branches
It peeks above the rooftops made out its cousins
and surveys the rest of the town


Tired as all things are
after a long day or life
when the evening is old and it’s time to sleep
It yawns and sways lazily
And gives one last thought to the draft
poking at its feet


The stars swirl and dance to your music
and they take on the colors
of your thoughts and your dreams
When my wandering is over
I can only hope to be as wise and fleeting as you

in the throes of slumber

so fucking top heavy head in the clouds of white satin murderous venom plight and heaven’s crown
raising rising satirical revising complying multiplying living lying then you’re dying covered faces fearless places communities all or nothing immunities cotton candy collusion sinister solution revised to callousness and conclusions contrary the confusions implied by counteractive intrusions constitutional contusions echoing forceful revolutions evolutionary substitutions terrifying institutions towers falling and blood boils toils plague and flood ravenous mourning shaking and mud vengeance virtue valiance quite dead draw back the curtain saved for his head

In my dreams I dream of you

the softest spot in my heart is reserved for you

across the hall & past the shells you used to collect as a kid

stands a velvet sofa

and pictures of all the times i told you i love you (they clutter the room; do not blame me for being sentimental)

where we can sit, and just for a little while

the world goes quiet

and the only things still existing

are a little you

and a little me



Every night I leave,
I fly, I fall to earth
failing to capture
that feeling in daylight
of joyful abandon and
fearless dream journeys

Every night I leave
Pulled out by angels
wanting to play
with my soul after
I kneel to pray
begging for another day

Every night I leave
praying for health
instead of wealth
Begging forgiveness
upon my bended knee
waiting to fly and see
what God desires from me

© Diane Morinich
All Rights Reserved

Too close

Everything in this city is just too close to me

Too loud, too dirty, too bright, too tall

But most importantly,

Every on this fucking subway is too close to me

I am sitting

The man spreading his legs wide, arguing about fantasy football over text on my left

The woman with thicc thighs watching tv on her phone to my right

The fifty or so people crammed in front of me, arms and shoulders all presses together

Pretending that they aren’t screaming internally

The middle aged man wearing ill fitting trousers has his crotch right in my face

Everyone is way too close

I can smell them

Someone needs to shower bad

Oh for ducks sake someone farted

The putrid smell is slowly taking over

What did they eat last night???

I can feel their flesh pressing up against mine

This is way more intimate than I want to go, they haven’t even bought me dinner yet

A sneeze


Now we are all sick

I hate this city

And I hate this subway car

Oh shit, it’s my stop. Gotta get off

Until next time train.

I will not miss you



Hour #5, Prompt #6


It’s an ordinary day. I’m driving
my morning’s scheduled routine, when
thundering across the near horizon I hear,
before seeing, a herd of wild mustangs,
hundreds of them

spilling in round-rumped abandon
through meadow and crossing ahead—
a mingling of manes, arced tails a blur
of exhilaration – nobly

proclaiming with whited eyes
their surprise at this galloped
layering of worlds, pulsing forward|

the rumbling waves tumble now
through open window,
sweat scented freedom compelling
and feral, calling me distant,
deep and wild.

The rhythm resolves as the
herd hurries on. I return to my day,
to what is planned
and not.


Pride to some
Beloved she was to the others
So they kept her close to them,
Like she was a gem…
They cared for her in all the ways,
Over protection she got from everyone in the way
So she made her place in the treasure,
She was adored beyond measure
Locked inside forever; where nobody could scratch her even in disguise
But she knew the use of keys
And slowly made her way to the people’s eyes
She shone like a diamond
Like God Himself had made her with leisure

A Dream to some
Precious she was to the others
Untouched she felt by them,
They pushed her away
Like she did not belong to them
Unable they were to handle her purity
Undeserving they thought of themselves for her
For their love for her was eternity
They gave her wings to fly…To fly Far away!
But she came back to them
Where she had her freedom
Freedom to infinity
After all,
She was a bird,
A bird full of love and loyalty!



The gates of Hell are rising
To engulf the diseased Earth.
Moms and Dads are crying,
Babies dead right after birth.
Demons are attacking,
Taking everything they see.
The world around us blacking
As we plunge into the sea.

The life we know is ending
As it suddenly is clear
That evil is impending,
The Devil’s thousand years.
Dirt and stench surround us
As we see what might have been.
Satan, now has found us
The king of wicked men.

Our paths are laid before us,
To the sinners’ realm we go;
To the torture that is for us,
Reserved for human souls.
Eternity, defined here
Is where we’ll spend our days.
The lives we left behind us
Have gone their separate ways.

The fires are getting close now.
I can feel them burn my soul.
For my soul was black with evil,
My sins as black as coal.
The foolish do not heed me
Or mend their wicked ways.
The lambs of God march forward on
Into the fiery blaze.

Sundoggy (Hour Four)



Fuzzy blue arms

fling past my face

whipping wildly in the wind.


With tail wagging,

she drops her blue baby in my lap

as if presenting me with the Hope Diamond,

and stares eagerly into my eyes,

seeking their approval.


I laugh and rub her head,

careful not to neglect the sweet spot behind her right ear.

She kisses my cheek then licks my lips,

savoring the sweetness strawberry soda left behind.


With two fingers, I twice tap my chest, and

she rests her furry red head against me,

so she can feel the pulsing vibrations of

my every heartbeat.


I lean down and bury my nose in her fur,

inhaling that overwhelming aroma that warms me from the inside out,

much the same way as a glass of good wine.


Sundoggy, I call it.


She’ll lay on the back porch for hours, even in the Texas summer heat,

soaking up the sun, forming the fragrance that melts my heart.

She’ll prance through the doggy door, bound into my lap, lower her head,

and let me snort her, just because she knows it makes me smile.

I wish I could bottle that scent and carry it with me

all the places that she can’t go,

so I’d never be without her again.


She listens to my secrets but never dares to share them.

She lays with me at night and calms my fears.

She plays with me and makes me laugh.

She loves me more than I love myself.


Truly, she is my best friend.

My Sundoggy, aka Twinkie