
It’s been a long time
since I’ve managed to blink
for fear that I’ll miss
something important

I wanted to know
the truth of all creation
and I’ve regretted it
ever since

Hour 5

Everyone I ever knew

Has crowded onto my bed

Which is impossibly large and only grows

But I can see their faces each so clearly

Their mouths opening to speak

All one wordless noise

And then they’re gone

Proportions restored

And there you are

Breathing softly

Beside me




Are you ready for this journey?

The one that we call life


Do you have a destination?

Happiness, toil or strife


Are you moving forth with life force?

Or just along for the ride


Who straddles the saddle with you?

Friend, foe or nye


Are your ways and means ready?

Or are you just riding blind


Are you really in your body?

Or just traveling in a dream



I want to be in the sun with cocktails and you,

but I’m swimming in work with no end.

I’m plotting escape while battling sharks, Managing breaths that must last.

you lips are too far away in the surf, safe while I toil away.

your image fades and waters deepen,

leaving my skin cold as your warmth drifts further away.


The eyes are everywhere
Faces at the windows
Curled up in bed I hear your breath
Softly rumbling, sound of death
My head upon the pillow lies
In the dim light, a shadow flies.
My bladder aches, but I don’t dare
Get out of bed, I am too scared
The atmosphere is full of hate
I just can’t believe this is my fate.
I tremble inside, sheets up to my chin
I see the people, won’t let them in.
I whimper softly, eyes open wide
I know that there is no place to hide.
Walking sounds outside the door
I hear footsteps cross the floor.
A creak…
A snap…
A squeak…
A clap…
This house it’s called a place of Zen
I won’t dare stay here again.


I am the feather strokes of sage
Brushing against my palm
The desert sand shifting underfoot

I am the inhale that breaths the world
The intoxicating aroma of memory
Past and present alive in the same moment

I am the pressure that becomes a whisper
That becomes a cry, pealing across the sky
Filling the world with a cacophony of sound

I am the face that flickers
From my feet to the clouds
Scans mountain ranges and sapling forests
Soaks in the splashes of wild-flowers
Color in a sepia landscape

I am the parched lips parted
When the swirling cumulous let go the first drops of rains
I am the moisture sliding down my own throat, refreshed

I am beyond these things as I am them
I am inspiration like electricity flashing

Lightening the darkness and then gone
Flickers remaining to dance

along your skin

across your retinas

around your taste buds

about your nostrils

against your eardrums

I Am (2019 Poem 1)

Do you know who I am
Years before I thought I knew
Somehow my soul was lost to me

Here I am, misplaced in time
Walking on a distant shore

Although I don’t know where I am
I am myself in finding you
Finally I am free

While our journeys shall entwine
I see now that I am more



Portal to the present
The texture of presence

Where invisible and external
Meet and commune
Indivisibly twining stimuli and feeling

The origin and engine
Of all you perceive as you

In every moment

Beckoning you to be
A kaleidoscope of sensation
A tapestry of subtle sifting
A tumultuous confluence

The border guardian of the being
You have traced at your skin’s edge
The you that stretches to infinity
Dances on air molecules
A breath already sustaining trees

A chemistry that even beyond
Touch, sight, taste, sound, and smell
Will scatter and blend

A part and particle of everything


i struggle to count
the stars in the sky
because it hurts to lie
on my back

the earth does not welcome
my spine

nostrils inhale soft dirt
the newness of it

fingernails grasp at
the permanence

forehead pressed firm
into the dirt
keeping the slugs company
trusting there is still a spin
in the stillness

knowing that my crouched figure
is safely hurtling through
the universe
the stars at my back

Hour 5: Post 5: Blood Lust

Tear me open

Rip me to shreds

Feed off my soul

Bathe in my passion for you

Take me as you wish

In the midnight hours

Which you seem to dwell

Lay with me in the darkness

Let me take you to hell