Fish Fright/Prompt 6 Hour 5

From a sewer they came
multicolored and large
fins flapping, bodies waving
sharp teeth bared
Chewing air, they fly
to me, I’m afraid
Big googly eyes stare, unwavering
bodies undulating
I turn, I am running
pursuit begins
Fins flapping
teeth gnashing
Me, running
more coming

Infinite Sky

You and me
adrift at sea
afloat on an ocean
of hopes and dreams.

Above us hangs
a blanket of stars.
An infinite sky
for a love like ours.

Aria Aria Butterfly

After our first was born we have been dreaming
Of little baby girl so dainty yet beaming
We often look above and wish upon the stars
May God grant us all the desire of our hearts

Then finally our dream of baby girl came true
Been craving and sleeping and my tummy “uh-oh”
Then her name was prepared We will name her Victoria
And we can’t wait to hold our pretty pretty Aria

A month more to go before we see our little girl
She came without heartbeat everything’s in a blur
We were all devastated we were all left in tears
‘Cause we wont get to hug our dainty pretty Miss

Since then every time we remember our girl
A dainty butterfly all at once will appear
Its a way that we know she drops by to visit
Her mom and dad and brother who are sad every minute

Aria Aria dear Aria Aria butterfly
Pay us a visit every once in a while
Please know that you’re loved and dearly you are missed
You did not leave us all You will stay in our midst

Hour 5, Prompt 6: My Unknown Groom

A vision in white
Friends and family near
A wedding some time in the distance, perhaps
The details exact, all the way to the cake flavor
Sunshine, roses, fragrance abound
With one element missing
A face
That face
That special face
The groom
To look into my eyes
And promise forever
Not once is the face visible
No looks
No idea about his family
No details at all about character
Excitement so vivid and yet so obscure
And better yet, who?
Will I ever know?
Will it ever become clear, years later?
The ultimate dream come true
A face coming into view
Even unseen, I know I’ll always love you
My person
My face in the shadow
My Unknown Groom

Hour 5: Untitled

I lay on the couch

Frozen I place, watching

It inches closer, growing

Ot starts the size of a penny

But soon a plate

A dog

I want to move

Run on six fewer legs

But I can’t

It reaches to touch my face

And I’m awake


this one was fun to write. I had a dream staying at my aunts of a giant spider crawling down to my face. So very scary dream

prompt #6, dream of flight

Icarus ~

they were always at my heels
which dangled just above their heads
only sometimes out of reach

some nights they were faces I knew
some nights they were ominous anonymous
some nights I escaped them

the nights they clawed me back to earth
I struggled, overcome by hands like talons
my wings flailing, thrashing against gravity

and whatever earthbound means ~ its own
gravity of inner landscape, the ways ordinary
struggles to clip the primaries of flight ~

their clutching hands wore those meanings
like golden manacles      wore them proudly
secure in their rejection of the sky above them

always they reached from the earth below
minor demons in some avian morality play
while I fought my solitary darkling battle

this, I told myself, is what pride does
what it means to work to learn thermals
& the language of the wind

to tumble every night like Icarus lost
a covert of feathers caught in a wayward breeze
remiges and rectrices in the hands of strangers.

Pilgrim’s dream

Pilgrim’s dream

Sleep, you are unvanquishable,
The eternal shadow of a jaded sun;
How long a voyager can you be?
The free fledgling will return to its abode
To refill with hope the unwanted vacation:
You are the Morpheus
The single actor on the stage
The nemesis of youth.
Sleep, you are the undying spirit
The renegade new sun;
How long’ll you restore broken lives?
Your leonid legions unmatched
In this moribund world
For I am the next pilgrim
My disguise unparalleled as you
The timeless traveler of the next world


Hour 5


Prompt 6 Hour 5

You were there

rocking that porch


The loose board squeak

A rhythm so pleasing

to my ears.

We had grown old, enjoying the ease of life.

Lemonade and finer things

Amidst the sparrow song and the raven call

That loose board squeak

quickly became

The most beautiful sound

I had ever heard.


C. Churchill

Poem #5

the light wind blows through my hair

the sunset in the background is all I see

until you call my name

as if breaking from a trance

I have been in all my life

I see you at last

and though I want to ask where have you been

no words leave my heart

just tears of happiness

or maybe fragments of the past pain

I would never know

just that you are here, now

and I couldn’t wish for anything more!

Prompt 6/Hr5-Dream

There on the hilltop
Going click
A single Knight
In her shiny kit

Across the way
Down by the river
A parade of people
With arms and quivers

Above the river
A bright blue awning
Sitting beneath it
A Queen’s Maid is yawning

Without much fanfare
The Royals arrive
In Ebony carriage
Drawn by beetles of 9

The Knight mounts her horse
Riding down the hill
She draws out her blades
And begins with her kills

Go first for the wheels
So none can escape
Then slay the beetles
Whose clattering seems fake

Then slay the armed
Who guard the royal Queen
Who somehow hasn’t noticed
Distracted by distinct green

The Queen fools around
With the Duke of the Hound
While hundreds of houses
Are burned to the ground

You know she’ll die last
It’s not just a murder
You kill them all
Regardless of girder

She finally flees
Into crystal castle
You climb along outside
Despite the enormous hassle

Only to behead her with a fork in the neck

Stabbing quite quickly, perforation, tears, and check

The Knight rides away and the sun sets unbidden.

The Knight sees it all, even secrets you’ve hidden