The Dream

It’s scary in here. In this vessel I can’t move, can’t breathe. I’m hyperventilating. I can hear the sound but can’t feel the air.


Theres someone behind the curtain. Off to my right. There’s someone else, or maybe the same thing, at the foot of the bed.


The shadows of long bony fingers are reaching for the corner. Help!

In this vessel I can’t move.

Hour 4

The baby is asleep

Now is her time

To take a nap

Take a shower

Cook a meal

Do the laundry

Eat hot food

Read a book

Watch a show

Call a friend

Wash my hair

The list goes on

She can’t get up

She can’t choose

And time runs out

Baby needs her mommy

She doesn’t have the strength

Yet she will go

Feed, burp, change, soothe

As the cycle starts anew

Night will bring the suppressed tears

And day will just come and go

Tomato is a Fruit

Down a two lane road

In Southern Alabama

Thousands of seeds are sowed

Before long the vines break the ground
And the sun and rain goes to work
Soon tiny green fruit is all around
The little green fruit swells in the heat
And the vines droop with the weight
Of the finest summertime treat
When the growing stops the fruit turns deep red
And an army of workers will start picking
And across the state folks ready their bread
They drive from everywhere, from miles around.
The boxed tomatoes are lined up for sale
And the tiny town of Slocomb is where they are found
Cars leave loaded with boxes to take back home
Slather the bread in mayo and slice the tomato thin
With pile of potato chips on a plate of styrofoam
Summer doesn’t start without the southern treat
Of the first mater sandwich of the year
A southern delight that’s hard to beat

Prompt 2: places we cannot name

places we cannot name

I am taught

we are all one.

I read the wind with my fingers to soil –

could hear incantations of freedom

in the whisper of poplar dancing leaves forced into jigging

by gale-force Prairie winds

like those dancers in enchanted shoes forced to gyrate to death.


Everyday holds transformation

big and small

so that tincture


or incantations

need not appear before breaking dawn

or remembrances of how to love in forgiveness:



pieces of ourselves we have hated.


My Ancestors would have seen this as life;

now we long for it as something from the places we go we cannot name.

(c) r. l. elke

Morning stroll (Prompt 3/4)

the wind reminds me there is more

than self

more than what self consumes life with

the wind brushes against my skin fairly





touching the parts of my flesh clothes don’t cover

My eyes fail while attempting to catch a glimpse

of something from this earth that freely

dresses me in ways fleshy bodies have not

wind proves to me, that I have feasted in darkness.


Front Door Nester

Front Door Nester


It sat upon the front door light well made

Needing to move the roost before the eggs arrived


The human carried the empty nest to the barn

Settling it down on a rough hewn beam


Instructing the mother-to-be kindly yet firmly

To find a more convenient place for the children


Overnight the nester built a new grand liar

Straw and mud anchored to the same black lamp


Resigned she was allowed to stay as the human

Studied robin gestation and maiden flight


The doorway remained dark four weeks

Using the old porch door an inconvenience


Respectfully observed the babies arrived

Fed by a proper mother working full time


Feathers filled in on popping heads

Exposed wide mouths lusted for food


It would be a Friday the human surprised

Grieved the empty nest


TobeTT  #4


You don’t know which words

to even dig for.

You’re paralyzed as rock


but at least that keeps you

from jumping off the cliff,

at least you recognize all the problems

lining up to take you even lower

past all the heaped-up piles

of useless syllables

that jumped.


J. Pratt-Walter


He said

He’s said:
I desire you
Your time
Your affection
Your deepest secrets
Your insecurities
I want to be right there
With you
I want to lay next to you
Hold you
I want to breathe you in
Feel you
Give you all the love
Within me
I want to talk to you about
I want to put a smile on your face
To brighten my day
Give you unconditionally love
You’re my world
I want to be in your dreams
To make them come true
I want to be your shoulder to cry on
Your pain is my pain
I want to be your safety net
Your protector
I want to be the one to help you
Overcome your obstacles
I want to be the one to make you happy
You’re my heart
Overall baby I want you all of you
You are my present and my future

Sunlight Hour 5

Walk into the sunlight

Feel it caress your neck

Allow it to seep into who you are

Brightening the darkness out

Stop trying to control the world

It doesn’t belong to you

Stop cleansing the deceit

Stop trying to fix the broken

Bask in the sunlight

Feel the light of All That Is

come to you, bathe you

Deliver you from the evil

Lurking in every corner these days

Love is the answer

To all the questions

Even these days

When the shadows run the world

Bask in the sunlight

Feel it caress your neck

Feel the joy

Only warmth can bring