Reflections on a Filthy Pool

The pump still works, but something’s broken.
Some busted pipe under tons of concrete.

Without that one little tube, nigh impossible to get at and fix, the system failed
And you stopped being a swimming pool.

But a pool you remained,
as water shifted from blue to green,
clear to cloudy, vacant to crowded.

Chlorine and chemicals thinned by rain, absorbed by leaves,
perhaps imbibed with gusto by some intrepid microorganisms like moonshine-drunk prospectors plowing into an unexploited region.
You became habitable, then vulnerable, then welcoming, then home.

In time, enough brazen algae and audacious critters crawled into you,
and did those creeping, growing, icky life things
that you went from a sanitary refuge for overheated children to
a strange captive ecosystem, bound by four concrete walls, a deep floor, and a few clogged pipes.

A palette of greens: from sickly, puke pale to nearly bile-black.
A scent not of pond, but off; a smell from the uncanny valley.
A habitat for bacteria, paramecia, amoebae, and fucking mosquitoes but
Woe betide the snake or toad, or frog that tries to find refuge in you;
those walls are a lethal prison to wrong-size creatures,
And the accretion of thriving muck at the bottom hungers, always.

And yet, to others, to so much that spawns and blooms and perishes,
You are home; you are enough.
Their tiny lives pass, full, within your poured walls;
content to have served their purpose.
However unnatural their place, and unwelcome their habitation.
They get to live.  Because of you.

Wool and Gossamer

Like old tattered boxes

Stacked in the dusty corner


Like blue flowered plates

Behind a cupboard door


Like a glossy coffee table book

On display

Some cold

As if left outdoors overnight

In January

Others warm

As a July night

Glowing with fireflies

My memories

Eve Remillard


MAGIC – An Acrostic


Mysteries surround our lives; a twinkle, a glimpse
of something new.

Apart from the way we are taught to see; a fairy’s
fire – not real, but true.

Glittering glamours that can’t be explained; where
logic will not dare to tread.

Intrinsic knowledge of powers beyond lie in our
souls, not in our heads.

Come into the light, come into the fold, and be one
with the magic of days of old.


After two prompts, and having recently completed that many chemo treatments, just let me give fair warning that, though this is, evidently, going to be a catharsis for me, of all the tearful nights and painful days, this is not ‘daisies-and-sunshine writing. It is rather morbid. It is helping me heal already. It certainly may be disturbing for many of you. PLEASE do not feel the need to comment or respond. I have so very many well-wishers swarming around me daily, that this morning I discovered I have a lot of grieving to do and they can’t stop me from doing it here. They can’t curtail my ‘negative’ worrying, my fears, my frustrations…and it is all going to be dumped here. Maybe by 9am tomorrow, I will find a daisy-and-sunshine couplet, but for now, it’s all about ‘pushing up daisies’ and the burning hell glow of helium and chemo.

Modern Magicians

she does not wear a pointy hat
or traverse the sky on broomstick.

he doesn’t have a long white beard
or brandish a mystic wand.

they mix their potions
bubble, steam, and fizz
carefully adjusting each spell
a little too green, a little too thick…

she wears her hair in a ponytail
and drives to work in a blue Ford.

he has a dark forest of stubble
and three boxes of his favorite pencils

they wear long robes of white
and translucent plastic masks.
she knows a couple card tricks.
he has a black cat named Whiskers.

the magic that they practice,
study, and perform
would surely shock the ancient peoples
who lived in fear of knowledge

what once was evil now is good
as Magic is renamed Science.

A Mother’s Love

I have loved you since that very first beat of my heart, the first time you knew of me,
The scale of love I have in store for you, an ocean’s deep,
I have been seeking for your love but found none, I was left without a clue,
Hampered by my own inability to gain your blessings, futile attempts,
It pained me greatly, to not gain your trust after all those years of proven loyalty,
It puzzled my mind, to listen to slanders spread of me, to relatives and friends,
It killed my hope, to always be third on the podium of choice, my requests never granted,
It destroyed my will, to be denied of love and support from my own flesh and blood,
It mortified my intelligence, to opinions of mine scorned upon released,
It drove me mad, when my sincere offers to help got brushed aside,
It grieved me beyond cure, to the fact that you refused to accept my invites to be with me,
Many nights, I cried myself to sleep thinking of the reasons for you to loathe me,
You left me in the dark without any reasonable explanation for your actions,
Is it because I did not excel in my studies, thus I am seen as unworthy?
Or Is it because of having the mind of my own, thus I am seen as rebellious?
I am in need of answers to end my dire pain , not cash, properties or any other gains,
I am just a son dying to be loved by his mom,

sanctus deus

there is an evil on the other side of the street – it crawls in the corners of your eyes when you sleep and it stays in the crevices between your hips every waking hour; would you do it like a child? would you go up like exposure wires when he asks you to? it does not corrupt: this evil is much smaller and paler than that – deliver us from evil, oh father – an evil that festers like a wound, an evil that burrows like a  graveyard, an evil that unties everything that’s left of you – the LORD God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken – do not name that which you shouldn’t, do not try to blame other people for your misery – how do you pray? – do not question he who tells you what you need – this is how you worship, my child – do not wish for him to be sucked up in some unholy black hole – on your knees, my child – your anger shall burn down what he has created only when it is time – open your mouth – do not believe in man-made retribution if it is not eternal, even if you wanted to – Christ died for the dirty things you did – do not take his holy sword unto yourself –  He will strike the earth with the rod of His mouth, And with the breath of His lips He will slay the wicked – do not speak of blasphemous magic to protect yourself, do not call upon the old Gods – God loves his children – stay silent for all that is worthy – God loves his children – all things good come upon those who wait my dear: rise up and walk. none of your bones are broken.

Prestidigitation age

In the old
Rocky & Bullwinkle cartoons
Bullwinkle the Moose
portraying a magician
continually tries to impress
Rocky the Squirrel
by pulling a rabbit out of a hat

But the rabbit is never a rabbit

Ever proclaiming “Wrong hat!”
at the results
Bullwinkle reaches into his
table-bound, inverted top hat
pulling out
snarling lion
growling bear
snapping alligator or
roaring tiger
before calmly stuffing not-rabbit
back down into the hat

“Duhhh…wrong hat!”

is my tranquil rallying cry
in response to situations profound
and absurd
when my self-professed, usually
accurate charms fail me

Adopting the eminently cool
ever-confident, I-got-this! persona
of a cartoon moose has always
served me well

though I am at a stage now in life
where fewer people know who
Rocky and Bullwinkle are
but fewer still question why it is
I always bring
but never wear
a weathered top hat.

– Mark L. Lucker
© 2019

True Life of Unicorns

The reflection, looking back, resemble a Unicorn.

The grandchild that adores Unicorns saw it too.

Often, in moments of crisis the words, “I am Not a Unicorn” could be heard but still magic would happen.

When you are rare, you are a Unicorn. Don’t even try to favor even the most beautiful horse.

When you are remarkable at heart, you are a Unicorn, of course.

When you make the world around you brighter and change the course of their day; you are showing your Unicorn magic in every way.

When your smile shields your tears your Unicorn qualities shine through.

When you are are Unicorn, even when they wrong you, love is what you do.

When you face the day as though winning is the only thing to be done, being a Unicorn is helpful because it makes the challenge fun.

In this day and age it doesn’t matter if you’re a boy or a girl,

Just be a Unicorn each day to unify for a better world.

jj2019 2019 Poetry Marathon

All rights reserved

At Sixteen [2 – #magic]

At sixteen the world was a song and the song was exciting
every day fresh, everything happening

The morning dew on the grass and the sun on the street were pure magic
and we shot out of our beds just go to out and see.

We went to school, then college, and got jobs and husbands and wives
who left us with debt and tears
We dragged ourselves out of our beds and drank coffee and then
We dragged ourselves out of our cubicles and drank cocktails.

The morning dew wrecked our shoes and the sun was too hot
and our eyes were tired.

Until one day the boy from sixteen
showed up at my door
and kissed me hello.





*with lyric quoted from Les Mis