Surface Life and Deeper: In Two Parts

There once was a sweet potato named Sam.

In his best, most tuberous voice,

He’d repeat the phrase of his choice,

Reminding the world that he was someveggie of note:

My name is Sam; I yam what I yam!


But somehow, through the soil and the sand,

And oftime through the mud all around,

It never rang true, all muffled of sound,

Though his leaves, in the sun, ruffled refrain;

“My name is Sam: I yam what I yam!” he tubered again.


Daily he’d stretch up more greens and more vines

Toward the towering oaks and the wind-swaying pines

Who soared high above

Where Sam dared not strive.

To the overcast clouds,

To the bees in their hives

To all that moved free, not shackled like Sam—

“I can’t roam like you, but I yam what I yam!”


Then, late in the season, the farmer began

To dig up the field and harvest the sweets.

He dug up the furrows, the tators and weeds.

Sam’s eyes in bright sun, roots out of the dim–

For the first time, forever, not buried or grim,


No longer needing to shout or to scream,

He lifted a whisper, dared shatter the dream,

And all of the world finally heard his refrain,

“I yam what I yam,” he softly proclaimed.

“My name is Sam,” he whispered again.



Um, I’m not liking that one at all…


I am short. I am fat.

I’d make a better sleeping cat,

Than all the things they say I should be,

A mom, a ‘talent’, a statuesque twig,

Have hair—and not cancer, just a form for a wig

That never fits right

And forever is itching.

And I should talk ‘positive’ and stop all this b****ing…

As chemo melts through

All the ‘me’ that I was.


And well-meaning friends, helpful and certain

Keep telling me nonsense will stop all the hurtin’

Like ‘it’s only hair’ (not when it’s on your own head)

And “This, too, will pass (it’s better than dead)”

Their phrases, too, are but scarves for the ‘bald’

When my wishes and dreams lay exposed,


shaking, aching,

The outcome unknown.


Little but dross,

Being refined.


There are no trite phrases

That can be rhymed

And make glad the rhythm

Of life chemically metered

in twenty-one days…


Seven of misery,

Seven, some better

Seven in countdown to start again…


Flamingo flock on the lawn marches forward

Like some cancer-pink army, flailing in chaos

And eating their shrimp to maintain their hue…

“It’s only feathers. It will grow back”

As they enter my dreamtime, ‘ports’ bulging their necks,

Drip bags dangling from waggle-ing beaks,

Counting the days, the treatments, the weeks.


And should any small part of my ‘I am’ remain,

When all of the smelting, dross-purging are through,

May God, the great, eternal I Am, –who happens to have hair, whether or not I do–

Find some scrap of MY ‘I am’ still faithful and true.

Wonder Woman

I have stared death down and won.

I have accomplished things they said I couldn’t.

I have exceeded expectations of success.

I have proven that limits are nothing more than guidelines, that aren’t rigid and are ment to be tested.

I have done all of this inspite of a TBI- that is traumatic brain injury for those who are curious to know-

I have done all of this inspite of not always knowing what letters jumbled together in a space on paper mean.

I have done all of this inspite of a headache with migraine proportions on a daily and continual basis.

I have done my best to mask or hide my illness to make you comfortable.

I have pretended all was well, when it simply wasn’t, to participate in your world.

Those who know my story call me Wonder woman, a miracle- magic, even.

For those that don’t, I’d like to introduce you to someone, who is fast becoming my best friend-

And that is The Americans With Disabilities Act-

Because obviously,  you need to know that you can’t require me to push myself beyond the limits of my capabilities-

And telling me to memorize these lines in order to participate, is discrimination in fact.

And just so you know, I don’t have to explain what ails me so, just because your eyes are closed and you’re blind to what everyone else already knows.

I have already decided that I am great- and this is true whether you agree or not.

I don’t wear a Cape, can’t change water into wine and I will never levitate…

But I am magic just the same

And this time, I’m refusing to play this game.

I must take a stand for others like me, whose voice hasn’t been found.

Every disability isn’t seen and some come with no sound.

And while I’m on this warpath of advocacy, let me just take a moment to remind you of some poetry greatness, who never memorized a line and always had a stand handy-

Their poems neatly waiting to be read to crowds of thousands from near and far…

Maya Angelou, name, name, name never memorized a stanza, yet performed to sold out stadiums and intimate settings- would you demand of them what you are of me?

We are all great in our own right.

Don’t take away from the things I have done, because they don’t fit into the circle of norm you have imagined or created.

This time, I will not be abated.

I will not let your words of sugar and syrup force me to be great outside of what I am capable.

This time, I will read from my book and not be ashamed of what my brain simply cannot do.

This time, I will collect what is due.

I am Wonder Woman.

I will yield this magic lasso of truth

And you will soon see it too.



A Muse of Childhood

A Muse of Childhood

*Nestled in Downtown Kansas City, Arthur Kraft’s mosaic greeted all who visited the old library. The mosaic still remains even though this children’s library has long since closed. It continues to inspire many who loved it when growing up. I know, I am among those people. Every time I walk by the mosaic, my favorite moments are when the sun glances upon the tiles and they shimmer with glints of silver or gold.


A Muse of Childhood


Majestically, patiently, the Muse endures the storm’s fury,

guarding the children, animals, and performers of the mosaic

who hold gentle, lilting, laughing music within,

waiting to sing out in the bright sunshine.


Tan Ta Rah! Boom! Laughing bells ring in time to the drums!


Our Muse beckons the elephant to promenade first with a small, triumphant boy atop.

Her right arm sweeps up with the sun to welcome gleeful penguins and

hungry little chicks pecking and hatching in the grass.


The dust and mud on the tiles can’t hold them back.


Little girls skip in the brightness and dance with swaying flowers

while their brother scales higher, higher, and higher in crescendos

to the highest treetops, a balcony to see all the circus.


With each glint and glisten, a melody forms and sails on the morning breeze.


The Muse nods and bows and summons the clown sailing backwards on

a white horse who gallops in time to the dog’s staccato barks while

a kangaroo coos lullabies to her little joey.


Skyscrapers, smog, honks, and headaches can’t hold them captive.


A seal honks and bounces while the ostrich struts and stretches to the blue sky.

Atop this magnificent bird, a child sits as a queen and

shares her triumphant hymn with the Muse.


The Muse of our childhood

watches, remembers, reminds, nudges, teases,

entreats, encourages, waits, and sighs.

She knows the lion is there to frighten us

yet remains safely away in a cage in this parade of life.

Her heart hums the elegies of loss and pain and

the requiems we compose with age, fear, and cruelty.

Even the monkey’s jabbering ditty warns of growing up and old.

Its rhymes cackle and crack, like the concrete tears in this neglected picture.


My Secret Garden

Royal, purple majesty, red ladies all in a row!

Enchantment in my flower bed is all I need to know.

Mysterious how the flowers grow  so well,

As dazzling sunshine and teardrops of rain

Cast their delightful spell!

I’m tantalized as I stop to stare,

Whenever I roam through my secret garden fair!


My Secret Garden


Melding then melting

the cares away

the boss, the bills, the mess of the day

time machine I’m waiting on your arrival

until then I’ll hide

the headaches aside

with my own alchemy

amalgamation of acceptance

saved for others, but withheld from myself

brutality hand delivered to my psyche

questioning my value

eating my esteem


Dressing for battle against these beasts

a helmet, my armor, tall boots on my feet

girded in covec

I mount my steed

press him in just the right spot

he rumbles to life

twelve hundred horses couldn’t stop us

as we travel the countryside

greens and blues, natures majestic obliterator

capitulated cares

gone with the wind




It does not exist because I believe in it,

But I believe in it because it exits

It’s all over the place, in everything you come across,

In all you mesmerize, in every day of morning sun,

In every colour of sunset, in every glance of moonlight,

In every soul, broken or strong


You may not believe me when I say I have felt it too,

Whenever my soul is in presence of yours

You may not trust me when I say I have seen it too,

Whenever my sight has a glance of your sparkling eyes

You think I have turned lunatic when I ensure it again,

Whenever your smile radiates the deepest strengths


And then one day you will feel it too,

But by then I would have gone away,

Away from you, away from us,

Away from sphere for anyone to seek

Yes it exist more strongly when you feel it within,

It’s because of it I am able to pen it down for you


My Magic

Like a ship disappearing in the sea
I get lost when he touches me

We are not alike
but afar

If he is a sky
I am just a star

If I am a puzzle
He is my key

We solve each other
Like riddles are done

We walk together
We fear no one

He made me realize
Which I didn’t see
The magic I seek
Is inside me

Queue Don Williams

Prompt 2, Hour 2

Write a poem about magic. Magic as something real, magic as something imagined, magic in a fictional setting, magic in an urban situation, it can be about how children perceive the world as magic, or possibly magic, anything really. The word magic need not be mentioned, but it can be.



I don’t believe in magic and what some call fate

I don’t believe in knocking on wood

Nor crossing myself three times

I don’t believe that seeing a black cat brings me bad luck

Nor does spilling the salt


I don’t believe in wishing on a star

I don’t believe in curses, spells, or voodoo dolls

Nor karma righting all wrongs

I don’t believe Friday the Thirteenth is worse than any other day

Nor is Halloween a night for the dead to celebrate


I don’t believe staying healthy will add years to my life

I don’t believe eating an apple each day keeps the doctor away

Nor do I believe there isn’t a cure already for cancer

I don’t believe an annual mammogram is necessary

Nor do I need a yearly colonoscopy


I believe you can love more than one at a time, although not very well

I believe in love that never dies, that distance doesn’t separate

And I believe there are those who fall in love at first sight

I do believe in making every moment count

And I believe that love truly does conquer all



Magic Man

whose fingers know me

inside and out

upside down and beyond


Magic Man

who knows my mind

he can see past confusion

unraveling with time


Magic Man

believes in me

he’s always there

though mostly invisible


Magic Man

 sees inside my heart

wraps it gently with his

in all ways he loves me


(is he Mine?)

Magically Magical You

I used to think of living alone Of being old and be unknown
Until I saw your smile that day My plans and goals have blown away

Because you’re amazing Because you’re fun
You bring good life Under the sun

I resisted but I knew I can’t I knew it was a useless rant
I tried so hard but what can I do when my heart says It’s It’s you

I planned to go but couldn’t go far Being away felt so bizarre
I was so worried but you made me calm With you my life became so warm

I knew at once it was gamble A thing I knew is hard to handle
I knew so well it’s so unplanned but what I feel is very grand

You made me whole complete my life You stood by me and made me your wife
A magical feeling I know so true brought by a magically magicaL YOU.