3- Silhouettes

We are bodies

We walk the same earth

I have two eyes, you have ten fingers

And yet we are all different


We are spirits

We experience emotions

I have cried and you have smiled

And we have our own souls


We are silhouettes

With a string of lights

Shinning each step, glowing each change

And we all have our own story


As the season change days began to warm
Snow began to fade
Rain flow and fish began to play in a swarm
Fresh scent follows as things turn back to jade
I shout Yes, It’s Spring
But little do I know mom is behind me
She shouts, are you ready to clean
Relaxing on the beach
In the hot summer heat
I sure do hate the sand when it burn the bottom of my feet
But boy I love the cool breeze that flow it’s just the short life of each leaf that it had to end
Brrr…. I hate snow because last year I had a slip but I’m thankful that God spared my hip

truth and discovery


truth and discovery
we are all just pushing along-
struggling to be deliberate and independent,
determined to find joy where we can-
love in any form;
trust more,
hate less-
hope for satisfaction in what life has to offer;
making every effort to be grateful
to not complain-
to be accepting of all men
not be judgemental
not too loud
to stay woke and yet
get enough rest when our minds are tired
bodies stressed out.
here we all are
going along blindly
but claiming purpose
hoping for some sign-
some gift-
some light-
some brilliant epiphany-
when all we can really do
any one of us
is just be the best you that you can be.

Poem 3. Invisible Heartbeat

The quiet of night exists just beyond the twilight.

A thousand kisses deep in my soul retreat.

A silent wish unfulfilled.

A heart without a seat.

I try to win the meet, yet I do not want to taste defeat.

This yearning inside I did not know could tear one apart so slow.

A desire to love, a triangle that can not ever be.

You and I are destined to be a circle never ending.

Two in one; one in two.

I cannot invoke the holy trinity of three.

My soul mate I once knew, yet it is my twin flame that I now seek.

It is here I choose to take refuge and rediscover the calling of my heart beat in his.

The echo of his voice reverberates in my ears.

He loves without limit and this is what I desire.

A love that can be infinity replenished.

My invisible heart beats for him.

In unison we dance on water and dream out loud.

Surreal; so real is our motto.

Sweet words he speaks in a language my soul can translate without mistake.

As clear as day and as deep as night, he sees the mirror of his mind in the infinite sea of my eyes.

Farther than the oceans reach, his love for me and I for he, we find creativity in a space without beginning or end.


All rights reserved copyright(c)2017 Natasha Vanover








All rights reserved copyright(c)2017 Natasha P. Vanover

Lost and Wanted

Blindly seeing the countryside

as it speeds by.

The rhythmic swaying of the train car

crowded wth the distance between the passengers.

Short phrases in foreign tongues

add another blanket to the isolation,

enveloping me in my silent desperation.

As I lean my forehead on the cool window,

the train slows its arrival to the station,

As if it teases me with expectant hope.

My longing is as effective as paralysis,

while passengers come alive,

gathering their belongings to depart –

to become –

where they belong.

To no avail, I seek a hint on the station platform.

Resigned to what will not be, I slowly exhale a frosty breath.

Woodenly, I raise my finger to draw my heart on the transparent canvas.

My small and beating heart,

alone, for him to notice.

Silently pleading, “find me.”

Time Cut Short

Eternity cannot be known

the way life wants to know it, the way

wind with its eight voices speaks ghost, holy

and otherwise, as it blows through the Crow’s eye

in search of an abandoned farmhouse.

Eternity settles as dust in rooms

where wind lives, a dust that also accumulates in us

over time. A sheet of rain flaps

on a frayed laundry line. The front door dangles

on one hinge, the roof gone.

The birds stole it.


My Bath

I love to take a bath at the beginning of the day.

Better than a breakfast in bed of steak and eggs

I love to take a bath in the bright sunlight


bursting bubbles,

warm water just right

I love to take a bath in the afternoon

before the children

come home from school

I love to take a bath in the deep dark night, lavender,

Vanilla scents a delight

I love to bathe in the ocean waves

caressing my body erasing my pains

I love to take a bath in a thunderstorm, wind, lighting, bubbles warm

Baths  rock my spirit and my soul

To sleep,

lulling me to places sweet and deep.



A Win- win Relationship

What would you name a relationship-
Sans lust
Sans sensuousness
Yet so cherished that it leads to a big smile.

What would you name a relationship-
Still so desiring that it ignites the soul.

What would you name a relationship-
Has no age bar
Bears no demands
Yet so intriguing that it aspires to hold eternally.

What would you name a relationship-
Without any meeting
Without any touch
Still so involving that a single social media message can bring a spark in life.

In toto, an anonymous relationship that is-
Neither infatuation
Nor taxing
Yet is so picturesque that it amalgamates the whole world in it.


The Light Within

I cannot fathom the power that lives within each of us.
No matter how matted, disheveled, or broken we appear on the outside.
The powers of a single touch alone is baffling.
We can tear at each other so viciously,
Beating the very will to live from the soul of another,
But we can also reach out to them,
And in the moments they are falling into their deepest, fiery pits of hell, we can bring them out, or at least halt their descent.
An embrace can banish loneliness,
And a word can prompt love.
So why do we still insist on lashing out and spreading agony and sorrow?
When we can bring such light to the darkest times of others,
Why do we decide to tear down their hopes and aspirations instead?
We all have within us the potential to save lives. Why don’t we do it?
When you feel that searing anger deep within your chest, ready to explode and tear at someone,
Take a minute to look up at the sky above you.
Day or night, you will see a glow, a shine, a light.
Something is always up there to guide you forward into brightness and warmth.
And you can be that for another, if you only decide to put that shining energy within you to use.
Share your love and light. There’s always someone out there who could use it.

Liminal Capitalism

Thanks to my latest hacker, I have a new credit card. This one not only has a chip, of course, but the capacity to make purchases via tapping. Simply tap the card on the terminal. I haven’t had the opportunity to do that yet. I look forward to experiencing the thrill of crowding onto that cutting edge with the rest of the up-to-date buyers. The rate of technological innovation accelerates. We must keep up, even though the overall condition of the earth seems not to be improving.

I once saw a startlingly clear drone photo of a beach resort. The receding wave’s irregular lacework was frozen in one of its infinitely random macrame designs. The beach umbrellas had been arranged in straight, evenly-spaced rows of primary colors. The minds of nature and humankind are facing off, as usual. I suppose there will be a winner and a loser. In the meantime, I’ll share my new string of digits with all my pay pals.