Bipolar to me #24

Happy , Sad, Excited , Mad,

What emotion now?

Everyone is so happy,

will I survive some how?

One day I’m going to conquer,

the world and all my goals.

Next thing I know,

I am stuck in bed so low.

What is it like I wonder ?

To be like all of you?

To live each day okay,

and not wonder what to do?

To wake up and wonder if today,

will be good , bad or utterly sad.

to know that you have no clue,

That all you can do is wake up,

And hope to be the happy you.

Welcome to bipolar it is a guessing game,

Only people who understand live with the shame.




Hour 15 – My Synthetic Heart

Prompt for Hour Fifteen

My synthetic heart’s wiring has come loose

At the refurbishment center, many of us carry
our hearts in jars
That way the chips didn’t get lost
If you lost a part you paid more credits

The girl in the corner, I try to catch her eye
but she was blinking in the wrong direction
Probably an optic scoping malfunction

I tap my jar to get her attention, but nothing
The black market of refurbished organs
is not a very conversation-friendly place

Time #23

Calendars and clocks

Keep us on schedule

Remind us of birthdays

and anniversaries

Remember before FB

knew everything

Hour 24: Vukić Part X.

our last call,
let me into your disaster kingdom,
coming into the fire,
in or 5th dimension, you rule the world,
and you’re coming for the muti-dimensional universe.
was it really like that?
In the kingdom, worrying about your father,
and mother, and drinking too much and smoking too much,
cliaming everything would fix your broken body
and soul,
and you didn’t know how much you meant.
I could pretend this meant nothing but it did,
and we come to an end, and begin the next day,
we always look into oblivion and see infinity,
see it grip our chest,
as we second guess,
every ruling of the new world,
from your shattered mouth, and golden hands,
the king to rule all of us,
I wait, there will be more to say, but for now, this is it.

False Start Good Start

Yes, I started late. I thought AM was PM and now, here I am. Am. Is. Being.

The same as you. Breathing and torn apart about it all. Because life goes on. The ferns grow greener, the snow melts into water, and trembles shake us awake.

It is a good start.

Hour 23: Asper Honest

highlight every detail,
leave nothing out,
never made it into the holy kingdom,
but slept outside of it for many days.
wasted away like summoning,
far more deadly than any ancient,
except you, of course.
i was telling you of the world, the universe.

Hour 14 – Bloody Trees

Prompt For Hour Fourteen

Last Thursday, the trees went missing
Every last one of them, roots and all
Search parties were sent out
Distraught environmentalists held candlelight vigils

Tree experts were called in, profiles were made
Protocols were followed. Nothing.
The fugitives are at large, the DA’s office said
We are doing everything we can

Suspects were rounded up and brought in for questioning
A cigar and a table were held back as possible leads
A natural photography book broke down
Meanwhile, a team was sifting soil round the clock looking for roots

A naturalist spending the weekend at a nudist camp
Suddenly noticed it was raining on the moon
Observatories confirmed: The delinquent trees had indeed relocated
And were currently giving us the finger

Keeping Silent #24

A blanket of silence,

so thick almost tangible

exposes truths.

Extinguishing lingering doubts,

it’s a silence within my heart.


Everyone rambles on and on

around me. Never pausing.

But I- I have bliss, serenity and tranquility

Wrapped in a neat bow.

Eternity lies ahead.


Thoughts echo profoundly

Imagination breaks free

from the closet

A mind palace is born.

Hour 22: Lethe

took me to river Lethe, washed me in all his purity.
drowned every other god,
who would not come and swallow me as we would have wanted.
i bred myself out, sent you a clone of my aftermath.
sleepless nights echo when your silence taps on the window,
like rain, I could find you in a different wavelength,
you keep all the excess, I’ll breed myself again, with someone who loves me more.
disappeared and in the moonlight,
I cascaded down again, back into your oblivion.
took me to the river Lethe and drowned me.