21st Corner #23

A dainty restaurant

located at the twenty-first corner

is always bustling,

people grinning and chortling.


Seasoned salads and spiced up turkeys

decorate numerous wooden tables,

everyone digging in instantly,

knives and forks clattering.


So warm and utterly cozy inside,

waitresses, jolly and motherly.

Each step inside leads to

a safe haven of sorts- one for both mind and stomach.

The night is for sleeping #22

Sleep awaits me with baited breath

Drowsiness encloses me

Twitching eyelids and sluggish moments

I fight away slumber’s fingers.


Dreams- a multicolored kaleidoscope

Anything is possible

Even the most bizarre

The night is for sleeping.

Letters above #21


Dear Tooth Fairy,

My name is Sam Jerry

I know you must be incredibly busy

But I can’t help but be tizzy!


You see today I lost my first tooth!

It’s an incisor according to Ruth.

And thus, I couldn’t sleep tonight

Since, I tossed and turned in delight.


I hope this reaches you

And maybe, just maybe you will take my tooth too?

I will try to sleep with all my might,

With hopes that you’ll visit me today midnight.



Sam Jerry Sondove

The Long and Winding Trail

t began in the year nineteen hundred and twenty,
With many Indian tribes working just to earn a penny.
They set up their tee-pee homes,
And let the sheep, cow, and buffalo roam.
But then one terrible day,
The government forced them away,
From the lives they had lived everyday.

This is what started the tribes hard trip,
Down a long and winding trail they whipped.
Across the timbered hills and open prairies they went,
Marching through the flat wilderment,
Through the green grass and open spaces they progressed,
As the tribes were very depressed.
However, they could not stop for a long rest.

As the tribes endured the long hard struggle,
With many lives lost during the hard, cold, frost,
The tribes’ faith and hope were never lost.
During difficult times, tribes turned to each other,
To love help, and support one another,
Suddenly, a breeze blew through the trees,
As they marched down the trail, it put them at ease.

Many people put up a brave front,
As they searched for deer and elk to hunt,
But many others continued to fight,
To the surviving children, this was a fright.
For they did not understand,
When they watched a common man,
Die right before their eyes on fruitless land.

Over time, the journey did pay off,
Out west they cleared land, and built the haylofts.
A whole new world where livestock was plentiful,
Churches were built to confess acts that were sinful.
Schools were built to make the children’s future bright.
it was a time when people chased the impossible dream,
And, they worked together as a team,
To make glory and hope the promised end,
Of a Long and Winding Trail, my friend


At the Diner #22

At the diner

I order the same food

every time

I eat breakfast

any time of day.

Pancakes, eggs over medium

and bacon

and a cup of co

Maniacal Ranting at the End of My Time Here

I once met a man with fifteen cats.
My policy is even one deems
a man untrustworthy.
So, I told him all my secrets,
he didn’t tell a single one.

I met a woman with a serpent’s tongue.
Her truth sounded like lies,
and mothers guarded children
even as she swung from garden noose.

I met a gypsy with the third eye.
Carnival coins and half truths
her speciality
–and birthright.
Abandoned by caravan, old and blind,
her milky eyes had seen too much.

I met a pimp brokering love.
Street corners and every flavor
his calling card. Self-proclaimed
lifetime bachelor, kept a wife
and three kids two states over.

Thread, long and red,
tied these people together.
And I, one hand on string,
one feeling its way in front,
felt the string pull from seam,
so we all wandered the space
where time has no dominion
and names have no meaning.

A street walk #20

Mister fox trotted

A bear scrambled ahead

The little girl ran.


Agile and cunning

Like the forest’s big bad wolf

Red Riding Hood trails.


Her bear protector

Sniffing for a honey comb

Guiding and guarding.


As I rise to the occasion

Wings full filling all time, matter and space

to embrace the universe

i dip from the moon’s glow

and caress the milky way’s threshold

to cover her whole land and sea

skies unfold 5 fold

1 – 2 – 3 – 4


water earth air fire


Lover nurturer and Queen

ruler of all things

goddess in the final hour

pride vindicated

like Phoenix out of the ashes

coming to claim

what is already in me

reign supreme

goddess in the infinite hour




Keep Your Shoestrings Tight

Make sure your shoestrings are tight

As you walk through life

Taking it all in stride

One step at a time

The beauty of life can’t help but enthrall

Moving along without the trip and the fall

Take it in stride as you take in it all

Avoiding lifes wayward call