(#4/12): “Fairy Tales”

You saw me as your little prince,

Firstborn, oldest scion, eldest grandchild,

Cosseted and spoilt,

Never in want,

Acquainted with all courtly privileges

In our fine family.


From little lullabies of derring-do,

To bedtime stories and sagas,

Where brave knights avenge the enslaved,

Slay dragons, strike fear in tyrants,

Save damsels in distress,

Heroes for all ages.


But did I ever tell you, dear nanna,

My secret wish,

To be the one that was saved,

Swooped up in his arms,

Kissed by the handsome prince,

The fair princess?


That secret wish I kept,

A door unopened,

My own counsel,

Baring none to all,

Unspoken through the years,

Never to be shared.


And today, I cradle,

My own firstborn.

With eyes of hope and innocence,

He looks to me for counsel.

What shall I read to you, my son,

Those daring tales of old?


Or do I say to him,

“To thine own self be true”?


© 2015 Silvester Phua


The Move (hour 12)

After weeks of pondering
the moment finally came
we had to move and leave our
family and friends behind.

Furniture and boxes packed
as we get ready for the long travel ahead
we did not know what lies behind the horizon
but faith brought us through.

Moments of estacy
moments of long cherished memories
they will live on in our minds
we will never forget them
no matter the distance apart that we are.
Fame and fortune awaits.

Twelfth poem

Muscles tense
The precipice of motion.
Feeling the energy press
Potential begging to become kinetic.
The desire to move, to rise, to jump, to fall.
Hold it in, how much longer.
Live in the moment, then let it give way.

Poem12/24 “Love moves”

Choose to forgive 

Rather than to leave

With an empty love

A broken heart

And soul apart

Choose to love

To move things light

To a better life

Believe in miracle

It moves in mysterious well

Where love conquers it all

Where love pushes the impossible to possible

It is surprising, in heaven above all

Over the rainbow’s fall

Beyond the horizon’s hall

Love lives and moves in different call

It moves a magical sound

Towards His Holy ground




That Which Moves

The way the dandelion clock settles at the crook of the root,

or the alder-leaf drops to the surface of the stream

and rests lightly as she is borne away,


The way the bamboo stalks sway into each other’s arms,

or the morning glory vine twines around the ivy,


The way the hummingbird laps at the lilac

or the grass seed punctures the soil,


The way the moss lies upon the branch

or the lily upon the water,


Is how I drift, fall into you, hold you

Is how you fill me, and bring me peace.

Poem #12: Torn Lovers

I’ll behave in the setting sun,

When you’re not around the chambered room,

And maybe this is what life is supposed to be?

People running carelessly through other’s hearts,

Never knowing how to keep anything together,

We rummage through drawers and fall apart,

The sunken treasure in your soul,

Or the way people live will give us a reason,

To show our true colors.

I know how the torn lovers speak,

In riddles and the broken tongues spill out the truth,

I see the emptiness of the day,

One more day and then the next,

Spilling words hoping they mean something eventually.

I know this sickening world is full of light,

And the darkness only cuts half as much as my sleep does,

And the day grows intense, just like your fading lips on my skin,

But these torn lovers know something I do not,

And i’ve been ripped up for some time,

Because of you, lover, you stole these eyes.

Hour Twelve. In motion

The planets move like in a ballet.

Like seeds in the sky tethered together.

You would think they were light as a feather,

but it is the weight of the world that thrusts us onward.

Like the weight of our hearts weaves us together,

So the heavens are moved by each other,

Never finding one another the same.

Twould otherwise be a boring game.


Racing the clock
Of years old socks
Win with time
By seeing the seconds and owning them
Then when a minute or hour passes
You have gained thirty seconds back into your life,
Just remember time is a number
And a symbolism in life

Hour 9

A vegetable is a wonderful thing.
While succulent and fresh,
it also comes in an array of fun colors,
all while helping your body
gain necessary nutrients.
They come up through the ground,
grow on trees and vines,
and are especially appreciated
by rabbits.


To which we move, slowly, leaning and yearning

for a taste of something, how we cannot resist.

It is so wrong to want, so wrong to ache and yet

I cannot resist your gravity, your pull to me

is dragging, I am not lagging, I am moving

and falling falling falling.