Treasures (hour 9, 5:04pm)

I have a time

to give you.

I have a moment to spare,

thanks to the clock

on the mantel.

I want you to know

that once,

I adored you.

Once I left you

in charge of the children,

and you let them

go astray.

You led them away

from me.

My dogs are tired,

and the heat

takes a toll.

I used to want more

than the average bear,

I used to strive

toward Jupiter.

I wanted to walk

on Saturn’s sandy rings,

and deploy my parachute

on Mars.

I’ve mountains to cross,

rivers to ford.

I’ve kissed the waves

on two oceans,

and dipped my toes

in the Mediterranean Sea.

It was there that the fossil

I found, I took home,

and bound by its secrets,

I buried it.

There is no place

like the home you dig into,

and the place you put

old treasures.

And I’ve a lot of bags

of dust crusted things,

and tomes of forgotten


Poetry Prompt Eight: We Need

We need more time, we need to feel fine, we need more police and less crime, we need to at least feel safe, we need bravery, not slavery, or more reserves for The Army or The Navy. We need clean water, we need to protect our sons and daughters, we need our own bricks and mortar, and probably, kinda, sorta, we need to speak up. We need to hold our chins up high, to explain who, where, when, which, what and why, we need to stop for a moment and try, we need to feel alive. We need air, we need to care, see how we fair, we need to stop telling others to sit down, or to shut up, we need to stop cutting up our brothers and sisters, we need to stop cheating and lying to our misses or misters. We need to be true, we need to find out each clue and we need to help each other when we can only see black or a very deep blue. We need to stop staring, doe eyed at screens, we need to listen to each others screams, we need to clean up our acts, react, intact with the universe, each other and in fact we have a need, in a classless society, for less greed and more people freed, sowing the seeds of knowledge, a steed worthy of carrying our nations, intertwined because we need each other to love, to have and to hold, we need to be bold, and as lost as we are, if we listen real close, we can each hear the ghost of that need, the list of the never ending things we are convinced “we need.”

Cooking and writing (hour 9)

Time has come to make dinner
pots rolling, the flames growling
Water boiling
meat prepped
time to get the dinner going

Words need to flow
before the hour go
need to settle in
to get in the groove to get the 10th hour going

Children screaming
Husband call
Dogs Barking
The neighbor call for some assistance

My hands are full
now what do I do
there is so much to do
music playing
breaking my concentration to sort my word

Jolted , bumped, pissed
and all why not just
throw in the towel
call it a day
roll over in my bed
cover my head
and go to sleep , oh sleep so sweet and beautiful

Boxes (5:00 PM)

Pretty little boxes

all lined up in a row.

One by one aligned themselves

but knowing not what for.


With their colorful labels

placed neatly to display

what might come to fill them

some hopeful little day.


‘Til then they’ll sit politely

lids lying open in wait

for something to fill the dark

some pretty little day.

It’s All Relevant (Poem 9/24)

Here I go.

Writing whatever comes to mind.

I’ve only got five minutes to spew words out onto the paper.

I’m outside.

It’s windy here.

I’m glad I’m able to write as I play.

I’m watching my kids run and slide on skateboarding ramps.

To be free as the wind.

Running with it.

Jumping with it.

Flying with it.

I’m going to break free, like the wind and my kids.

Here I go,


Poem9/24 “LoVe Connection”

Even how bad my parents are

They are still my father and mother

I won’t be here without them

I won’t see the green nature land

I won’t see myself taking the risk,

Obstacles, and slowly reaping success

I love them both

Even now they are separated

There is “love” that still connected

You Expect Me to What?

Fuck, are you serious?

You expect me to set a timer?

I don’t have one

Well actually I do,

On my phone but I hate doing that.

How about I just write for like five minutes,

Screw the editing,

Straight from the brain

Buku crazy stuff that makes no sense.

That is how I write most of my poetry after all.

I know, I gotta be more open minded

I guess five minutes out of my life isn’t so bad,

God knows I am giving you

Twenty four hours of my life

The least I could do is give you five minutes.

But the fifteen for editing?

That’s pretty extreme.

Oh wait, I forgot to set the timer.

Is it five minutes yet?

I have no idea, no concept of time

Ah hell, failed already.

Next prompt please?

In the Green

In the Green
Virginia Carraway Stark

A rustle
A movement
And then
The chill edge
Of the damp June wind
Even the afternoons
Can be cold
Silver bellies
Like fish
In the pond of the planet
Where currents flout
The rules
If fluid dynamics
I am flying
In the green
Gorgeous world
That branched hands
Have lifted me into
Joyous peace
In the green

Moved On

I can’t believe it

after all you were just asking me out

saying you were ready to pursue a serious relationship with me

however you never had time

it was always work or your kid

not that i would ever give you an ultimatum between me or your own flesh & blood

But sometimes you need to give something up

because what’s life without Eros love

Yet you gave someone else the ring