
How do you see yourself VS
how others portrait you?
When do you look within before putting the blame on others. How you move forward without hurting any longer. How do you see yourself and how you project who you really are. Why do we live to the expectations of others, when do we start to live up to our own standards. What is there to do once you know the problem. What is our purpose. So far all is known is the we have the right to the pursued of happiness and liberty. How we make it possible. What values we each have and how we carry ourselves through lives is what make the difference between achievement and failures. Loses yourself in order to find the answer you secretly ask yourself every single day.
—Marquez Meriyen

Poem8/24 “In This World..

..we need..

to teach our children properly mannered. Properly disciplined throughout these high technological devices. We need to show them the right way in order to avoid phonographic, malicious and violent ways. We need to teach our children on how they are going to live the life not how to leave it


..we need..

a Godfearing leader to protect our country. We need a leader who has a very pure good heart for the needy

..we need..

a government whose goal is to serve us not us whose going to serve them. We need to vote wisely. We need a government who will lead other nations to be good

..we need..

to stop the war. Where a lot of innocent people died. Where a lot of families lost their love ones. We need to unite, we don’t need to fight

..we need..

to remember, we leave our families and work overseas to earn money to sustain their needs not to earn babies. We need to remember that we work overseas its because we don’t have job opportunities that suit for us  in our country. We need to be patient to work

..we need..

to take care of ourselves while far from our families. We need to value that God given us. We need to be strong, firmed, and toughed and most especially, we need to thank God for every seconds of our life we had.


..we need..

is, peace, and unity..

Poem 8

Girl sitting

on cold cement,

hungry, shivering,

watching spectators

enter the Garden

oblivious to her existence.


Young man walks by,

noticing girl who has before

hungrily accepted his offering

of a sandwich and hot coffee.

His own pockets light,

He once again proffers sustenance.


“You look like my brother,”

she says, looking into his blue eyes.

“You remind me of my sister,”

he tells her, noting her lank, blonde hair.

He takes his leave of the homeless girl,

pockets empty, heart full.


Eve Remillard



I’m an addict,

cravings cursed,

nomadically chasing after verse.

Static makes the cravings worse.

Attic search,

unproduced cobwebs,

padlocked beachhead,

permission to approach the bench,

jail time instead.

Search party, collaborate,

running without hesitate,

go for broke,

before the gape,

No addict wants to wait.

I’m an addict.

Hour 08 5.30-6.30am — #21 “Key of the door”


if only i was
21 again
i’d be with you
all in the middle
of our mad glory
& this time
i’d appreciate it
(i promise)
it was just my age
which made me
act the fool before

they say
at 21 watch your son
they don’t tell you
after you’re given
the key to the door
which opens
onto white
you will lose it
then there will
be little more
that brings joy

all your guns
have gone off
& you’re left
with a roil salute
of silence


Sigh! #38. Only two words on this piece of paper.

Hour 8: Roxy

I am Persona Non Grata,
seeing as how I don’t really exist,
except in the pages of your novel
trilogy, twenty years in the making,
twenty five if you are honest.

Why so long keeping me dead
in order to bring me to life?
Are you afraid people will think
I’m you, and your cover will be blown?
It is something to think about, you know.

If I survive, and you don’t, it will be like
something out of Beckett, and you’ll be pissed
at least for a little while, until you recall
you all die anyway, mere mortals on the earth,
while my life is eternal, if you ever dig me up.

#8 We Need


We need an occasional snowfall in summer to remind us to celebrate the heat.

We need to spend a week without goodies to appreciate treats.

We need to sleep under stars to remind us about their beauty.

We need to volunteer sometimes to remind us that we all have duties.

We need to read and write, cry and laugh, dream and share to remind us all of our common humanity.




We Need


To the ears of the supplicant and patron alike, the phrase “We need” may be the most painful to hear;

We need bread;

We need housing;

We need jobs;

We need hope;

But most importantly, we need change so that it no longer is necessary to ask for these things because they’ve already been given.


‘We Need’ (Poem8/24)

We need to play.

We need to rest.

We need to eat.

We need to sleep.

We need to win.

We need to lose.

We need to hop.

We need to stop.

We need to live.

We need to die.

We need to erase this poem from our minds.