#8bis – Organs


Organs on my pillow

Trouble my dreams


Movements of chemicals

Through my inner fabrics

Send signals

To my organs


There is nothing to do

Body knows exactly

What’s up in the story


Organs are magical

And mysterious

They provide me

With so much well-being

And atrocities as well


As for the right way to go

I got not a single idea

Body knows that

Nobody knows


The only choice that

Is working

Is to surrender

To the wanting

Of the universe

As it’s unfolding

It’s sheer fare of nothing


Beyond all your fears and believes

Nothing will ever come back

If you don’t send it first


Give, give and give

Without expecting

A single thing

Back any time


Then you will be blown away

By the wind on your screen

Whistling to your heart

How to sing the new song

That leads to your soul

Purpose is to be

Purpose is to give

And receive

When it’s back

To your pink Cadillac


Organs on my pillow

Trouble my dreams


Movements of chemicals

Through my inner fabrics

Send signals

To my organs



Prompt for Hour Nine

Set a timer. Write whatever comes in to your head for 5 minutes as fast as you can. Don’t delete anything you type, and don’t bother to spell check. It is all about getting the words down on the paper.

After the 5 minutes are up start editing what you have. Feel free to cut and add material as needed. Try to spend at least 15 minutes, if not longer, editing the piece.

Freedom for all

Together we will stand for the right to be free.

When ‘God made us he made us to stand for what.

We believe in.

The right to be free from all the evil.

That our hearts see.

Together we will stand for the right to be free.

Too help one another to see the good in one another.

Hold a hand to let someone know they are not alone.

It will warm there heart.

Together we will be one.

As a petal on a rose we stand to be together .

To shine into the world to show we are one.

Together we will be free to shine as one.

One heart, one soul, one spirit.

Together we are one.

To stand for the freedom


(Hour 8)

She loves the pain,
but hates to bleed,
her pain continues to feed,
reckless during the night,
loving the fight,
screaming after each bite,
the agony of this calamity,
is whats driving my insanity,
she’s the queen of terror,
my princess of the night,
normal during the light,
but never at night,
with one more bite,
she’s filled with delight,
but night after night,
she craves the fight.

Poetry Prompt Seven: Lasting Visual Images

Thinking back but looking forward. Getting excited for the unknown future whilst also emoting nostalgia for the known, uncomfortably known past. Missing the heat waves of pollution dancing across the suspicious eyes of the city, dark critiquing stares at our fair skin and white collar dress. Memories still ringing of the roar of the Phantom at 6.15 as the streets began to steam with the smells of mee cha and pho, a hearty Asian breakfast, slurped down by adults and school kids alike, sat upon tiny plastic stools, surrounded by motos and calling Tuk Tuk drivers who’d probably been drinking and calling all night. Haunted by the wide, questioning eyes of street selling children, some no older than 3 or 4, trying to push bracelets, tshirts, books or other trashy items no foreigner really needs but might buy out of guilt for the horrendous situation of the child, which in turn fuels the trade of street kids selling, and probably barely feeds them and keeps them out of school. Some kids so hungry you find they talk only to your burger in their broken English and will sit down to share the remnants of food with their little mates. Heartbreaking, you have to develop the thickest of skins to live any sort of long term existence there, in that place for so long we called our home. Gated off by security guards, guard dogs, gates, walls, fences and window bars. Secluded into an ex-pat zone meant only for foreigners. Still missing that place where teaching was the profession of the hour, Chur was the name answered to, and though it wasn’t our food, wasn’t our life, wasn’t our culture, we learned to drive like a Khmer, brashly wander out into traffic like a Khmer, speak the language like a Khmer and love the kids, the strangers, the friends, the co workers,the life as if it were our own. And now, in the midst of reverse culture shock, missing our independent life as if there were an irreparable hole in my heart, I wish we could take back those moments we missed, the ones we were living without fear, without uncertainty, without knowing they would be some of the most cherished memories later, when they were gone. Now they are gone. I don’t want to go back, but I am shy to move forward, revelling in those forgotten easy Asian times in the city of everlasting roadworks and dust. The place I never thought I’d learn to call my home, until I did. I miss you.


You could feel your soul fading away from your body, but you still feel a little pain. You feel the emotions raising above you, and rebuilding its out of the question; because it takes to disintegrate to the ground.
You still feel the pain and the remains you the you alive. You feel like you death inside. Like everything it’s burn to ashes. You no longer recognize the smile because your soul it’s fading away. Where it’s the fire the was keeping you warm? Where’s the light the was shining above you? Why slip away from the physical form?
The soul carry the heavy load and you just want it to be over. Your day is a painful remained of all you had and now it’s gone. You want the beautiful kind of pain, the allow you to feel alive and motivates you. Now you just motionless without hope. You no longer stop to breath and see the beautiful things the surround you. How it help to ripe your heart out?
It’s black and broken with a lot of scars. The only way to make it pound blood again it’s by rebuilding. Feel the fire in your heart; it’s trying to survive this cold feeling.
This coma the you going through. Define yourself again and know you got the power to rebuild and raise from the ashes. Embrace your pain and say bye to yesterday. Feel your heart beat and feel the sensation of been alive even if you feel the pain, the loneliness, the emptiness , the abandons and it hurts, but it’s what would make you stronger. It’s a beautiful kind of pain. Just feel the pain and know it would continue to happen, but you would survive. Push through this feelings and heal your wounds. Love you and get over it all.
Let time pass and heal it all.
The scars would remain as a remainder the you a survivor. It’s a beautiful kind of pain. Feel this pain , feel it and embrace it and then set your self free.
It’s a beautiful kind of pain.
It’s just pain!
—Meriyen Marquez

Just another day
Another way to be ok
Without worry. Happiness for fools. Blissful ignorance

How the Hell Do I Know What We Need?

How the Hell Do I Know What We Need?

I can only tell you what I need.
And you can tell me what you need.
Together, we can say what we need.
How’s that?

I need friends,
even the ones who don’t always agree with me
on the issues of my heart.

I need a home that’s truly mine,
with a garden and chickens.
Running water and air conditioning are nice, too.

I need my family
to know that I love them.

I need people.

I need dogs and cats,
my four-legged family,
and the llamas and goats and donkeys
down the road,
and the roadrunners and buntings and owls
in the trees along the creek.

I need my man
for as long as I can have him.

And I need a purpose to be here
even if that purpose is to be
a part of a community,
a friend,
someone’s family,
someone’s home.



Another part of this life is finding someone else to love who can do you no harm and sends you love poems and gifts as meaningless as a prize from a Cracker Jack box. Perhaps the gift costs more money and is needed. Do prizes come with Cracker Jack now? Who loves me, not a cat or a dog. I have neither, just a pair of stuffed turtles, one beige, one brown. One is Sandy, the other Coco. Both sit on top of a bookcase glancing across my apartment seeing the clutter and even worse. These were meaningless gifts from someone I love. He loves me, too, but we live apart, never see one another, seldom speak. One year for Valentine’s day he sent me a strawberry cheesecake from Junior’s, but I was seriously trying to lose weight and I could not keep it in my home, called and gave it to a family who had no such qualms and could enjoy it. Alone, I would have had it all to myself, the greedy, needy child. Last year I received an Easter lily which I liked. This year he sent me a camera for Easter. I never asked for it. Two months later the box is opened, but I have not even tried to use it. I never had a visual gift. Do these gifts mean he loves me? I don’t know if I love him or his gifts.