#24!!!! We made it!!!

I gave it my all
I gave it my best
Been twenty four hours
Now I must rest
Good morning
Good night
Sweet dreams
Sleep tight

written by jklomax

Running a Marathon

Just enjoy it!

No good running if you hate it.


A marathon is a long way

To run for those of us who love to run


Let alone for someone who doesn’t

It’s even longer an eternity, a private hell


Do what you love and you will turn up each day

and do exactly that!


A Marathon is a three way race

Of Mindy, Body and Soul


At the point where the body fatigues and hits

The intangible wall it no longer becomes the battle of the body

it becomes the battle of the mind


And when you no longer fathom the task at hand

It is then that your soul

carries you home across the finish line.

They never spoke

Sometimes words remain silent
Actions are loud

Mouth remains shut
Eyes still shout

Many times we talk
But don’t say much

Hold each others hands
And touch says us

If relations are made
and bonds we live

Then journey of the unspoken
becomes a bliss…


My body, sadly enough, is not what it used to be.

I can feel more and more the every snap, crackle and pop when I wake.

Fingertips know the drill , but they too pay no allegiance to any corporeal host.

I can feel the eyelids getting heavy.

I can feel my lower back giving me the finger.

It’s a challenge to stay awake,

To keep on writing meaningful words that spread hope.

Because I tell you what, I feel like the only spreading going on is myself lately and even that’s thinner than the ideal weight my doctor keeps bugging me about.

Poetry Marathon poem #16

He sighed,
i could die.
fuck that,
i’m fulfilled,
not done.
for you.
letters arranged
poem to prayer
to page.
the risk.
the rush.
leaf the
loose losses
scattered sheets
prophets parchment
swiftly seeking
for information
gleaned and cleaned
to sparkle.
to fucking shine.
with a mask
of mirrors
a forgotten
forest life
longways and back.
The magic
but that is
only because
my people
are fading.
i closed
my ears
to their calls
but no more.
i realize
mask o’ change
jack o’ lantern
silver and salt
sweat and luck
my gears are beginning
to turn.