Good Morning Chicago

Good Morning Chicago

The sun rises
And lights Lake Michigan

The Ferris Wheel
Rolls out of bed

The Skyline exhales
Looking down on
The Bean

The Mag Mile
Herself out
Block after block

Buckingham spits

The Picasso blinks
His eye

Just so I can say

Good Morning Chicago


To Whom is May Concern

Hour 23 – 4:00 AM 


Poet at it’s best;  Writer at it’s worst.

I try not to put so much emphasis on my writer’s curse.

Much evaluated;  Lots unrevealed.

To whom shall we keep from the secrets of Solomon’s seal.

To the builders of the age, ensue your duties progress a better day.

Never mind the ones who doubt your tools.

Success is bred;

If spread like a disease success would be worthless and watered down like the rest of these PHD’s

We are one of our own kind;  And our focal point must consist of a greater human mind.

The time is near, the time has come.

Who are you to make a true statement and define it by none?

– J.C.  ©

Wry sense of self

This human suit of flesh and blood no longer serves it purpose.

The crippling fear turning sighs into a howl; with skin too tight,

eyeball crawling out from its socket.

I wonder if you ever saw me in scorching daylight?

Troll-like features, glued together in an order without logic.

Dots and specks of flaming red breaking the symmetry

of feverish yellow hue.



“No. 16: Esplanade”

About the Esplanade,

The country’s premier arts centre,

Opinions are divided.

For seen from above,

It does resemble a giant housefly at rest,

With huge eyes open.


Curiously though,

At ground level,

With steel slats all over the glass roof,

A seeming afterthought,

Against the blazing tropical sun,

It looks more like a durian.


The popular nickname is certainly apt,

For this “King of Fruits”,

Succulent though its flesh may be,

Akin to a chemical WMD,

Its notoriously pungent aroma,

Aptly describes some of what it passes off as culture.

Elder Cat

Your little head snuggles into my arm,
One last time,
And I can’t help but smile,
Even though I know
This gasp of breath
Coming from your tiny lungs
Is your final cry.

And then I really am alone.

My Transformative Journey Poem 23

This morning I was someone else

A long days journey into  self

Words pulled from forgotten places

Reading posts from new familiar faces


Walking a prompt, rewiring an avenue

Pulling hats off of rabbits, changing my venue


An endless journey finally drawing to end

Pushing ideas around making new friends


A days worth of poems

A lifetime of wordings

A half hours napping

New truths unfolding

Way too much coffee

Not enough sleep

Way too much thinking

Which words do I keep


Its a mythical journey

Something grand has transpired

I’m achy and flakey and overly tired


Time’s almost over

My bed will await

I’ll sleep a few hours

And be on my way

Glad to be finished

Didn’t give in to defeat

Wrote me some poems

But glad to complete


Morning ritual

He woke me up with a kiss on my forehead and the scent of pancakes and bacon coming from the kitchen. He whispered goodmorning as he  caressed my hand. I sat up in the dark room lit by the television and the possibilities he wanted to nourish me before he ravaged me and I was a willing participant. He slowly poured syrup on the pancakes sliding the bacon to the side cause he knows how I like my meals served. A full stomach and full heart he whispers to me goodmorning sweet lady as he kissed away the remnants of syrup on my lips and asked me did I enjoy my 3am pancakes? I responded with gratitude as I always do climbed back into bed and whispered to him are you ready for your 4am interlude?????

She thinks herself uncreative

She thinks herself uncreative.

Like she has no original bone in her body.

She thinks herself as not being able to think outside the box.

She fears not being able to break away from the mediocrity.

But, there’s spark in these wee lad.

 There’s an eagerness to learn and grow from  each idea.

There lies within her a drive to do more.

There lies within her a talent and curiosity that will bring her far in life.

Kayla, keep your chin up.

Even when it feels like not much, you’ve got this.

slaughter rust

they could call me schizophrenic
for the ways i am keeping myself
i stopped being human at
two in the morning
my voice grew hoarse from
talking myself awake
instead of counting sheep
i send them to the slaughter
instead of night sweats
i wake up soaked in memories,
i was left to boil
in a pre-rusted pan
though after i settle
i am blamed for the rust



Foot imprint

I found everything when

I found your foot imprint

I found my destination,

whole point of existence

The hidden pain manifested,

I became aware of my heart

Now what can I say,

what I GAINED from you