You are my Chocolate Poem 20

You are my choclate

I crave you

In the middle of the night

I want to taste you

Bite you

Lick you

Consume you

You are my chocolate

Soft, sweet, buttery

Melting in my heart

You are bittersweet choclate

Moody and dark

You are milk choclate with caramel

That I still taste long after you’ve gone


You are my addiction

The sweetness that turns a bad day good

You are the silky texture

Of what love should be


You are my chocolate

My Ghiradelli Square

My Snickers Bar

My Milky Way

You cannot stay in my cupboard

You cannot be ignored for long

If I Ever Feel Better

If I ever feel better—
That is walking without jumping
I will clean the office for three weeks—no complaints

If I ever feel better
Meaning I cross again
I will buy you a shake

If I ever feel better
As in not feeling sick while looking at a duffel bag
I will pack you something nice

If I ever feel better
Maybe my parents won’t hear me scream from the other side of the City of Chicago

If I ever feel better
IF I ever feel better


Passive Light Poem 17

A passive light

Retreating into semi-consciousness

My brain fizzles, spurts

and  crawls away

My pen is numb

My ideas faded



A soliloquy of stubborness


Passive knowings


Into near unconsciousness

My heart sputters,

Fades to black

Passive light to deepest dark

My soul evaporates

Shimmers to nothing


A poet with nothing to say

Tomato Hornworms

My stepfather used to crouch in the middle of his tomato patch and listen
He swore he could hear hornworms munching and
The slow steady stretching of growth.
He prayed for the absence of the first the presence of the latter.
I laughed at the old man for pretending to hear worms chewing and plants growing.
He ignored me and crouched in the patch all the same.
Then several years ago, I was tending my tomatoes and I heard it.
It was so soft a sound I had to lean closer
I had to crouch down between the plants to hear it
It was the tiny, almost silent, sound of a hornworm chewing.
I turned my head toward the source and I saw it!
Inches from my face, chewing like this was his patch and
These were his tomatoes.
I gently picked him off the plant.
My step father said to drop hornworms in a bucket of soapy water.
My uncle always said to throw them on the roof.
I smiled and threw that fat green worm on the roof.
A second later, it rolled right back down, bounced off on my head, and onto the ground
I picked it up and threw it again.
Again it fell back to my garden.
Frustrated, I picked it up again and was about to throw it on the roof a third time
But I stopped and considered my options.
Then I pulled back my arm and threw it as hard as I could
Onto my neighbor’s roof.

Making Up Lost Time

This is not just about keeping up anymore.

This is not just about a goal anymore.

This is my life, this is my story that people will tell after I’m gone.

I’m making up for lost time.

Making up for time I never had the courage to say that I wanted to be with my wife.

Making up for lost time, trying to find a career that I could be proud of.

I’ve spent so much time going in the wrong direction, I feel almost guilty for having the chance to make up for it.

I almost feel guilty that I have to start from the bottom and go up.

But, not that guilty.

I know each milestone has its own place and time and I am damn proud of how I’m creating those milestones.

I feel damn proud that for once in my life, I feel like a go to guy.

I know I have a lot to make up for, but I know, in the end, time will be on my side.


The wrath of the heavens opens,

Rains down upon our entire world,

In that storm of all storms.


Only one survives,

The last vessel,

An ark of hope.


A millennia’s journey ends,

And we approach optimistically,

That third planet from the sun.


You sniff, smelling the thickening tar
That is smeared across the road,
And you gasp as the heat intensifies
In the oven that is your car.
The rumbles of cars idling slowly
Almost lulls you into a slumber,
But then you hear the screech,
And curse as someone almost
Slams into your back bumper.

Cheeky Burger!

Your brown tongue glistens, as though salivating to be licked.

The heat at your centre sends radiance out, melting all around you

until your tasty partners become an ooze that cannot get enough of you.

You do have a sharp bit. Acidic- making me wince in delight of your tangy depths.

And your soft outer coating is peppered with nuttiness that seems to be drawn to you-

Seeds offering a promise that all can be born again,

For right now I’m sad; a brief time of ecstasy in my mouth and it will soon all be over.


Hour 20 – 1:00 AM


Conspiracy theorist’s line up to tell me how to live my life.

If I’m one of you, who’s to say I’m not doing it right ?

Yours thoughts are as valid as gold.

But if I’ve wearing 18K on my wrist,

Who’s to say I’m not taking on the world as a whole.

It’s very simple you see…

A misconception of reality’s light is shrinking.

– J.C.  ©