The Raging and Consuming War of The Poetics

Part XX

Double X,
less obscene than triple –
or maybe less octane;
how many parts of a play
can a person adequately portray?
as many as it takes to make it
to see another day…
so I’m told…

– Michellia D. Wilson 8/24/14 3AM




if this were any ordinary day, I would have fed the negative vibes by now more times than the patient on the couch, only I haven’t been caught yet, lucky me, or maybe lucky you, one of us must have spoken more than the other in order to be on the couch, I want to get there, it couldn’t hurt, I mean all the negative thoughts need some place to go, I’m tired of them living here, I say that and yet I host them, day in and day out, this is embarrassing and scary all in one, the tears aren’t pain right now, they are freedom, I let a million people into my mind, please don’t judge me…

Bad Memories

“Bad Memories”

This was bound to happen,

Elusive morning,

Damn you!

Precious, pretty memories are no more.

Rushes in the violence,

Memoirs of a broken,

Battered woman.

Sixteen, pregnant most assuredly no child.

I do not know why he beat her

With that ax handle,

But he did.

She was only protecting her daughter.

I can speak no more of this,

Pain tears at my soul,

Tears wrack my body.

#20, We dont use the Zed word!!!

Race Rush Race To the finish. Race Rush Race To the end. We all race to the finish line. We all shamble Zombies. Shuffle our corpses to the end of the world. And chew on each others bones.

brain traffic

exit signs and satellites i don’t know where we’re going or who’s watching or why i’m even inclined to know when some days all i want to do is place bets on something i don’t understand and wait to see what happens but the satellites roam and there is no corner of the earth where i can exist without anybody knowing there is no safe house or bomb shelter secret corridor hogwarts or atlantis what you see is what you are come closer clear a space coming through honk honk the number you have dialed is currently unavailable for english press one do not walk no smoking no loitering buffering battery low empty

Prompt for Hour Twenty

We are in the home stretch! There is light at the end of the tunnel.

Your prompt is to write a poem that contains a metaphor involving food. The metaphor could be an aside or it could be the focus of the poem. The choice is up to you.

Solitude Poem 18


We have walked together

More than I can say

My withered heart

preferring aloneness

Years of my own voice

Raging in my head

a cacophony of silence


Almost afraid to push the boundaries

Afraid of thick walls coming down

Afraid to be vulnerable

In solitude there is sincerity


No intrusions

Just illusions

Solitude rocks me to sleep

Then jolts me awake

Around me lies empty space

Solitude is an old old friend

A lasting adversary

A protector, an exclusion

A necessary angel

In an evil world

The light has come..

Its on the way
To take it away

The dark will loose
Light will stay

While I embrace all the ends
All my pains remain at bay

Night will say a last bye
Sun rays enter through the sky

Bad will go
Good will come

And my eyes
Will never be numb….

In my dreams

I ran and ran but got nowhere,

when I looked down I had no feet,

but wings that took me to my heart,

that in my dreams so warmly beats;

all around me colours whirl,

like flashing lights sent to remind,

that once my world was dark and bleak,

but my wings help leave that world behind;

it’s when I wake and look around,

I realise each day is a new chance,

to step toward the lights of life,

and live it like a merry dance.


The Foggy Road (Almost a Sonnet, but Not Really)

The road ahead of me is so foggy
I can’t see the center line
I’m aching and I’m groggy
From squinting at each little sign
I don’t know where I’m going
I barely remember where I’ve been
I understand I must be growing
As I drive away from my sin
My life isn’t what I expected
My choices were not always good
Still I feel closely connected
To my family; I’ve loved as I should
As I think about those I hold most dear
The road ahead of me begins to clear