The Point of the Whole

Hour 13 – 6:00 PM


Color my world

foresaken the word.

A life still yet lived

Is a mystery unrelieved.

What will come of my ambitious goals.

A fortune of gold, yet I want to reach souls.

people buy up the marketing

But still can’t seem to see the point of the whole.

– J.C.  ©

Sensing the void

At three a.m. I went above to stand on the deck, swaying beneath my feet, and beneath a new moon.

I had an instinctive sense of the vastness I was standing in- under me as well as over me and all around me. Oblivion for farther than I could contemplate.

Wind rushes through these limitless expanses; I know because I feel it dash past my cheeks, chilling the salt tears. I use my tongue to warm and taste.

But as if in spite of my humble efforts, the wind in my ears brings with it more salt dampness to make me shudder.

It is eerie to me to have a small part of the limitless waters touch my face.

My emotions are usually as deep as the ocean, but tonight they are just as void.

Poem 13

In your eyes
I am a mat
You step on
You walk all over me
But it’s nice to have me you need to get some stuff out
And I let you

In your eyes
I am a painting
You like having me around
You only admire me
But it’s only right to look at for a while before you need a new one
And I let you

In your eyes
I am a jacket
You need me to protect me
You make yourself look better
But getting rid if me is what you do best
And I let you

#13, Who?

Wishing I could join and watch too.

Stupid cable.

Who, who, who?

Hero? Anti hero?

All the same when your 2000 years old.


Dinosaurs. In space.

Love and so much nerdy awesomeness.

I want to watch like everyone else.


I Have Never Been In Love

I have never been in love

So I believe, but I am charmed

with anyone that loves me.

I live happy and alone,


So I believe. But I am charmed

If someone goes out of their way to ask.

“I live happy and alone,”

I hear myself repeat.


If someone goes out of their way to ask

Why I do not have a love

I hear myself repeat,

The lies I have programmed.


Why I do not have a love

Are not the reasons I give. The truth is,

I have never been in love

With anyone that loves me.

Drama Queen

You’re too nervous and edgy
I want to scream every time
You call my name
Your hide and seek
Tip toe to catch someone
Is out of control
My gut is in knots
Doing jumping jacks
As my eyes cut short
Your useless mindless gossip
And I know that
If I ask you to
Tell me something good
It will leave you speechless
So I guess its going to be
A quiet week


Are you my friend?


Do you even know my name?

Can you remember my birthday?

Do you answer when I call?

Do you call on me only when you fall?


Are you my friend?


Do you say a prayer for me?

have you ever planned for me?

Do you ever wonder how I’m doing?

Do you involve me in whatever you are doing?


Am I your friend?


This crazy mind of mine
Roaming around…
Between I and ME

And last night a
Faceless voice
Startle me,
I asked who are you ?
It replied “I”

Than a unfamiliar
Gust of wind asked me
The reason of my sorrow
I wrote on wet sand of desert
It is “I”

Now all the troubles have
fallen to sleep,
Someone tell me
How much longer
Must I stay awake?

Then I saw the moon
In my dreams
And the sun had risen
With first ray of dawn

Saw Sun and moon
Are both in my heart
Perhaps it is ok
For now to stay with
My “I’—the ego…

Seema Sahoo – ©

Silence: golden or stifling? or a modern blend?

Tasting old memories is sometimes bitter.
Today it is absolutely delicious.
An anticipated ice cream cone that melts quickly in a hot, carefree summer day.
My mouth waters, especially by that hole where the wisdom tooth used to inhabit.
Is my soul that starved?

Smelling a change.
Just a few days before the tears would not stop.
Can he be trusted?
I debate and settle on a definite maybe.

Hearing my friends talk of their current loves makes me smile and drift
along proverbial memory lane, sidestepping a few potholes along the way.
Where did I put my rose-colored glasses?

I touch the side where he used to be.
I can sniff his cologne if I burrow in his tattered t-shirt.
The one I wanted him to discard.
And now I’m the one who can’t toss it.
Or the related memories.
I miss him so much.

Will I ever get over dangerous habits?