4 pm Poem

I don’t even care

I just want to be with you

It’s so hard to share

You don’t have a clue


My grandma


is what I call her

not sure if that comes from my jamican poppop

or what

shes a solider

these past years the hospital

has held her more than anyone

but she recently graduated

received a bachelors in nursing

any time I want to give up

i vision her

i walked in on her

in the hospital

i expected her to be in misery

after the stroke

but she was on the laptop

her doctorate is what she is after now

i wonder if the teacher even knows

the woman getting all those papers turned in

is my roll model

my hero

a woman of power

nothing stops her

i giggle at the stroke

it didn’t succeed in all it’s known for

i praise my God

He excelled

that’s usual though

she has to learn how to write

with her left hand

i remember I was left there

at the bottom of the hill

in my 20s

when I chose everything



i could care less now

they say a grandma’s prayers

are powerful

she prays for herself

And I pray too

i need her touch

her hidden strength

that bursts out in due time

i love her

i honor her

i think of her often

now I must speak to her…


Laugh lines of paint

dance upon canvas

Twirling in blues, yellows, and reds

Combining into something whole,

and telling a story

that only the viewer

can know.

The Raging and Consuming War of The Poetics

Part X

I cannot breathe.
My lungs are full.
The fluid rising –
I am drowning and I can feel moist pedals
clinging to my pale skin.
The fluid rises above my ears –
I cannot hear,
gurgling, gurgling…
and my mind leaves me,
did I ever have a mind? 
the poppy field is so beautiful,
I think I will nap…

– Michellia D. Wilson 8/23/14 5:00 PM

Mirror of Life

The world is your open heart

An awaken Heart is your Mirror

Oneness with your life is your film

All that surrounds you is your museum

Bright eyes is your camera

Always searching to give to everyone.

mirror of life

Prompt for Hour Ten

Write a poem focused on location. Instead of just focusing on describing that location (be it a house, a car, a lake, a mountain), try and frame it in terms of a story or an idea.

Selling Ourselves Short

Hour 10 – 3:00 PM


Children are the future

If we didn’t know before.

Have we thought about where their headed considering the course?

What ethics do you hold to be self evident?

Are you holding your children to be better than?

Better then before; a nightmare; a war.

Why must we sell ourselves short?


– J.C.  ©