
I am a conduit

For the Light that flows through

Another node

In the connection of All.


I am instrument

Of universal energy

A carrier of Love

That flows through all.


Fairies trip across her dreams,
Wizards cast spells,
Magical creatures cavort,
Good always wins,
And love never ends.

When a child,
She believed, really..
Even when it wasn’t logical,
She just knew.

And then she woke up.

Ninth Post: Not Tea

Not Tea

I’m English, we solve everything with a cup of tea,
I joke with a smirk as I pick up my drink.
I breathe it in, and then frown a little,
For this drink is not my tea.

Darker, stronger, but just as hot,
Pungent smell and aftertaste.
This I have tasted before –
But this is not my tea.

Another breakfast drink,
Not English by a long shot.
Full of flavour, energising for the day,
But not always my cup of tea.


The Gods of love decided upon a blend

Its pleasures were never to end

So they brought together some cocoa

And poured on the magic flow

Its texture was that of sugar and diamonds

And all shades of espresso sent in their funds

Some browns and blacks would mate

And I would brew it at nights late

Ah! The aroma, how to explain?

The blessed earth in a deluge of rain

A dark, mystical, invigorating fragrance

A little unruly and rustic

Diligently mystic

And the taste of a warm, passionate affair

To say just bittersweet is hardly fair

For it is a fountain hot and bursting

The flavor in your mouth, slowly rusting

Each drop compassionately burning

Savor it; it is discovery and learning

With a good book, a tale or two

By the window, your drink and you

I Hate… Poem 9

I hate blank pieces of paper

Demanding to be filled

Glaring at me

Screw it


I hate cell phones

Ringing buzzing singing

day and nite

Toss it


I hate traffic

Slow moving

go no where

Someone cutting you off



I hate long summer nights

No breeze, no sleep

Just hot sweat



I hate long work hours

When you imagine all the fun things

You could do



I hate political coversations

Of ignorance, calamity

Conspiracy, intolerence



I hate blank pieces of paper

Blank computer screens

Blank minds, blank points

Need sleep!

Hot Beverages

This steamy beverage keeps me conscious.

It is a little cup of comfort

On a cold, early autumn English night-

Reminiscent of baristas in sunnier climes.

I see them now. It must be daylight there,

And they are outside the cafes taking orders from tables

of tourists, or of locals who enjoy a pace of life that permits them such luxuries.

I cradle it in my hands as though holding onto a dream;

I pluck a cocktail stick and craft my own heart in the frothy topping.


I hear him roar

in the skies outside,

the rain dances a beat

and I know this is it.


In the skies outside

the lightening lights up,

and I know this it,

this is where it ends.


The lightening lights up

the darkened skies.

This is where it ends,

With the trumpets blaring.


The darkened skies

Awaken the slumber

with the trumpets blaring

and with a swirling of winds.


“Awaken the slumber!”

I hear him roar.

And with a swirling of winds,

the reign dances a beat.

Quelling Adenosine

Elixir of awakening, water of life
Smokey essence of synaptic ecstasy.
The scent of the grind, the sound of perculative bliss
Oh, how I love your chemistry.

To wrap my hands on ceramic clad heat,
The scented steam tickles olfactory
And the quaff of velvet smoothness
Engenders alert faculty.

Good morning!

© 2014 D. Edward Croy

The Fountain- Poem #8 by Ingrid – Half Marathon

The Fountain- Poem #8 by Ingrid Exner- Half Marathon


The fountain in the park holds memories.

Dressed ornately in black,

This dark statue of hope

Brings comfort to many.


Laughing children run circles around its base

As the adults lean closer to the cooling mist

Of its waters.

Spilling over in delight

Excitement uncontained,

A timeless treasure of days

Gone by.

All Beauty

Hour 9 – 2:00 PM


Spiritual work takes me high.

Afloat and lifted,

starring the Devil in his eye.

As confident as I am.

I know he is a lie.

How can there be a place worse than this.

An earth so corrupt; Hell in disguise.

Many are blind to see..

He’s manipulated a place where all beauty seems to cease.


– J.C.  ©