On My Way to Pick Up Lunch

I passed the flower seller’s
White van
Parked on the side of a
Six-lane road
Like it always is
On the weekend.
But today
Instead of sheltering in the shade
Of her blue awning,
She danced around the nearest light pole.
“Now that ought to move some orchids,”
I thought.

Kisses from Boreas

After some twenty of them

had been disposed of

during the waning moon

with costumes and masks and enchantments

he now wished he had not sacrificed his sons


they would never throw themselves down weeping

to die of grief

we have to rise

just as vegetation dies only to reappear in the springtime

what’s wrong with the way I kiss? Asked the winter wind


i replied even as I thanked Boreas

in the deep of my heart

for the sweet relief from the smoke and flames

then it was

during the waxing moon

when costumes are removed

masks unmasked

enchantment is revealed

and winter is come

Be Careful, Rapunzel

Be careful, Rapunzel

I ask this of thee;

Let not down your guard

For your own safety.

With so many missing

I shall go Mama Bear;

If someone ever hurts you

Their death I declare!

You may think I’m bossy

Some day you’ll understand;

When you are a parent

You’ll hold your child’s hand.

Rapunzel, Rapunzel

Yes, you may play outside;

I will sit on the porch, though,

Keeping watch with my eyes.

Dear Emily- Poem #7 by Ingrid Exner

Dear Emily- Poem #7 for Poetry Half Marathon


Dear Emily-


Thank you for your words today

written centuries ago.

Their wisdom has more meaning

Than ever you would know.


Wise words you provide

Take flight from my page,

Resting in imagination they strive

To leave remembrances-



Hope, Freedom, Pain and Release

You address these all.

With metaphors that will not cease

And similes that sing sweet song

Leaving readers now at their peace.

Lost & Found

If you happen to find me,

I’ll be crocheted in a blanket of red, white, and yellow,

Woven in a basket of wicker,

Amidst a pile of elephant figurines,

That’s where you may find me.

Scavenging through the things of the past,

Looking for the things that made shit last,

Made it surpass all the aftermath of eviction notices.

A soul under siege,

Sold to a storage locker,

Floating the seven seas in bits and pieces,

Wearing the world on her faces in wrinkles and creases.

Suffering can be a beautiful things,

What strength circumstance brings,

Beauty: a thing called courage: a renaissance,

Basking in the museum of memories,

Reminiscing trinkets and treasures sold to the highest bidder,

Home is where the heart finds it fit to survive such loss:

At all of the greatest costs.

Home: a no man’s land to me,

Where roots have no foundation,

And the foundation is made up of broken dreams.

You may find me, you may lose me all the same,

The price of home: an expensive, unattainable gain.


They exist in a world once removed from reality where pain only last a moment and death is for the bad guys. But here in reality we need more heroes super or not because with an abundance of villains our imaginations are all we’ve got.

Serenade of the Lorikeets

In the early morning

Before the dawn

The stillness surrounds until

The sun slowly rises over the hill


Then the shrill noise

Heralding the beginning

of a new day


One lonely Lorikeet

Flies directly to the bird feeder

In haste and heightened expectation


Then the Serenade begins!

The call to arms

Slowly one by one they appear

Then suddenly the patio and surrounding garden

Is amass of the colours

Green, Blue and Red


Masses and masses of

Lorikeets have arrived

And with it a loud crescendo of noise


The trees are loaded with

The birds, branches bending from

The lorikeet circus act being performed!

The squabbles and arguments

Being held by some

Quickly dissipated by the status quo

The first lieutenants taking charge

Of their subordinates


Then suddenly as they arrived

They are once again on the move

As the bird feeder has run dry


For as long as the bird feeder is a bounty

The Serenade of the Lorikeets will ensue

Tomorrow and even the next day after that.



I watch you struggle silently

And offer Love in hand.

I cannot walk the road for you

I CAN be your friend.


Offering a hand to hold,

An ear to listen,

And a heart that knows

There is grace…

Even in this.


Soft is The Hand

That holds my hand

And soft the love that flows.


Plans have changed and I am on a different route

the hotel made a mistake

but there are others

it will change my thoughts

maybe my writing

so I will be back in an hour

checked in

stretched on my yoga may

ready to write…

Letter to My Younger Self Poem 7

Dear One,

I see you reaching

For so very many things

So many dreams

Some will come true

Others will not

Some will allude you like a thief in the night

There will be cold dark days of hell

Nights of endless wonder

And many many many days of pain

You will be surprised by who you love

Who will stand by you and who will not

And the ones that will break you

You will have days of rejoicing

But it is the pain that will make you

Get up from the cold floor

Take a step and then a few more

Keep reaching as high as you can

Until your arms ache and your back breaks

And your legs quiver and quake

You will never lose more than you can

You will never achieve if you don’t get up again

You will never know love if you don’t open your heart

You cannot finish

If you are ashamed to start

So start dear one, start today

Climb every ladder and sing every song

Write every poem and love

Let your self love and be loved

Lets see how much further we can go….