Prompts For Hour Fourteen

Text Prompt

“Tell me an old story (like a folktale from your culture, a fairytale you heard when you were young or a story passed down in your family). You can give it your own twist as well.” Prompt submitted by Bhasha Dwivedi

Droping out to take my daughter to the hospitle


The Move

Prompts for Hour Thirteen  Write a poem about a time when something really bad happened…that later turned out to be a good thing. – a prompt by Harvey Schwartz

It didn’t seem to make much sense.

We had our home and work.

Our son decided to try and take

His life one spring that day.


We took him to a hospital,

In hopes to save his way.

He then returned with better thoughts

But one thing was quite clear.


A move was needed for his life

We moved to pave new ways

It wasn’t without pain or strife.

He’s good to this good day.



In Choir Inquire

Prompts for Hour Twelve Write about gathering with others. The specifics are up to you.


In choir—

are you singing?


What is your song?


Isolated by fear

we come together in one sound.

on social media.

Me and Youtube inquiring?









Prompt For Hour Eleven Write a poem about laughter without ever using the words, laugh, laughter, or giggle.

Text Prompt


It’s the sound that pleasure brings

Just be for the smile.

It’s the soul when humor stings,

joy, brought center aisle.


Funny is its victuals,

Silly is its drink.

Language’s residuals.

Jesting on the brink


Hope of every clown you see,

Wish of every mime.

Is the hearty haw, haw, hee!

Primeval sound sublime.







Snail Friends

Prompts For Hour Ten

Text Prompt

“Personify an animal. Switch its trait. Example: a disinterested lion, a polite gorilla, an aggressive giraffe…” – Contributed by John Dutton

Said the turtle to the snail

“Race you to that flower”.

I’m too fast to race you dude.

Let’s climb up that tower.


Said the gray mouse to the snail.

“Can I wear your dress?”

“If I canI I’ll give it up.

May I wear your vest”


Said the bumble bee to her.

Want to take a ride?

I’d love to take a ride with you?

I’ll flatten out and glide.


Said the snail to all her friends,

We need to have some gall.

When we share our nobleness.

We can do it all.






Memory In My Cupboard

Prompts for Hour Nine

Text Prompt

“Look in your cupboards and find a food that brings up a childhood memory, and the memory is your prompt” – contributed by Deborah Dalton



You have always been there

when other flavors weren’t.

Giving cookies flair.

making cake look burnt.


Teacher of the bitter truth

acerb shared with sweetness

Gives us all a taste of you

Chocolate is completeness.


Blue Moon Valley

Prompts for the Eighth Hour

Text Prompt

Every year we have a new form prompt, and this year, it’s the Gigan, which is an invented form. There’s a detailed blog post about it here, and it includes an example Gigan, which always helps.

Gigans must be 16 lines in length with seven stanzas (each stanza is separated by a line break). It goes couplet (two lines), tercet (three lines), couplet, couplet, couplet, tercet, couplet.

The first line is also the eleventh line, line six is repeated as line 12 as well.


Optionally the closing couplet should put a twist on the poem, but that isn’t a requirement.

Blue Moon Valley


Let me walk in blue moon valley

where the blues sky people lived


Take me there to walk the wind

Lift me up to touch the stars.

Skip rocks on the winding streams.


Morning cross The Blood of Christ

Evenings guard me by a saint.


Spirits of the blue sky people

Sing their song in wind and rain.


Pray for me, blue sky people

Let me walk in Blue Moon Valley


Morning cross The Blood of Christ

Pray with song and dance for life

Moon alight upon my face.


Sing with me in Blue Moon Valley

Dance a prayer of grace.


Saddle Up

Prompts for the Seventh Hour

A Sort of Text Prompt

Look on your phone and find the 10th non-selfie picture and use that as your prompt. – Prompt by

My brother took the base of an old saddle and recreated it with the Jackson last name stamped on its seat.  He joined the Marie Corp and so he left behind the horses and the saddle.  My son expressed a need for a saddle and now it is being oiled up for another life.  I felt like a haiku would work well to express my thoughts about this picture.  It is about transitions.


hanging from above

you are now cut free to ride

saddle up, cowboy!




Image Prompt

Dear Son

Prompts for the Sixth Hour

Text Prompt

Write a letter to yourself from the perspective of someone who is no longer in your life. It could be a former teacher you admired but you lost touch with, someone you knew from childhood, someone who passed on, etc. The specifics are very much up to you.

Dear Son


Dear Son,

It’s about time really.

That is, I’m here to talk to you about time.

So go ahead and wash the dishes and—





You are good at being in your head in the present moment..

Pondering comes pretty easy for you.

It’s just “the what “you should be picky about.

Don’t let yourself get stuck in the negative.

Continue to ponder what is beautiful and what is truth.

Don’t let fleeting passions blind you to what is important in life.

Then there is “Remember”.

Don’t let the past get away from you.

Remember the learning moments and those who have taught you.

Finally, there is believing.

Believing is about reaching into the future.

Believe there is truth and when you find it you will know it is right.

Believe in yourself.  Yes, everyone has this posted somewhere on a wall.

But you are one of an endless number of beings of truth.

You were made to import and then impart truth.

Once you find it.  Share it with others.

It is always up to the listener to decide for themselves the truth.


I love you always,




Image Prompt

Still Life

Prompts for the Fifth Hour

Text Prompt

Write a poem using at least 5 of the following 10 words/phrases.

Still Life


Upon the old oak stump

is nailed a make-shift table

covered with a linen scarf and—

set with these:

An empty wine glass towering, globalement—

a plate of cheddar cheese,

antique satchel

yellowed by time,

filled with bitter herbs,

And there also—

an open hardback

to be read

of Emily’s  Returning.

Knitting life into one space—

by wild sunflower framing.

Far from the sounds of city pavement.

Still life there—



Image Prompt

Photo by Suganth on Unsplash

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