Island Dreams

Dreams of Aloha

lull me to sleep,

Palm fronds sway to the rhythm

Of the Kona wind;

The ephemeral aroma of

Plumeria and tuberose

Float across the shadows

Of the night sky;

Ocean waves whisper

As a canopy of stars

Light my way

Back to the island.

A Letter to My Body

Dear my body,

First of all, thank you for carting my brain around. I do appreciate that.

Secondly, thank you for having strong legs and strong arms for lifting and carrying. Thank you for having a nice strong rib cage to keep my organs safe and pale, but thick, skin to keep the germs out.

Thirdly, thank you for continuing on even after being fed a diet of mostly junk food for so many years.

Finally, thank you for existing. I often feel down about you and how we look, but you are truly the only reason that I am alive.

With all my love,
Your brain.

The World Outside

The world outside awaits your presence
Do not miss out on what awaits
Life would be lesser for it
See what awaits this day
Hear what the wind blows
Smell what is about
Feel the breeze
Don’t blink

Entry 5 Half-Marathon 19.00 EU time — Five Tanka on Death



he is no longer there

but she calls out his name

and then waits

to see if his favourite chair

will move by itself



I wish to die

way ahead of you

that way I’ll know

someone will be there

to pay the burial fees



even today

I think of my two dead sons

only when my heart

has turned to earth again

will they be buried



death poems …

we die a little death

each borrowed day

yet live again because

we have to pay



sometimes a death

will have more meaning

after a life well lived

said the cockroach after

getting crushed by a shoe




DOWN BUT NOT OUT (A 24-hour poetry marathon prompt – Haiku)







They followed everywhere
At all times of the day
They kept her awake at night

Forced her to do it
To keep a distance
To lock that door
To keep lights off
To keep staring at the wall

She didn’t want to fail
Si she kept trying
Without telling anyone
She kept struggling

In the end
She was about to climb
Just a step away from freedom
Something untied itself
Someone echoed loudly

He blindfold was put off
Suddenly her soul held her hand
She was awaken
She was fearless
She was now able to fight them
the voices stopped, they were defeated
No she knew what real freedom felt like…